

In Rome.

With the opening of navigation, the centurion and his prisoners set out on their journey to Rome.An Alexandrian ship, the "Castor and Pollux," had wintered at Melita on her way westward, and in this the travelers embarked.

Though somewhat delayed by contrary winds, the voyage was safely accomplished, and the ship cast anchor in the beautiful harbor of Puteoli, on the coast of Italy.

In this place there were a few Christians, and they entreated the apostle to remain with them for seven days, a privilege kindly granted by the centurion.Since receiving Paul's epistle to the Romans, the Christians of Italy had eagerly looked forward to a visit from the apostle.They had not thought to see him come as a prisoner, but his sufferings only endeared him to them the more.The distance from Puteoli to Rome being but a hundred and forty miles, and the seaport being in constant communication with the metropolis, the Roman Christians were informed of Paul's approach, and some of them started to meet and welcome him.

On the eighth day after landing, the centurion and his prisoners set out for Rome.Julius willingly granted the apostle every favor which it was in his power to bestow; but he could not change his condition as a prisoner, or release him from the chain that bound him to his soldier guard.It was with a heavy heart that Paul went forward to his long-expected visit to the world's metropolis.How different the circumstances from those he had anticipated! How was he, fettered and stigmatized, to proclaim the gospel?

His hopes of winning many souls to the truth in Rome, seemed destined to disappointment.

At last the travelers reach Appii Forum, forty miles from Rome.As they make their way through the crowds that throng the great thoroughfare, the gray-haired old man, chained with a group of hardened-looking criminals, receives many a glance of scorn and is made the subject of many a rude, mocking jest.

Suddenly a cry of joy is heard, and a man springs from the passing throng and falls upon the prisoner's neck, embracing him with tears and rejoicing, as a son would welcome a long-absent father.Again and again is the scene repeated as, with eyes made keen by loving expectation, many discern in the chained captive the one who at Corinth, at Philippi, at Ephesus, had spoken to them the words of life.

As the warmhearted disciples eagerly flock around their father in the gospel, the whole company is brought to a standstill.The soldiers are impatient of delay, yet they have not the heart to interrupt this happy meeting; for they, too, have learned to respect and esteem their prisoner.In that worn, pain-stricken face, the disciples see reflected the image of Christ.They assure Paul that they have not forgotten him nor ceased to love him; that they are indebted to him for the joyful hope which animates their lives and gives them peace toward God.In the ardor of their love they would bear him upon their shoulders the whole way to the city, could they but have the privilege.

Few realize the significance of those words of Luke, that when Paul saw his brethren, "he thanked God, and took courage." In the midst of the weeping, sympathizing company of believers, who were not ashamed of his bonds, the apostle praised God aloud.The cloud of sadness that had rested upon his spirit was swept away.His Christian life had been a succession of trials, sufferings, and disappointments, but in that hour he felt abundantly repaid.

With firmer step and joyful heart he continued on his way.He would not complain of the past, nor fear for the future.Bonds and afflictions awaited him, he knew; but he knew also that it had been his to deliver souls from a bondage infinitely more terrible, and he rejoiced in his sufferings for Christ's sake.

At Rome the centurion Julius delivered up his prisoners to the captain of the emperor's guard.The good account which he gave of Paul, together with the letter from Festus, caused the apostle to be favorably regarded by the chief captain, and, instead of being thrown into prison, he was permitted to live in his own hired house.Although still constantly chained to a soldier, he was at liberty to receive his friends and to labor for the advancement of the cause of Christ.

Many of the Jews who had been banished from Rome some years previously, had been allowed to return, so that large numbers were now to be found there.To these, first of all, Paul determined to present the facts concerning himself and his work, before his enemies should have opportunity to embitter them against him.Three days after his arrival in Rome, therefore, he called together their leading men and in a simple, direct manner stated why he had come to Rome as a prisoner.

"Men and brethren," he said, "though I have committed nothing against the people, or customs of our fathers, yet was I delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.Who, when they had examined me, would have let me go, because there was no cause of death in me.But when the Jews spake against it, I was constrained to appeal unto Caesar; not that I had aught to accuse my nation of.For this cause therefore have I called for you, to see you, and to speak with you: because that for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain."He said nothing of the abuse which he had suffered at the hands of the Jews, or of their repeated plots to assassinate him.His words were marked with caution and kindness.He was not seeking to win personal attention or sympathy, but to defend the truth and to maintain the honor of the gospel.

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