

Your cousin the Countess called on mother while you were away," Janey Archer announced to her brother on the evening of his return.

The young man, who was dining alone with his mother and sister, glanced up in surprise and saw Mrs.

Archer's gaze demurely bent on her plate.Mrs.Archer did not regard her seclusion from the world as a reason for being forgotten by it; and Newland guessed that she was slightly annoyed that he should be surprised by Madame Olenska's visit.

"She had on a black velvet polonaise with jet buttons, and a tiny green monkey muff; I never saw her so stylishly dressed," Janey continued."She came alone, early on Sunday afternoon; luckily the fire was lit in the drawing-room.She had one of those new card-cases.She said she wanted to know us because you'd been so good to her."Newland laughed."Madame Olenska always takes that tone about her friends.She's very happy at being among her own people again.""Yes, so she told us," said Mrs.Archer."I must say she seems thankful to be here.""I hope you liked her, mother."

Mrs.Archer drew her lips together."She certainly lays herself out to please, even when she is calling on an old lady.""Mother doesn't think her simple," Janey interjected, her eyes screwed upon her brother's face.

"It's just my old-fashioned feeling; dear May is my ideal," said Mrs.Archer.

"Ah," said her son, "they're not alike."

Archer had left St.Augustine charged with many messages for old Mrs.Mingott; and a day or two after his return to town he called on her.

The old lady received him with unusual warmth; she was grateful to him for persuading the Countess Olenska to give up the idea of a divorce; and when he told her that he had deserted the office without leave, and rushed down to St.Augustine simply because he wanted to see May, she gave an adipose chuckle and patted his knee with her puff-ball hand.

"Ah, ah--so you kicked over the traces, did you?

And I suppose Augusta and Welland pulled long faces, and behaved as if the end of the world had come? But little May--she knew better, I'll be bound?""I hoped she did; but after all she wouldn't agree to what I'd gone down to ask for.""Wouldn't she indeed? And what was that?""I wanted to get her to promise that we should be married in April.What's the use of our wasting another year?"Mrs.Manson Mingott screwed up her little mouth into a grimace of mimic prudery and twinkled at him through malicious lids."`Ask Mamma,' I suppose--the usual story.Ah, these Mingotts--all alike! Born in a rut, and you can't root 'em out of it.When I built this house you'd have thought I was moving to California!

Nobody ever HAD built above Fortieth Street--no, says I, nor above the Battery either, before Christopher Columbus discovered America.No, no; not one of them wants to be different; they're as scared of it as the small-pox.Ah, my dear Mr.Archer, I thank my stars I'm nothing but a vulgar Spicer; but there's not one of my own children that takes after me but my little Ellen." She broke off, still twinkling at him, and asked, with the casual irrelevance of old age: "Now, why in the world didn't you marry my little Ellen?"Archer laughed."For one thing, she wasn't there to be married.""No--to be sure; more's the pity.And now it's too late; her life is finished." She spoke with the cold-blooded complacency of the aged throwing earth into the grave of young hopes.The young man's heart grew chill, and he said hurriedly: "Can't I persuade you to use your influence with the Wellands, Mrs.Mingott? Iwasn't made for long engagements."

Old Catherine beamed on him approvingly."No; Ican see that.You've got a quick eye.When you were a little boy I've no doubt you liked to be helped first."She threw back her head with a laugh that made her chins ripple like little waves."Ah, here's my Ellen now!" she exclaimed, as the portieres parted behind her.

Madame Olenska came forward with a smile.Her face looked vivid and happy, and she held out her hand gaily to Archer while she stooped to her grandmother's kiss.

"I was just saying to him, my dear: `Now, why didn't you marry my little Ellen?'"Madame Olenska looked at Archer, still smiling."And what did he answer?""Oh, my darling, I leave you to find that out! He's been down to Florida to see his sweetheart.""Yes, I know." She still looked at him."I went to see your mother, to ask where you'd gone.I sent a note that you never answered, and I was afraid you were ill."He muttered something about leaving unexpectedly, in a great hurry, and having intended to write to her from St.Augustine.

"And of course once you were there you never thought of me again!" She continued to beam on him with a gaiety that might have been a studied assumption of indifference.

"If she still needs me, she's determined not to let me see it," he thought, stung by her manner.He wanted to thank her for having been to see his mother, but under the ancestress's malicious eye he felt himself tongue-tied and constrained.

"Look at him--in such hot haste to get married that he took French leave and rushed down to implore the silly girl on his knees! That's something like a lover--that's the way handsome Bob Spicer carried off my poor mother; and then got tired of her before I was weaned--though they only had to wait eight months for me! But there--you're not a Spicer, young man;luckily for you and for May.It's only my poor Ellen that has kept any of their wicked blood; the rest of them are all model Mingotts," cried the old lady scornfully.

Archer was aware that Madame Olenska, who had seated herself at her grandmother's side, was still thoughtfully scrutinising him.The gaiety had faded from her eyes, and she said with great gentleness: "Surely, Granny, we can persuade them between us to do as he wishes."Archer rose to go, and as his hand met Madame Olenska's he felt that she was waiting for him to make some allusion to her unanswered letter.

"When can I see you?" he asked, as she walked with him to the door of the room.

  • 岛上的奋斗故事


  • 两人变成两只


  • 特种兵王1:利剑出鞘


  • 无限清档


  • 开胃下饭菜


  • 辽东志


  • 宝星陀罗尼经


  • 柳树湾的天空(中国好小说)


  • 异大陆的杂货店


  • 绝世斗神

