

There was a further implication that Miss Bordereau had had in her youth a perverse and adventurous, albeit a generous and fascinating character, and that she had passed through some singular vicissitudes.

By what passions had she been ravaged, by what sufferings had she been blanched, what store of memories had she laid away for the monotonous future?

I asked myself these things as I sat spinning theories about her in my arbor and the bees droned in the flowers.

It was incontestable that, whether for right or for wrong, most readers of certain of Aspern's poems (poems not as ambiguous as the sonnets--scarcely more divine, I think--of Shakespeare) had taken for granted that Juliana had not always adhered to the steep footway of renunciation.

There hovered about her name a perfume of reckless passion, an intimation that she had not been exactly as the respectable young person in general.Was this a sign that her singer had betrayed her, had given her away, as we say nowadays, to posterity?

Certain it is that it would have been difficult to put one's finger on the passage in which her fair fame suffered an imputation.

Moreover was not any fame fair enough that was so sure of duration and was associated with works immortal through their beauty?

It was a part of my idea that the young lady had had a foreign lover (and an unedifying tragical rupture)before her meeting with Jeffrey Aspern.She had lived with her father and sister in a queer old-fashioned, expatriated, artistic Bohemia, in the days when the aesthetic was only the academic and the painters who knew the best models for a contadina and pifferaro wore peaked hats and long hair.

It was a society less furnished than the coteries of today (in its ignorance of the wonderful chances, the opportunities of the early bird, with which its path was strewn), with tatters of old stuff and fragments of old crockery;so that Miss Bordereau appeared not to have picked up or have inherited many objects of importance.There was no enviable bric-a-brac, with its provoking legend of cheapness, in the room in which I had seen her.Such a fact as that suggested bareness, but nonetheless it worked happily into the sentimental interest I had always taken in the early movements of my countrymen as visitors to Europe.When Americans went abroad in 1820 there was something romantic, almost heroic in it, as compared with the perpetual ferryings of the present hour, when photography and other conveniences have annihilated surprise.

Miss Bordereau sailed with her family on a tossing brig, in the days of long voyages and sharp differences; she had her emotions on the top of yellow diligences, passed the night at inns where she dreamed of travelers' tales, and was struck, on reaching the Eternal City, with the elegance of Roman pearls and scarfs.There was something touching to me in all that, and my imagination frequently went back to the period.

If Miss Bordereau carried it there of course Jeffrey Aspern at other times had done so a great deal more.It was a much more important fact, if one were looking at his genius critically, that he had lived in the days before the general transfusion.

It had happened to me to regret that he had known Europe at all;I should have liked to see what he would have written without that experience, by which he had incontestably been enriched.

But as his fate had ordered otherwise I went with him--I tried to judge how the Old World would have struck him.

It was not only there, however, that I watched him; the relations he had entertained with the new had even a livelier interest.

His own country after all had had most of his life, and his muse, as they said at that time, was essentially American.

That was originally what I had loved him for: that at a period when our native land was nude and crude and provincial, when the famous "atmosphere" it is supposed to lack was not even missed, when literature was lonely there and art and form almost impossible, he had found means to live and write like one of the first; to be free and general and not at all afraid;to feel, understand, and express everything.

  • 世界经典童话故事全集:动物植物的故事


    本套丛书包括《国王皇后的故事》、《王子少年的故事》、《公主千金的故事》、《官员商人的故事》、《庶民百姓的故事》、《能工巧匠的故事》、《女人儿童的故事》、《魔鬼妖怪的故事》、《动物植物的故事》和《生灵怪象的故事》等10册童话故事,其中包括安徒生、格林、豪夫和王尔德的作品,也包括了世界各国许多民间童话故事, 很具有代表性和普遍性。相信这套《世界经典童话故事全集》丛书,能够启迪儿童的心灵、陶冶儿童的情操、培养儿童的情趣、丰富儿童的知识、发展儿童的智力,成为广大父母和少年儿童们的良好读物和收藏品。
  • 海贼之召唤萌妹


  • 影后养成记


  • 巫师必须死


  • 江山策:凰权天下


  • 我的青春都是关于你啊


  • 绝色女神的贴身高手


  • 青灯寺(大结局)


    阿全的声音凉得像是一块冰,轻轻地从我的耳后滑过,激得我不禁打了个寒颤,我看向阿全,他的视线直直地射向那抹幽青的光源。“走 吧。 ”我对阿月说道,拉着他一同走向阿全口中的那间尼姑庵。阿月一改先前的赞同态度,这会儿也看出了不妙,他反手拉住我的袖子,定住脚步问我:“怎么会是那种光?老大,我觉得这里不太单纯。”
  • 凤在苍穹


  • 绝色特工女神:狂傲枭妃

