

"Perhaps it is a haunted house," she said, jokingly."Every village has a haunted house, you know.Perhaps that's why the stage-driver warned us not to go into it."To her surprise Mrs.Barnes seemed to take offense at this attempt at humor.

"Don't talk silly," she snapped."If I've lived all these years and been as down on spooks and long-haired mediums as I've been, and then to--there--there! Don't let's be idiots altogether.Talk about somethin' else.Talk about that depot-wagon driver and his pesky go-cart that got us into this mess.There's plenty of things I'd like to say about THEM."They talked, in low tones.Conversation there in the dark and under such circumstances, was rather difficult.Emily, although she was determined not to admit it, was growing alarmed for the return of Winnie S.and his promised rescue expedition.Aunt Thankful was thinking of the little back bedroom upstairs.An utter lack of superstition was something upon which she had prided herself.But now, as she thought of that room, of the portrait on the wall, and what she had heard--"Listen!" whispered Emily, suddenly."Listen! I--I thought Iheard something."

Mrs.Barnes leaned forward.

"What? Where? Upstairs?" she asked, breathlessly.

"No.Out--out there somewhere." She pointed in the direction of the front hall."It sounded as if someone had tried the front door.Hark! There it is again."Aunt Thankful rose to her feet."I heard it, too," she said.

"It's probably that driver man come back.I'll go and see.""No--no, Auntie, you mustn't.I--I shan't let you.""I shall! I shall, I tell you! If I've got any common-sense at all, I ain't goin' to be scared of-- Of course it's that driver man.He's wonderin' where we are and he's lookin' for us.I'll go let him in."She broke away from Miss Howes' grasp and started for the front hall.The action was a braver one than her cousin realized.If there was one thing on earth that Thankful Barnes did not wish to do at that moment, it was to go nearer the stairs landing to the rooms above.

But she went, and Emily went with her.Cautiously they peered through the little windows at the sides of the front door.There was no one in sight, and, listening, they heard nothing.

"I--I guess we was mistaken, Emily," whispered Thankful."Let's go back to the fire.""But Auntie, I DID hear something.Didn't you?""Well, I thought I did, but I guess-- Oh, DON'T stay here another minute! I--I shall be hearin' 'most anything if we do."They returned to the room they had left.But they had scarcely entered it when they stopped short and, clinging to each other, listened.

It was the latch of the kitchen door they heard click now.And the door was opening.In the kitchen they heard the sounds of cautious footsteps, footsteps which entered the dining-room, which came on toward the sitting-room.And a voice, a man's voice, whispered:

"I told you so! I--I told you so! I said I see a light.And--and that door was undone and--and-- By time! Obed Bangs, you can go on if you want to, but I tell you you're riskin' your life.I--Iain't goin' to stay no longer.I'm goin' to fetch the constable--or--or the minister or somebody.I--"

Another voice interrupted.

"Shut up! Belay!" it ordered."If there's anybody or anything in this house we'll have a look at it, that's all.You can go to the minister afterwards, if you want to.Just now you'll come along with me if I have to haul you by the neck.Let's see what's in here."There was a flash of light in the crack of the door leading from the dining-room.That door was thrown open and the light became a blaze from a big lantern held aloft.

"Hey! What!" exclaimed the second voice."Who--women, by the everlastin'!"Mrs.Barnes and Emily clinging to each other, blinked in the lantern light.

"Women! Two women!" said the voice again.

Thankful answered.The voice was real and it came from a human throat.Anything human--and visible--she did not fear.

"Yes," she said, crisply, "we're women.What of it? Who are you?"The man with the lantern entered the room.He was big and broad-shouldered and bearded.His companion was short and stout and smooth-faced; also he appeared very much frightened.Both men wore oilskin coats and sou'westers.

"Who are you?" repeated Aunt Thankful.

The big man answered.His sunburned, good-humored face was wrinkled and puckered with amazement.

"Well," he stammered, "I--we--Humph! well, we're neighbors and--but--but, I don't know as I know you, ma'am, do I?""I don't know why you should.I don't know you, fur's that goes.

What are you doin' here? Did that depot-wagon man send you?""Depot-wagon man? No, ma'am; nobody sent us.Kenelm--er--Mr.

Parker here, saw a light a spell ago and, bein' as this house is supposed to be empty, he--""Wait a minute!" Miss Howes interrupted."Whose house is this?""Why--why, it ain't anybody's house, ma'am.That is, nobody lives here.""But somebody used to live here, it's likely.What was his name?""His name? Well, old Laban Eldredge used to live here.The house belongs to Captain Abner Cahoon's heirs, I believe, and--"Again Thankful interrupted.

"I knew it!" she cried, excitedly."I wondered if it mightn't be so and when I see that picture of Uncle Abner I was sure.All right, Mr.Whoever-you-are, then I'm here because I own the house.

My name's Barnes, Thankful Barnes of South Middleboro, and I'm Abner Cahoon's heir.Emily, this--this rattle-trap you and I broke into is the 'property' we've talked so much about."

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    Anne's House of Dreams

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  • 青灯寺(大结局)


    阿全的声音凉得像是一块冰,轻轻地从我的耳后滑过,激得我不禁打了个寒颤,我看向阿全,他的视线直直地射向那抹幽青的光源。“走 吧。 ”我对阿月说道,拉着他一同走向阿全口中的那间尼姑庵。阿月一改先前的赞同态度,这会儿也看出了不妙,他反手拉住我的袖子,定住脚步问我:“怎么会是那种光?老大,我觉得这里不太单纯。”
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