

Thompson nodded "All ready,"and then we threw ourselves forward with all our might;but Thompson slipped,and slumped down with his nose on the cheese,and his breath got loose.He gagged and gasped,and floundered up and made a break for the door,pawing the air and saying hoarsely,"Don't hender me!--gimme the road!I'm a-dying;gimme the road!"Out on the cold platform I sat down and held his head a while,and he revived.Presently he said,"Do you reckon we started the Gen'rul any?"I said no;we hadn't budged him.

"Well,then,that idea's up the flume.We got to think up something else.He's suited wher'he is,I reckon;and if that's the way he feels about it,and has made up his mind that he don't wish to be disturbed,you bet he's a-going to have his own way in the business.Yes,better leave him right wher'he is,long as he wants it so;becuz he holds all the trumps,don't you know,and so it stands to reason that the man that lays out to alter his plans for him is going to get left."But we couldn't stay out there in that mad storm;we should have frozen to death.So we went in again and shut the door,and began to suffer once more and take turns at the break in the window.By and by,as we were starting away from a station where we had stopped a moment Thompson.

Pranced in cheerily,and exclaimed,"We're all right,now!I reckon we've got the Commodore this time.Ijudge I've got the stuff here that'll take the tuck out of him."It was carbolic acid.He had a carboy of it.He sprinkled it all around everywhere;in fact he drenched everything with it,rifle-box,cheese and all.Then we sat down,feeling pretty hopeful.But it wasn't for long.

You see the two perfumes began to mix,and then--well,pretty soon we made a break for the door;and out there Thompson swabbed his face with his bandanna and said in a kind of disheartened way,"It ain't no use.We can't buck agin him.He just utilizes everything we put up to modify him with,and gives it his own flavor and plays it back on us.Why,Cap.,don't you know,it's as much as a hundred times worse in there now than it was when he first got a-going.I never did see one of 'em warm up to his work so,and take such a dumnation interest in it.No,Sir,I never did,as long as I've ben on the road;and I've carried a many a one of 'em,as I was telling you."We went in again after we were frozen pretty stiff;but my,we couldn't stay in,now.So we just waltzed back and forth,freezing,and thawing,and stifling,by turns.In about an hour we stopped at another station;and as we left it Thompson came in with a bag,and said,--"Cap.,I'm a-going ,to chance him once more,--just this once;and if we don't fetch him this time,the thing for us to do,is to just throw up the sponge and withdraw from the canvass.That's the way I put it up."He had brought a lot of chicken feathers,and dried apples,and leaf tobacco,and rags,and old shoes,and sulphur,and asafoetida,and one thing or another;and he,piled them on a breadth of sheet iron in the middle of the floor,and set fire to them.

When they got well started,I couldn't see,myself,how even the corpse could stand it.All that went before was just simply poetry to that smell,--but mind you,the original smell stood up out of it just as sublime as ever,--fact is,these other smells just seemed to give it a better hold;and my,how rich it was!I didn't make these reflections there--there wasn't time--made them on the platform.And breaking for the platform,Thompson got suffocated and fell;and before I got him dragged out,which I did by the collar,I was mighty near gone myself.

When we revived,Thompson said dejectedly,--

"We got to stay out here,Cap.We got to do it.They ain't no other way.The Governor wants to travel alone,and he's fixed so he can outvote us."And presently he added,"And don't you know,we're pisoned.It's our last trip,you can make up your mind to it.Typhoid fever is what's going to come of this.I feel it acoming right now.Yes,sir,we're elected,just as sure as you're born."We were taken from the platform an hour later,frozen and insensible,at the next station,and I went straight off into a virulent fever,and never knew anything again for three weeks.I found out,then,that I had spent that awful night with a harmless box of rifles and a lot of innocent cheese;but the news was too late to save me;imagination had done its work,and my health was permanently shattered;neither Bermuda nor any other land can ever bring it back tome.This is my last trip;Iam on my way home to die.

  • Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit etc

    Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit etc

  • 王氏兰谱


  • 曲礼下


  • 过眼录


  • 明伦汇编皇极典文质部


  • 神级妖孽弃少


  • 重生之冷妃天下


  • 你在高原5:忆阿雅


  • 姜爷今天又帅炸了


    [1V1,身心干净]某一天放学,身穿蓝白相间校服的少女捧着牛奶咬着吸管。走廊上,操场上,一个个同样穿着校服的同学们脸色严肃认真的道:“宋嫂子好!”姜茶呆愣:“我没有谈恋爱。”在她旁边站着的少年阴邪一笑,慢悠悠的伸出手搭在她肩膀上:“每天喝我送的奶,每天帮你写作业,每天带你去吃好吃的,手机指纹是你的,家里的大门指纹是你的,银行卡密码是你设的,全校都喊你嫂子,你心里没点数?”姜茶瞄一眼手里的牛奶:“我有未婚夫。”#某一天。少年邪笑的拉住某人:“亲爱的未婚妻,喝杯凉茶可好?”病重的少女苦着脸:“我要退……”话未落嘴里被灌满了苦味,苦中带甜。 PS:本书不签约.作者已废(<( ̄3 ̄)>哼!)
  • 苦追小可爱的易校草


  • 何何之舞


  • 回归乔斯


    【2011两岸文学PK大赛作品】求支持票票推荐评论。 这是一个现实的故事,校园的爱情,与社会的碰撞. 林子杰是一所二流专科的大学生,高考前天因为一个男孩子而 落榜。入学以后,她开始变得不像她。 一次偶然,她竟然学会了打架;并且有控制不了自己的感觉。 也就是在又一次的惹祸中,她认识了他——于雷雷。 并于他成为好朋友,可是,子杰心里有爱情的伤;当雷雷终于说 爱上她时,她却选择了逃避。 在下一个转角,又遇到了一个男孩;他会带她走向怎样的人生? 怀着惊恐与不安。。。 子杰走着每一步。。。 总有人会在人生的路上犯下错误,同样;也总有人,可以走出。 当他遇上她,也许,故事注定该怎样去结束。无论过程怎样,有爱的地方,还有什么不是天堂。
  • 超级愿望树


  • 在梦里爱过你


  • 牵魂

