

Then came the appeal for money, money for the fare east.It was to be sent to an address in San Francisco, in care of a person named Michael Kelly.

I am staying with this Kelly man [concluded Jedediah].He keeps a kind of hotel like and I am doing chores for him.If you send the money right off I will get it I guess before he fires me.Send it QUICK for the Lord sakes.

Captain Obed finished the letter.

"Whew!" he whistled."He's in hard luck, ain't he?"Thankful wrung her hands."Yes," she answered, "and I must help him somehow.But how I'm goin' to do it just now I don't see.But I must, of course.He's my brother and I MUST.""Sartin you must.We--er--that is, that can be fixed all right.

Humph! He sent this to you at South Middleboro, didn't he, and 'twas forwarded.Let's see when he wrote it....Eh? Why, 'twas written two months ago! Where in the world has it been all this time?""I don't know.I can't think.And he says he is in San Francisco, and the postmark on that envelope is Omaha, Nebraska.""Land of love, so 'tis.And the postmark date is only four days back.Why did he hang on to the thing for two months afore he mailed it? And how did it get to Omaha?""I don't know.All I can think of is that he gave the letter to somebody else to mail and that somebody forgot it.That's all Ican think of.I can't really think of anything after a shock like this.Oh, dear! Oh, dear! The poor, helpless, incompetent thing!

He's probably starved to death by this time and it's all my fault.

I NEVER should have let him go.What SHALL I do? Wasn't there enough without this?"For the first time Thankful's troubles overcame her courage and self-restraint.She put her handkerchief to her eyes.

The captain was greatly upset.He jammed his hands into his pockets, took them out again, reached for his own handkerchief, blew his nose violently, and began pacing up and down the room.

Suddenly he seemed to have made up his mind.

"Mrs.Barnes," he said, "I--I--"

Thankful's face was still buried in her handkerchief.

"I--I--" continued Captain Obed."Now, now, don't do that.Don't DO it!"Mrs.Barnes wiped her eyes.

"I won't," she said, stoutly."I won't.I know I'm silly and childish.""You ain't neither.You're the pluckiest and best woman ever was.

You're the finest--er--er-- Oh, consarn it, Thankful, don't cry any more.Can't you," desperately, "can't you see I can't stand it to have you?""All right, Cap'n Bangs, I won't.Don't you bother about me or my worries.I guess likely you've got enough of your own; most people have.""I ain't.I ain't got enough.Do me good if I had more.Thankful, see here; what's the use of your fightin' all these things alone?

I've watched you ever since you made port here in South Wellmouth and it's been nothin' but fight and worry all the time.What's the use of it? You're too good a woman to waste your life this way.

Give it up."

"Give it up?"

"Yes, give it up.Give up this wearin' yourself out keepin'

boarders and runnin' this big house.Why don't you stop takin'

care of other folks and take care of yourself for a spell?""But I can't.I can't take care of myself.All I have is invested in this place and if I give it up I lose everything.""Yes, yes, I know what you mean.But what I mean is--is--""What do you mean?"

"I mean--I mean why don't you let somebody take care of you?

That's what I mean."

Thankful turned to stare at him.

"Somebody--else--take care of me?" she repeated.

"Yes--yes.Don't look at me like that.If you do I can't say it.

I'm--I'm havin' a--a hard enough time sayin' it as 'tis.Thankful Barnes, why--don't LOOK at me, I tell you!"But she still looked at him, and, if a look ever conveyed a meaning, hers did just then.

"I ain't crazy," declared Captain Obed."I can see you think I am, but I ain't.Thankful, I-- Oh, thunderation! What is the matter with me? Thankful, let ME take care of you, will you?"Thankful rose to her feet."Obed Bangs!" she exclaimed.

"I mean it.I've been meanin' it more and more ever since I first met you, but I ain't had the spunk to say it.Now I'm goin' to say it if I keel over on the last word.Thankful, why don't you marry me?"Thankful was speechless.The captain plunged desperately on.

"Will you, Thankful?" he begged."I know I'm an old codger, but Iain't in my second childhood, not yet.I--I'd try mighty hard to make you happy.I haven't got anybody of my own in the world.

Neither have you--except this brother of yours, and, judgin' from his letter and what you say, HE won't take any care; he'll BE a care, that's all.I ain't rich, but I've got money enough to help you--and him--and me afloat and comf'table.Thankful, will you?"Thankful was still looking at him.He would have spoken again, but she raised her hand and motioned him to silence.

"Obed," she asked, after a moment, "what made you say this to me?""What made me say it? What kept me still so long, you ought to ask.Haven't I come to think more and more of you ever since Iknew you? Haven't I been more and more sorry for you? And pitied you? I--"She raised her hand again."I see," she said, slowly."I see.

Thank you, Obed.You're so kind and self-sacrificin' you'd do anything or say anything to help a--friend, wouldn't you? But of course you can't do this.""Can't? Why can't I? Self-sacrifice be hanged! Thankful, can't you see--""Yes.Oh yes.I can see....Now let's talk about Jedediah.

Do you think--"

"Jedediah be keelhauled! Will you marry me, Thankful Barnes?""Why no, Obed; of course I won't."

"You won't? Why not?"

"Because--well, because I--I can't.There, there, Obed! Please don't ask me again.Please don't!"Captain Obed did not ask.He did not speak again for what, to Mrs.

Barnes, seemed a long, long time.At length she could bear it no longer.

"PLEASE, Obed," she begged.

The captain slowly shook his head.Then he laughed a short, mirthless laugh.

"What an old fool I am!" he muttered."What an old fool!""Obed, don't talk so! Don't! Do you want to make this--everything--harder for me?"

He straightened and squared his shoulders.

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