

With our combined male and female forces and the aid of a sapling lever we rolled the thundering big logs together in the face of Hell's own fires;and when there were no logs to roll it was tramp, tramp the day through, gathering armfuls of sticks, while the clothes clung to our backs with a muddy perspiration. Sometimes Dan and Dave would sit in the shade beside the billy of water and gaze at the small patch that had taken so long to do; then they would turn hopelessly to what was before them and ask Dad (who would never take a spell) what was the use of thinking of ever getting such a place cleared? And when Dave wanted to know why Dad did n't take up a place on the plain, where there were no trees to grub and plenty of water, Dad would cough as if something was sticking in his throat, and then curse terribly about the squatters and political jobbery.

He would soon cool down, though, and get hopeful again.

"Look at the Dwyers," he'd say; "from ten acres of wheat they got seventy pounds last year, besides feed for the fowls; they've got corn in now, and there's only the two."It was n't only burning off! Whenever there came a short drought the waterhole was sure to run dry; then it was take turns to carry water from the springs--about two miles. We had no draught horse, and if we had there was neither water-cask, trolly, nor dray; so we humped it--and talk about a drag! By the time you returned, if you had n't drained the bucket, in spite of the big drink you'd take before leaving the springs, more than half would certainly be spilt through the vessel bumping against your leg every time you stumbled in the long grass. Somehow, none of us liked carrying water. We would sooner keep the fires going all day without dinner than do a trip to the springs.

One hot, thirsty day it was Joe's turn with the bucket, and he managed to get back without spilling very much. We were all pleased because there was enough left after the tea had been made to give each a drink. Dinner was nearly over; Dan had finished, and was taking it easy on the sofa, when Joe said:

"I say, Dad, what's a nater-dog like?" Dad told him: "Yellow, sharp ears and bushy tail.""Those muster bin some then thet I seen--I do n't know 'bout the bushy tail--all th' hair had comed off." "Where'd y' see them, Joe?" we asked.

"Down 'n th' springs floating about--dead."Then everyone seemed to think hard and look at the tea. I did n't want any more. Dan jumped off the sofa and went outside; and Dad looked after Mother.

At last the four acres--excepting the biggest of the iron-bark trees and about fifty stumps--were pretty well cleared; and then came a problem that could n't be worked-out on a draught-board. I have already said that we had n't any draught horses; indeed, the only thing on the selection like a horse was an old "tuppy" mare that Dad used to straddle. The date of her foaling went further back than Dad's, I believe; and she was shaped something like an alderman. We found her one day in about eighteen inches of mud, with both eyes picked out by the crows, and her hide bearing evidence that a feathery tribe had made a roost of her carcase. Plainly, there was no chance of breaking up the ground with her help. We had no plough, either; how then was the corn to be put in? That was the question.

Dan and Dave sat outside in the corner of the chimney, both scratching the ground with a chip and not saying anything. Dad and Mother sat inside talking it over. Sometimes Dad would get up and walk round the room shaking his head; then he would kick old Crib for lying under the table.

At last Mother struck something which brightened him up, and he called Dave.

"Catch Topsy and--" He paused because he remembered the old mare was dead.

"Run over and ask Mister Dwyer to lend me three hoes."Dave went; Dwyer lent the hoes; and the problem was solved. That was how we started.

  • 上清十一大曜灯仪


  • Hippolytus


  • 脉诀


  • 萨昙分陀利经


  • 四部丛刊书目


  • 蒸汽江湖


  • 庐隐作品集(2)(中国现代文学名家作品集)


  • 萌萌宠妃帝尊我来了


  • 每天一堂业绩课


  • 蠢萌忠犬已邮递


  • 居官日省录


  • 反世界之紫花香


  • 观猎三首


  • 回味无穷的感动


  • 现代人智慧全书:智慧用人术

