The self-sacrificing servant of God who labors untiringly in word and doctrine, carries on his heart a heavy burden.He does not measure his work by hours.His wages do not influence him in his labor, nor is he turned from his duty because of unfavorable conditions.From heaven he received his commission, and to heaven he looks for his recompense when the work entrusted to him is done.
It is God's design that such workers shall be freed from unnecessary anxiety, that they may have full opportunity to obey the injunction of Paul to Timothy, "Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them." 1Timothy 4:15.While they should be careful to exercise sufficiently to keep mind and body vigorous, yet it is not God's plan that they should be compelled to spend a large part of their time at secular employment.
These faithful workers, though willing to spend and be spent for the gospel, are not exempt from temptation.When hampered and burdened with anxiety because of a failure on the part of the church to give them proper financial support, some are fiercely beset by the tempter.When they see their labors so lightly prized, they become depressed.True, they look forward to the time of the judgment for their just award, and this buoys them up; but meanwhile their families must have food and clothing.If they could feel that they were released from their divine commission they would willingly labor with their hands.But they realize that their time belongs to God, notwithstanding the shortsightedness of those who should provide them with sufficient funds.They rise above the temptation to enter into pursuits by which they could soon place themselves beyond the reach of want, and they continue to labor for the advancement of the cause that is dearer to them than life itself.In order to do this, they may, however, be forced to follow the example of Paul and engage for a time in manual labor while continuing to carry forward their ministerial work.This they do to advance not their own interests, but the interests of God's cause in the earth.
There are times when it seems to the servant of God impossible to do the work necessary to be done, because of the lack of means to carry on a strong, solid work.Some are fearful that with the facilities at their command they cannot do all that they feel it their duty to do.But if they advance in faith, the salvation of God will be revealed, and prosperity will attend their efforts.He who has bidden His followers go into all parts of the world will sustain every laborer who in obedience to His command seeks to proclaim His message.
In the upbuilding of His work the Lord does not always make everything plain before His servants.He sometimes tries the confidence of His people by bringing about circumstances which compel them to move forward in faith.
Often He brings them into strait and trying places, and bids them advance when their feet seem to be touching the waters of Jordan.It is at such times, when the prayers of His servants ascend to Him in earnest faith, that God opens the way before them and brings them out into a large place.
When God's messengers recognize their responsibilities toward the needy portions of the Lord's vineyard, and in the spirit of the Master Worker labor untiringly for the conversion of souls, the angels of God will prepare the way before them, and the means necessary for the carrying forward of the work will be provided.Those who are enlightened will give freely to support the work done in their behalf.They will respond liberally to every call for help, and the Spirit of God will move upon their hearts to sustain the Lord's cause not only in the home fields, but in the regions beyond.Thus strength will come to the working forces in other places, and the work of the Lord will advance in His own appointed way.