

Lord Kitchener, one night in early February, was sitting on the apex of a vast triangle in the northern end of the Orange River Colony.

Two sides of the triangle were made up of long lines of blockhouses, strung on a chain of barbed-wire fencing.The blockhouses were of loop-holed stone or iron with iron roofs, and they were separated from each other by only a few hundred yards.The barbed-wire chain which strung together these zigzag lines was five strands wide, and it was edged with a five-foot trench and now and then with an additional length of stone wall.Beyond the fences were the railroad lines, and up and down over the tracks armored trains carrying search-lights were running to and fro, to shed all possible light upon the fences and upon the enclosure beyond.The third side of the triangle consisted of an infinite number of men in khaki, and its density varied entirely according to its position.At first, it opened out to a thin line of troopers scattered over the arc of an immense circle; then it drew in until an army stood in fighting array straight across the veldt from Heilbron to Kroonstad.And Wolvehoek was the apex of the triangle.

Experience had taught the master brain of the British army that it was useless longer to chase De Wet up and down over the face of the earth.The Boer general was familiar with every crack and cranny of that earth.He knew where to hide, where to dodge, where to scurry away as fast as his convoy train could bear him company.Behind him, plucky, but totally in ignorance of the natural advantages of the country, toiled and perspired and skirmished the British army.

Horses were exhausted, men were killed and supply wagons were captured, all to little or no purpose.If the quarry could not be taken by direct pursuit, it was needful to have recourse to the methods of the ranch.Pursuit failing, it was time for a round-up.

To this end, the Orange River Colony had been marked off into sections by the rows of blockhouses strung upon barbed wire.Drive after drive had been made into these enclosures; and every drive had brought its bag of game.But still the general himself had eluded them.Early in February, however, a giant drive had been planned, directed away from the enclosure in order that, once De Wet took refuge in his usual trick of doubling back upon his pursuers, he should find himself caught in the open trap.And, secure in the ultimate success of his plan, Lord Kitchener waited at Wolvehoek in expectation of its end.

The drive had been made, De Wet had doubled, and now the base of the triangle was flowing in upon him, fully confident of success at last.And the base was in part made up of the South African Light Horse, and Carew and Weldon were of that Horse, and they rejoiced accordingly.

Nightfall of the sixth found the quarry well inside the triangle, and the South African Light Horse drawn up in a straight line running westward from Lindley.The officers slept in their boots, that night, and every trooper held himself tense in his blankets, ready to cease snoring at an instant's notice.And far away to the northward, the moving search-lights carved the frosty darkness with their blinding cones of light.

Weldon was ordered out on picket duty, that night.All day long, he had ridden hard, until even the zeal of Piggie had begun to flag.

Nevertheless, as the broad stripe of yellow reluctantly died out of the western sky, his excited brain denied to his tired muscles the sleep which they demanded.Accordingly, it was a relief when his orders came, and he found himself advancing cautiously out into the shadowy veldt.

Contrary to his usual mood when on picket, Weldon had no sense of loneliness, that night.Reaching away from him on either hand was the huge enclosing wall of humanity, pacing to and fro on picket duty, guarding the blockhouses, patrolling the wire fences between.

Every man was alert to his duty; every nerve was taut with the consciousness that somewhere within the cordon was the leader who heretofore had escaped them, that each man was a link forged in the endless chain which was stretched around the invisible enemy.And, meanwhile, the starless sky and the waiting chain were equally silent and equally freighted with mystery.And the future seemed full of portent and very near.

Then, as the midnight hour swung past him, Weldon heard the rustle of a quiet footfall.It was Captain Frazer's voice that answered his challenge.

"I was looking for you, Weldon," he added.

"For anything especial?"

"No.I felt restless and couldn't sleep, so I thought I would go the round of the pickets.They said you were out here.Where is Carew?""In my sleeping-bag.I don't encourage him for a neighbor just now.

He draws too much fire."

The Captain laughed softly.

"He is an unlucky beggar.Eight, nine, how many times is it that he has been hit? He ought to engage a private nurse.""He has." And Weldon explained the little scene at the door of the hospital tent.

"Happy fellow! He deserves her, though.But it is an ideal combination, that of nurse and soldier," the Captain answered lightly.Then he asked, "What sort of a day have you had?""Rousing.Now the question is: what sort of a night are we going to have?""The night of our lives, I suspect," the Captain replied, still in the low tone in which all their talk had been made."The orders are to close in at daylight, and work the game up towards Wolvehoek;but, if I know anything at all of De Wet, he won't wait till daylight.""You think he will fight?"

"If he does, it will be a fight to the finish," the Captain said gravely.

Weldon's grip tightened on his rifle.

"When will it come?"

"Heaven only knows.Probably just before light.He will take this end of things, on account of avoiding the railroads and--"Weldon's hand shut on his arm.

"Hush! What's that?"

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