

"What orders to you give me, Mistress? for if you are to remain away--"But Salammbo was sobbing; the slave exclaimed:

"You are suffering! what is the matter? Do not go away! take me! When you were quite little and used to cry, I took you to my heart and made you laugh with the points of my breasts; you have drained them, Mistress!" She struck herself upon her dried-up bosom."Now I am old!

I can do nothing for you! you no longer love me! you hide your griefs from me, you despise the nurse!" And tears of tenderness and vexation flowed down her cheeks in the gashes of her tattooing.

"No!" said Salammbo, "no, I love you! be comforted!"With a smile like the grimace of an old ape, Taanach resumed her task.

In accordance with Schahabarim's recommendations, Salammbo had ordered the slave to make her magnificent; and she was obeying her mistress with barbaric taste full at once of refinement and ingenuity.

Over a first delicate and vinous-coloured tunic she passed a second embroidered with birds' feathers.Golden scales clung to her hips, and from this broad girdle descended her blue flowing silver-starred trousers.Next Taanach put upon her a long robe made of the cloth of the country of Seres, white and streaked with green lines.On the edge of her shoulder she fastened a square of purple weighted at the hem with grains of sandastrum; and above all these garments she placed a black mantle with a flowing train; then she gazed at her, and proud of her work could not help saying:

"You will not be more beautiful on the day of your bridal!""My bridal!" repeated Salammbo; she was musing with her elbow resting upon the ivory chair.

But Taanach set up before her a copper mirror, which was so broad and high that she could see herself completely in it.Then she rose, and with a light touch of her finger raised a lock of her hair which was falling too low.

Her hair was covered with gold dust, was crisped in front, and hung down behind over her back in long twists ending in pearls.The brightness of the candelabra heightened the paint on her cheeks, the gold on her garments, and the whiteness of her skin; around her waist, and on her arms, hands and toes, she had such a wealth of gems that the mirror sent back rays upon her like a sun;--and Salammbo, standing by the side of Taanach, who leaned over to see her, smiled amid this dazzling display.

Then she walked to and fro embarrassed by the time that was still left.

Suddenly the crow of a cock resounded.She quickly pinned a long yellow veil upon her hair, passed a scarf around her neck, thrust her feet into blue leather boots, and said to Taanach:

"Go and see whether there is not a man with two horses beneath the myrtles."Taanach had scarcely re-entered when she was descending the galley staircase.

"Mistress!" cried the nurse.

Salammbo turned round with one finger on her mouth as a sign for discretion and immobility.

Taanach stole softly along the prows to the foot of the terrace, and from a distance she could distinguish by the light of the moon a gigantic shadow walking obliquely in the cypress avenue to the left of Salammbo, a sign which presaged death.

Taanach went up again into the chamber.She threw herself upon the ground tearing her face with her nails; she plucked out her hair, and uttered piercing shrieks with all her might.

It occurred to her that they might be heard; then she became silent, sobbing quite softly with her head in the hands and her face on the pavement.

  • 华严原人论解


  • She


  • 元辰章醮立成历


  • 予学


  • 至言总卷


  • 天命轻狂:傲世妖妃


  • 甘露军茶利菩萨供养念诵成就仪轨


  • 别在该奋斗的时候选择安逸


  • 霜厓词录


  • 最初的体验:帕斯捷尔纳克中短篇小说集(百读文库)


  • A Short History of Myth

    A Short History of Myth

    Human beings have always been mythmakers. So begins best-selling writer Karen Armstrong's concise yet compelling investigation into myth: what it is, how it has evolved, and why we still so desperately need it. She takes us from the Paleolithic period and the myths of the hunters right up to the Great Western Transformation of the last five hundred years and the discrediting of myth by science. The history of myth is the history of humanity, our stories and beliefs, our curiosity and attempts to understand the world, which link us to our ancestors and each other. Heralding a major series of retellings of international myths by authors from around the world, Armstrong's characteristically insightful and eloquent book serves as a brilliant and thought-provoking introduction to myth in the broadest senseand explains why if we dismiss it, we do so at our peril.
  • 藏金潭夺宝


    一位年轻女士带着小孩和老人不远万里步行异国寻找自己的亲人,一个不惧生死、智勇双全的大英雄,面对死亡不禁留下了眼泪,也可以让一个没有丝毫信仰的、自私自利的人最后能够发自内心地去忏悔。为了得到藏金,各色人等纷纷齐聚令人望而生畏的死亡之潭。印第安人大首领温内图轻轻触动了秘密机关,湖底开始显出本来的面貌,无数的黄金,让贪欲之人更加贪婪,一场生死抉择之后,每一个人都得到了应该得到的东西…………异域的风情、独特的文化、险象环生的故事,揉神话、探险、悬疑和哲理于一体,这些构成了卡尔 麦小说的永恒魅力。
  • 废土之春


  • 大荒土


  • 一两江湖之两生花


    他一步一步,一步一步走近,死死地盯住花千夜,“他们说的,是不是真的?”“既然你已经看到,我也不瞒你了——”“我不信!”凤延棠厉声道,“你、你为什么要骗我?你以为这样就能引得我杀你?!”他一手掳起她的衣袖,我们成亲这么久,你都是处子之身,你的病——”说到一个“病”字,他的声音顿住。那一个瞬间,仿佛连生命一起顿住。世间不再有任何声音,不再有任何颜色,眼前有的,只是一条白玉无瑕的胳膊!他猛地抬起头,一双眼睛几乎要滴出血来。“对不起,我对不起你……”花千夜落下泪来。第一部 染花身:他娶来的绝色美女,竟在洞房花烛之夜请他离开。这到底是怎样一个女人?一套彩鸾衣试出她的明智;府中命案,看出她的机警;阿洛一战,看她一身白衣,一身弱病替他破阵。他心中辛酸的痛楚,是爱吗?他终于……找到了解除诅咒的“至爱之人”吗?用她的心头血,洗去他一身的桃花诅咒,换父亲的垂直,换一世的皇图霸业,这一直以来渴求的“至爱之人”啊!羽箭在手,他,射得出去吗?第二部锦衣行:杭州城八卦消息综合报道:大晏首富管家颜生锦图谋花家财产,不顾辈分要娶花家二小姐!呃耶?怎么颜生锦帮二小姐定亲了?啊啊!花家二小姐誓死要嫁管家颜生锦!呃子?颜生锦自己又娶老婆了?到底在搞什么?这么好的八卦浪潮,竟然在高达千尺时被活活打压了下来。然而就在全民快要失去兴趣的时候,杭州城又一起八卦绯闻再次火热出炉——一个有了妻子,一个有了未婚夫,仍然、居然、竟然、终于还是要在一起啊!