According to these remarks it is now easy to find the answer to the weighty question whether the notion of God is one belonging to physics (and therefore also to metaphysics, which contains the pure a priori principles of the former in their universal import) or to morals.If we have recourse to God as the Author of all things, in order to explain the arrangements of nature or its changes, this is at least not a physical explanation, and is a complete confession that our philosophy has come to an end, since we are obliged to assume something of which in itself we have otherwise no conception, in order to be able to frame a conception of the possibility of what we see before our eyes.Metaphysics, however, cannot enable us to attain by certain inference from the knowledge of this world to the conception of God and to the proof of His existence, for this reason, that in order to say that this world could be produced only by a God (according to the conception implied by this word) we should know this world as the most perfect whole possible; and for this purpose should also know all possible worlds (in order to be able to compare them with this); in other words, we should be omniscient.It is absolutely impossible, however, to know the existence of this Being from mere concepts, because every existential proposition, that is, every proposition that affirms the existence of a being of which Iframe a concept, is a synthetic proposition, that is, one by which Igo beyond that conception and affirm of it more than was thought in the conception itself; namely, that this concept in the understanding has an object corresponding to it outside the understanding, and this it is obviously impossible to elicit by any reasoning.There remains, therefore, only one single process possible for reason to attain this knowledge, namely, to start from the supreme principle of its pure practical use (which in every case is directed simply to the existence of something as a consequence of reason) and thus determine its object.Then its inevitable problem, namely, the necessary direction of the will to the summum bonum, discovers to us not only the necessity of assuming such a First Being in reference to the possibility of this good in the world, but, what is most remarkable, something which reason in its progress on the path of physical nature altogether failed to find, namely, an accurately defined conception of this First Being.As we can know only a small part of this world, and can still less compare it with all possible worlds, we may indeed from its order, design, and greatness, infer a wise, good, powerful, etc., Author of it, but not that He is all-wise, all-good, all-powerful, etc.It may indeed very well be granted that we should be justified in supplying this inevitable defect by a legitimate and reasonable hypothesis; namely, that when wisdom, goodness, etc, are displayed in all the parts that offer themselves to our nearer knowledge, it is just the same in all the rest, and that it would therefore be reasonable to ascribe all possible perfections to the Author of the world, but these are not strict logical inferences in which we can pride ourselves on our insight, but only permitted conclusions in which we may be indulged and which require further recommendation before we can make use of them.On the path of empirical inquiry then (physics), the conception of God remains always a conception of the perfection of the First Being not accurately enough determined to be held adequate to the conception of Deity.(With metaphysic in its transcendental part nothing whatever can be accomplished.)When I now try to test this conception by reference to the object of practical reason, I find that the moral principle admits as possible only the conception of an Author of the world possessed of the highest perfection.He must be omniscient, in order to know my conduct up to the inmost root of my mental state in all possible cases and into all future time; omnipotent, in order to allot to it its fitting consequences; similarly He must be omnipresent, eternal, etc.Thus the moral law, by means of the conception of the summum bonum as the object of a pure practical reason, determines the concept of the First Being as the Supreme Being; a thing which the physical (and in its higher development the metaphysical), in other words, the whole speculative course of reason, was unable to effect.The conception of God, then, is one that belongs originally not to physics, i.e., to speculative reason, but to morals.The same may be said of the other conceptions of reason of which we have treated above as postulates of it in its practical use.
负清风,十六岁。扶风弱柳,肤如凝脂,号称雪国第一美男子。威武大将军之子,胸无点墨,手无缚鸡之力,样样不行。负清风,二十岁。二十一世纪最年轻考古学家,博览群书,尤其对于古代兵书有特殊的癖好。她还有一个不为人知的秘密,她有两个爸爸,同人之女。穿越成为第一草包的将门独子,将会发生怎样的碰撞?…一朝科举,绝艳重生,成为雪国史上最年前的帝师。冷峻的太子、绝魅的二皇子、温柔的三皇子、妖媚的四皇子、清纯的五皇子、不离不弃的忠心暗卫,行坐不离的青梅竹马,鹤发童颜的师长哥哥,妖美如蝶的敌军知己,清俊隽秀的他国军师…………凤临异世,四国纷争,尔虞我诈,风起云涌!且看她如何铁军过境,平定天下!一日——五位皇子即将为出征的她践行,扑通一声将她丢进了温泉池…“老师,你的衣服湿了?还不脱么?”“老师,你的皮肤比女人还好,比倾颜还好呢!”“老师,你怎么脸红了?”“呀!老师哥哥你的身子怎么和我们不一样啊…”【注:此文不白,不仅是爱情,还有亲情,友情,女主逐渐成长系。】……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………推荐小炎的新文《染指皇叔》如水的月色下,男子精致如邪的脸泛着微微的粉色,分外妖魅,只见他不停的灌着酒,脚边散落一地的空酒坛。凤云栖推开门的瞬间,酒气扑面而来,柳登时眉凝了起来,“四皇子叫本王来就为了看你喝酒么?”一条白绫在月下飞驰而来,下一刻凤云栖已经被按在了柔软的貂皮毯上,一张薄薄的唇贴在她小巧的耳边,声润如酒,“是,因为酒能乱性…”凤云栖眸中的震惊一瞬即逝,唇角扬起如常的轻笑,“四皇子真爱说笑,本王可是男子。”“男子?”男子嗤笑一声,眸色如潭,狂霸到了极致,“不管小皇叔是男是女,我已成魔。”……………………………………………………………………………………………………小炎最新文文《-壹夜风流-》简介:号外号外,百花宫宫主被人迷X了!此八卦流言一出,横扫江湖…传闻百花宫宫主风流成性,宫内除了他自己之外皆为女子。传闻百花宫宫主美艳如妖,所到之处经常引起交通堵塞,场面混乱,一度失控。传闻百花宫宫主不仅留恋女色,甚至是男色,又人称或有断袖之癖。传闻百花宫神秘莫测,无人知晓其处。只是,是谁色胆包天的迷X了江湖第一艳公子?是谁?究竟是谁?Dog Beach Unleashed (The Seagate Summers #2)
Remy can't wait for another summer on Seagate Island. It's time to bring back her successful dog-sitting business on Dog Beach and see her favorite friends. But instead of sunny days and fun in the sand, the summer is off to a rainy start. Remy and the dogs have cabin fever, and, to make matters worse, her friendship with her longtime pal, Bennett, is starting to feel complicated. What can one twelve-year-old do to create summer magic when the summer doesn't seem to be showing up?重生后男神总想招惹我