

Harriet did not want to go."Let's finish the peas.There won't be any letters.""No, dear; please go.I'll sow the peas, but you shall cover them up--and mind the birds don't see 'em!"Mrs.Herriton was very careful to let those peas trickle evenly from her hand, and at the end of the row she was conscious that she had never sown better.They were expensive too.

"Actually old Mrs.Theobald!" said Harriet, returning.

"Read me the letter.My hands are dirty.

How intolerable the crested paper is."

Harriet opened the envelope.

"I don't understand," she said; "it doesn't make sense.""Her letters never did."

"But it must be sillier than usual," said Harriet, and her voice began to quaver."Look here, read it, Mother; I can't make head or tail."Mrs.Herriton took the letter indulgently.

"What is the difficulty?" she said after a long pause."What is it that puzzles you in this letter?""The meaning--" faltered Harriet.The sparrows hopped nearer and began to eye the peas.

"The meaning is quite clear--Lilia is engaged to be married.Don't cry, dear; please me by not crying--don't talk at all.It's more than I could bear.She is going to marry some one she has met in a hotel.Take the letter and read for yourself."Suddenly she broke down over what might seem a small point."How dare she not tell me direct! How dare she write first to Yorkshire!

Pray, am I to hear through Mrs.Theobald--a patronizing, insolent letter like this? Have I no claim at all? Bear witness, dear"--she choked with passion--"bear witness that for this I'll never forgive her!""Oh, what is to be done?" moaned Harriet.

"What is to be done?"

"This first!" She tore the letter into little pieces and scattered it over the mould."Next, a telegram for Lilia!

No! a telegram for Miss Caroline Abbott.She, too, has something to explain.""Oh, what is to be done?" repeated Harriet, as she followed her mother to the house.She was helpless before such effrontery.

What awful thing--what awful person had come to Lilia? "Some one in the hotel." The letter only said that.What kind of person?

A gentleman? An Englishman? The letter did not say.

"Wire reason of stay at Monteriano.Strange rumours," read Mrs.Herriton, and addressed the telegram to Abbott, Stella d'Italia, Monteriano, Italy."If there is an office there," she added, "we might get an answer this evening.Since Philip is back at seven, and the eight-fifteen catches the midnight boat at Dover--Harriet, when you go with this, get £100 in £5 notes at the bank."Go, dear, at once; do not talk.I see Irma coming back; go quickly....Well, Irma dear, and whose team are you in this afternoon--Miss Edith's or Miss May's?"But as soon as she had behaved as usual to her grand-daughter, she went to the library and took out the large atlas, for she wanted to know about Monteriano.The name was in the smallest print, in the midst of a woolly-brown tangle of hills which were called the "Sub-Apennines."It was not so very far from Siena, which she had learnt at school.

Past it there wandered a thin black line, notched at intervals like a saw, and she knew that this was a railway.But the map left a good deal to imagination, and she had not got any.She looked up the place in "Childe Harold," but Byron had not been there.Nor did Mark Twain visit it in the "Tramp Abroad." The resources of literature were exhausted: she must wait till Philip came home.And the thought of Philip made her try Philip's room, and there she found "Central Italy,"by Baedeker, and opened it for the first time in her life and read in it as follows:--Monteriano (pop.4800).Hotels: Stella d'Italia, moderate only; Globo, dirty.* CaffèGaribaldi.Post and Telegraph office in Corso Vittorio Emmanuele, next to theatre.

Photographs at Seghena's (cheaper in Florence).Diligence (1 lira)meets principal trains.

Chief attractions (2-3 hours): Santa Deodata, Palazzo Pubblico, Sant' Agostino, Santa Caterina, Sant' Ambrogio, Palazzo Capocchi.

Guide (2 lire) unnecessary.A walk round the Walls should on no account be omitted.The view from the Rocca (small gratuity) is finest at sunset.

History: Monteriano, the Mons Rianus of Antiquity, whose Ghibelline tendencies are noted by Dante (Purg.xx.), definitely emancipated itself from Poggibonsi in '261.Hence the distich, "Poggibonizzi, faui in là, che Monteriano si fa città!" till recently enscribed over the Siena gate.It remained independent till 1530, when it was sacked by the Papal troops and became part of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.It is now of small importance, and seat of the district prison.The inhabitants are still noted for their agreeable manners.- - - - - The traveller will proceed direct from the Siena gate to the Collegiate Church of Santa Deodata, and inspect (5th chapel on right)the charming * Frescoes....

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