冬郎元是月中身,憔悴三生碧海邻。一样名香惆怅句,不如侧帽照词人。 纳兰性德,字容若,号楞伽山人。只有短短三十一年生命,却享有鼎盛的词名。 纳兰容若的一生,仿佛一出华丽而悲情的戏剧。本书以纳兰的生平为主线,从出身、仕途、情感、友人等方面,将纳兰容若的词与情细细道来,向您呈现出一个鲜活的纳兰容若。影响力:卡耐基最实用的说服术与社交技巧
《影响力:卡耐基最实用的说服术与社交技巧》原名How to Win Friends & Influence People,从个人角度出发,共六个部分,从人际交往、语言和情感交流、为人处世等方面循序渐进,逐步教你提升个人气场,培养让人无法抗拒的个人魅力,提升自身影响力,赢得尊重,更好地吸引他人。《影响力:卡耐基最实用的说服术与社交技巧》中的理论可能听起来普通,例如自信乐观、换位思考等,但这些看似普通的理论却改变了许多人的人生,卡耐基在书中用许多活例子展现这些理论如何发挥出神奇的魔力。中国传统哲学本体论形态研究
本书为国家社科基金后期资助项目,从中国传统哲学的“两个世界”出发,提出中国传统哲学本体论的“三重形态”,并分别论述了这三重本体论的内涵、特点和意义,又考察了中国传统哲学本体论形态中的具体表达、象征言说和终极关怀,并对此作出了创新性阐释。The Changeling
Oe introduces Kogito Choko, a writer in his early sixties, as he rekindles a childhood friendship with his estranged brother-in-law, the renowned filmmaker Goro Hanawa. Goro sends Kogito a trunk of tapes he has recorded of reflections about their friendship, but as Kogito is listening one night, he hears something odd. "I'm going to head over to the Other Side now," Goro says, and then Kogito hears a loud thud. After a moment of silence, Goro's voice continues: "But don't worry, I'm not going to stop communicating with you." Moments later, Kogito's wife rushes in; Goro has jumped to his death. With that, Kogito begins a far-ranging search to understand what drove his brother-in-law to suicide. His quest takes him from the forests of southern Japan to the washed-out streets of Berlin, where Kogito confronts the ghosts from his own past and that of his lifelong, but departed, friend.玩转手机赚大钱:移动互联网营销革命