

-- Underdone's?

-- Yes. Some quiet place.

-- Come along, said Stephen quickly. It doesn't matter about the dearness.

He walked on before them with short nervous steps, smiling. They tried to keep up with him, smiling also at his eagerness.

-- Take it easy like a good young fellow, said his father. We're hot out for the half mile, are we?

For a swift season of merrymaking the money of his prizes ran through Stephen's fingers. Great parcels of groceries and delicacies and dried fruits arrived from the city. Every day he drew up a bill of fare for the family and every night led a party of three or four to the theatre to see Ingomar or The Lady of Lyons . In his coat pockets he carried squares of Vienna chocolate for his guests while his trousers' pocket bulged with masses of silver and copper coins. He bought presents for everyone, overhauled his room, wrote out resolutions, marshalled his books up and down their shelves, pored upon all kinds of price lists, drew up a form of commonwealth for the household by which every member of it held some office, opened a loan bank for his family and pressed loans on willing borrowers so that he might have the pleasure of making out receipts and reckoning the interests on the sums lent. When he could do no more he drove up and down the city in trams. Then the season of pleasure came to an end.

The pot of pink enamel paint gave out and the wainscot of his bedroom remained with its unfinished and ill-plastered coat.

His household returned to its usual way of life. His mother had no further occasion to upbraid him for squandering his money. He too returned to his old life at school and all his novel enterprises fell to pieces. The commonwealth fell, the loan bank closed its coffers and its books on a sensible loss, the rules of life which he had drawn about himself fell into desuetude.

How foolish his aim had been! He had tried to build a break-water of order and elegance against the sordid tide of life without him and to dam up, by rules of conduct and active interest and new filial relations, the powerful recurrence of the tides within him. Useless. From without as from within the waters had flowed over his barriers: their tides began once more to jostle fiercely above the crumbled mole.

He saw clearly too his own futile isolation. He had not gone one step nearer the lives he had sought to approach nor bridged the restless shame and rancour that had divided him from mother and brother and sister. He felt that he was hardly of the one blood with them but stood to them rather in the mystical kinship of fosterage, fosterchild and fosterbrother.

He turned to appease the fierce longings of his heart before which everything else was idle and alien. He cared little that he was in mortal sin, that his life had grown to be a tissue of subterfuge and falsehood. Beside the savage desire within him to realize the enormities which he brooded on nothing was sacred. He bore cynically with the shameful details of his secret riots in which he exulted to defile with patience whatever image had attracted his eyes. By day and by night he moved among distorted images of the outer world. A figure that had seemed to him by day demure and innocent came towards him by night through the winding darkness of sleep, her face transfigured by a lecherous cunning, her eyes bright with brutish joy.

Only the morning pained him with its dim memory of dark orgiastic riot, its keen and humiliating sense of transgression.

  • 明伦汇编交谊典前辈部


  • 中恶门


  • 秋日留别义初上人


  • 黄龙慧南禅师语录




  • 中国帝王后妃陵墓之谜


  • 不问过往,不惧前行


  • 大内女神偷:妃不好惹


  • 谁偷走了你的自信与信任


  • 雄关要塞:函谷关(文化之美)


    函谷关作为我国一个著名的关隘,它坚固险要而又位置重要,这使它成为兵家必争之地;老子在函谷关写《道德经》,这使函谷关成为了道家之源。其是我国最古老、最重要的关塞之一,在这里,曾经发生过许多故事。因此,函谷关成为了我国的一个著名旅游景区, 更成为河南灵宝市的一块金字招牌。
  • 摇曳的梦


  • 武侠见闻录


    “降龙十八掌?听起来好威风啊,但是好像不适合我。” 书友群:515331397,欢迎各位加入。“井中八法?杀气太重了吧,再说了动不动就抽刀砍人可能不太符合我的气质。”“折花百式倒是挺潇洒,不过成天拿个扇子会不会有点装13的嫌疑?”“七伤拳,算了吧,别玩着玩着别人还没打到我我先吐血了。”“你问我想练什么?我也不知道诶,对了,你听说过一招从天而降的掌法吗?”
  • 营养煲汤精华


  • 衣的现象学


  • 倾城待你

