

The question as to the nature of the whole, whether it is infinite in size or limited in its total mass, is a matter for subsequent inquiry.We will now speak of those parts of the whole which are specifically distinct.Let us take this as our starting-point.All natural bodies and magnitudes we hold to be, as such, capable of locomotion; for nature, we say, is their principle of movement.But all movement that is in place, all locomotion, as we term it, is either straight or circular or a combination of these two, which are the only simple movements.And the reason of this is that these two, the straight and the circular line, are the only simple magnitudes.

Now revolution about the centre is circular motion, while the upward and downward movements are in a straight line, 'upward' meaning motion away from the centre, and 'downward' motion towards it.All simple motion, then, must be motion either away from or towards or about the centre.This seems to be in exact accord with what we said above: as body found its completion in three dimensions, so its movement completes itself in three forms.

Bodies are either simple or compounded of such; and by simple bodies I mean those which possess a principle of movement in their own nature, such as fire and earth with their kinds, and whatever is akin to them.Necessarily, then, movements also will be either simple or in some sort compound-simple in the case of the simple bodies, compound in that of the composite-and in the latter case the motion will be that of the simple body which prevails in the composition.Supposing, then, that there is such a thing as simple movement, and that circular movement is an instance of it, and that both movement of a simple body is simple and simple movement is of a simple body (for if it is movement of a compound it will be in virtue of a prevailing simple element), then there must necessarily be some simple body which revolves naturally and in virtue of its own nature with a circular movement.By constraint, of course, it may be brought to move with the motion of something else different from itself, but it cannot so move naturally, since there is one sort of movement natural to each of the simple bodies.Again, if the unnatural movement is the contrary of the natural and a thing can have no more than one contrary, it will follow that circular movement, being a simple motion, must be unnatural, if it is not natural, to the body moved.If then (1) the body, whose movement is circular, is fire or some other element, its natural motion must be the contrary of the circular motion.But a single thing has a single contrary; and upward and downward motion are the contraries of one another.If, on the other hand, (2) the body moving with this circular motion which is unnatural to it is something different from the elements, there will be some other motion which is natural to it.But this cannot be.For if the natural motion is upward, it will be fire or air, and if downward, water or earth.Further, this circular motion is necessarily primary.For the perfect is naturally prior to the imperfect, and the circle is a perfect thing.This cannot be said of any straight line:-not of an infinite line; for, if it were perfect, it would have a limit and an end: nor of any finite line; for in every case there is something beyond it, since any finite line can be extended.

And so, since the prior movement belongs to the body which naturally prior, and circular movement is prior to straight, and movement in a straight line belongs to simple bodies-fire moving straight upward and earthy bodies straight downward towards the centre-since this is so, it follows that circular movement also must be the movement of some simple body.For the movement of composite bodies is, as we said, determined by that simple body which preponderates in the composition.

These premises clearly give the conclusion that there is in nature some bodily substance other than the formations we know, prior to them all and more divine than they.But it may also be proved as follows.

We may take it that all movement is either natural or unnatural, and that the movement which is unnatural to one body is natural to another-as, for instance, is the case with the upward and downward movements, which are natural and unnatural to fire and earth respectively.It necessarily follows that circular movement, being unnatural to these bodies, is the natural movement of some other.

Further, if, on the one hand, circular movement is natural to something, it must surely be some simple and primary body which is ordained to move with a natural circular motion, as fire is ordained to fly up and earth down.If, on the other hand, the movement of the rotating bodies about the centre is unnatural, it would be remarkable and indeed quite inconceivable that this movement alone should be continuous and eternal, being nevertheless contrary to nature.At any rate the evidence of all other cases goes to show that it is the unnatural which quickest passes away.And so, if, as some say, the body so moved is fire, this movement is just as unnatural to it as downward movement; for any one can see that fire moves in a straight line away from the centre.On all these grounds, therefore, we may infer with confidence that there is something beyond the bodies that are about us on this earth, different and separate from them; and that the superior glory of its nature is proportionate to its distance from this world of ours.

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