

"Come, Sahib," he said, as his thick lips curled sneeringly, "suppose you try your spells upon me? You will never have a better chance than now to show your power," and again he made a slight movement toward me with the gleaming knife.The moon, low down upon the horizon, sent a broad beam of light into the entrance of the cave and over the head and shoulders of the Indian.Its cold light shimmered along the blade which was now held threateningly toward me.The crisis had been reached.

In times of such great urgency one has frequently an inspiration - instantaneous, disconnected, unbidden - which no amount of quiet, peaceful thought would suggest.Such extraordinary flashes are the result of reasoning too rapid for consciousness to note.The Indian had already laid bare his right arm to the elbow before I had determined upon the desperate course I would pursue, and upon which I must hazard all.As he advanced upon me I seized the large, white sola hat from my head, and hurled it full in his face.It was a schoolboy trick, yet upon its success depended my life.

Instinctively, and in spite of himself, Ragobah dodged, closed his eyes, and raised his right hand, knife and all, to shield his face.

I sprang upon him at the same instant I threw my hat, and so was able to reach him before he opened his eyes.I had well calculated his movements, and had made no mistake.As I reached him his head was bent downward and forward to let the hat pass over him.His position could not have been better for my purpose.I "swung on him," as we used to say at the gymnasium, catching him under his protruded jaw, not far from the region of the carotid artery.The blow was well placed, and desperation lent me phenomenal strength.

It raised him bodily off his feet, and hurled him backward out of the cave, where he lay motionless.He was now in my power.Iseized his knife and bent over him.Words cannot express the hatred, the loathing I felt for him then and always.Between me and the light of my happiness he had ever stood, an impenetrable black mass.

Twice had he sought my life, yet now, when he was in my power, Icould not plunge his weapon into his heart.Would it not be just, I thought, to drag him into the cave, and hurl him down the abyss he had intended for me? Yes; he certainly merited it; yet I could not do that either.I wished the snake a thousand times dead, yet I could not stamp it into the earth.

He was beginning to slightly move now, and something must be done.

It was useless to run, for the way was long, and he could easily overtake me.You may wonder why I did not take to the thicket, but if you had ever had any experience with Indian jungles you would know that, without the use of fire and axe, they are practically impenetrable.Professor Haeckel, botanising near that same spot, spent an hour in an endeavour to force his way into one of these jungles, but only succeeded in advancing a few steps into the thicket, when, stung by mosquitoes, bitten by ants, his clothing torn from his bleeding arms and legs, wounded by the thousands of sharp thorns of the calamus, hibiscus, euphorbias, lantanas, and myriad other jungle plants, he was obliged, utterly discomfited, to desist.If this were the result of his efforts, made in broad daylight, and with deliberation, what might I expect rushing into the thicket at night, as a refuge from a pursuer far my superior in physical strength and fleetness of foot, and who, moreover, had known the jungle from his boyhood? Once overtaken by my enemy, the long knife in my hands would be of no avail against a stick in his.I saw all this clearly, and realised that he must be prevented from following me.

There was no time to be lost, for he was rapidly recovering possession of his powers.I seized a large rock and hurled it with all the force I could command upon his left foot and ankle.

Notwithstanding his immense strength his hands and feet were scarcely larger than a woman's, and the small bones cracked like pipe-stems.

Though I had not the will to kill him, my own safety demanded that I should maim him as the only other means of making good my escape.

As the rock crushed his foot the pain seemed to bring him immediately into full possession of his faculties, and he roared like an enraged bull.I turned and looked back as I beat a hasty retreat down the hill.He had seized one of the air-roots of the banyan tree, and raised himself upon his right leg.The expression of his face as the moonlight fell upon it was something never to be forgotten.It riveted me to the spot with the fascination of horror.He shook his fist at me fiercely, as he shrieked from the back of his throat:

"You infidel cur! You may as well try to brush away the Himalyas with a silk handkerchief as to escape the wrath of Rama Ragobah.

Go! Bury yourself in seclusion at the farthermost corner of the earth, and on one night Ragobah and the darkness shall be with you!"These were the last words this fiend incarnate ever spoke to me, but I know they are prophetic, and that he will keep his oath.

The next day I learned that Lona was dead.She had died with my name upon her lips, and her secret - the explanation of her strange conduct on that night - died with her.I shall never know it.

Bitterly did I repent my inability to reach her.The thought that she had waited in vain for me, that with her last breath she had called upon me, and I had answered not, was unendurable torture, and I fled India and came to America in the futile endeavour to forget it all.Out of my black past there shone but one bright star - her love! All these long years have I oriented my soul by that sweet, unforgettable radiance, prizing it above a galaxy of lesser joys.

  • 神农传承者之位面诊所


  • 迷失在雅鲁藏布的21天


  • 超级粉丝


  • 仙朝


  • 粤囧


  • 妃倾天下:太子第一千次追妻


  • 佛眼观处世


  • 因为有爱


  • 风云剑侠谱


  • 神骗妙警

