她楠国丞相之女,楠国外姓郡主,年幼的她却是少有的天才,一道圣旨她变成了她,无心无情的她,谈笑间取人性命:“我最讨厌别人用手指着我了,你说我挖了你的双眼,还是折断你的双手好了。”面对可恨之人她从不手软,二十一世纪的王牌女杀手,且看他如何权倾天下,风云榜上,温文儒雅的他:“我会在你身后,只要你转身便能看见。”他风云榜上最神秘之人,银色面具,邪魅,狂妄:“没想到娘子如此的想为夫,刚见面就投怀送抱!不做点什么,岂不辜负了娘子的美意……”他纳兰族少主,红衣妖娆,“虽说我们相识不久,但是我对你的爱,不比他们少……”在这乱世楚歌,面对天下掌权者本文暂停更新,将在明年恢复。Water in May
Fifteen-year-old Mari Pujols believes that the baby she's carrying will finally mean she' ll have a family member who will love her deeply and won't ever leave her—not like her mama, who took off when she was eight; or her papi, who's in jail; or her abuela, who wants as little to do with her as possible. But when doctors discover a potentially fatal heart defect in the fetus, Mari faces choices she never could have imagined. Surrounded by her loyal girl crew, her off-and-on boyfriend, and a dedicated doctor, Mari navigates a decision that could emotionally cripple the bravest of women. But both Mari and the broken-hearted baby inside her are fighters; and it doesn't take long to discover that this sick baby has the strength to heal an entire family. Inspired by true events, this gorgeous debut has been called “heartfelt, heartbreaking and—yes!—even a little heart-healing, too by bestselling YA novelist Carolyn Mackler.杀手皇妃:魔术师大人