中国体育发展史上,历经百年历史的全运会带给人们的思考往往具有重要的意义。$$从晚清政府的第一届全运会,北洋军阀政府的第二、第三届全运会,到民国政府的第四至第七届全运会、新中国中央人民政府的第一至第十一届全运会,作为中国运动竞赛体系中竞技体育水平最高、规模最大、影响最广的综合性体育赛事,以竞赛为杠杆,搭建了不同利益主体通过竞争实现利益的平台,演绎了利益相关者关系演变的趋势与轨迹,展示了社会政治、经济文化对体育的影响,透视了体育竞赛所特有的窗口作用。$$百年全运会,当它进入21世纪的时候,废存争议之声鹊起,观点鲜明,唇枪舌剑。Signals for Strategists
This book is for strategists—leaders, managers, entrepreneurs—who are so caught up in the daily pressures of business that they're missing key signals of their future reality. It's like driving a car heads down, staring at the dashboard, rather than heads up, looking through the windshield. We need to do both. The book is devoted to the practice of sensing, or scanning the horizon for signs of emerging trends. The sooner we see them, the better our response.Each chapter starts with a set of signals—data we observed that, taken together, helped us to reveal a trend. The impact of new technology on strategy is a theme of the book, and each chapter looks at how organizations are using new technologies to their advantage.