

"Then take it back and say we require no milk."While she called to Helen,"No,it's not the siege,but possibly an attempt to provision us against one.""But I like milk,"cried Helen."Why send it away?""Do you?Oh,very well.But we've nothing to put it in,and he wants the can.""Please,I'm to call in the morning for the can,"said the boy.

"The house will be locked up then."

"In the morning would I bring eggs,too?"

"Are you the boy whom I saw playing in the stacks last week?"The child hung his head.

"Well,run away and do it again."

"Nice little boy,"whispered Helen."I say,what's your name?Mine's Helen.""Tom."

That was Helen all over.The Wilcoxes,too,would ask a child its name,but they never told their names in return.

"Tom,this one here is Margaret.And at home we've another called Tibby.""Mine are lop-eared,"replied Tom,supposing Tibby to be a rabbit.

"You're a very good and rather a clever little boy.

Mind you come again.--Isn't he charming?"

"Undoubtedly,"said Margaret."He is probably the son of Madge,and Madge is dreadful.But this place has wonderful powers.""What do you mean?"

"I don't know."

"Because I probably agree with you."

"It kills what is dreadful and makes what is beautiful live.""I do agree,"said Helen,as she sipped the milk.

"But you said that the house was dead not half an hour ago.""Meaning that I was dead.I felt it."

"Yes,the house has a surer life than we,even if it was empty,and,as it is,I can't get over that for thirty years the sun has never shone full on our furniture.After all,Wickham Place was a grave.Meg,I've a startling idea.""What is it?"

"Drink some milk to steady you."

Margaret obeyed.

"No,I won't tell you yet,"said Helen,"because you may laugh or be angry.Let's go upstairs first and give the rooms an airing."They opened window after window,till the inside,too,was rustling to the spring.Curtains blew,picture-frames tapped cheerfully.Helen uttered cries of excitement as she found this bed obviously in its right place,that in its wrong one.She was angry with Miss Avery for not having moved the wardrobes up."Then one would see really."She admired the view.She was the Helen who had written the memorable letters four years ago.As they leant out,looking westward,she said:"About my idea.Couldn't you and I camp out in this house for the night?""I don't think we could well do that,"said Margaret.

"Here are beds,tables,towels--"

"I know;but the house isn't supposed to be slept in,and Henry's suggestion was--""I require no suggestions.I shall not alter anything in my plans.But it would give me so much pleasure to have one night here with you.It will be something to look back on.

Oh,Meg lovey,do let's!"

"But,Helen,my pet,"said Margaret,"we can't without getting Henry's leave.Of course,he would give it,but you said yourself that you couldn't visit at Ducie Street now,and this is equally intimate.""Ducie Street is his house.This is ours.

Our furniture,our sort of people coming to the door.Do let us camp out,just one night,and Tom shall feed us on eggs and milk.Why not?It's a moon."Margaret hesitated."I feel Charles wouldn't like it,"she said at last."Even our furniture annoyed him,and I was going to clear it out when Aunt Juley's illness prevented me.

I sympathize with Charles.He feels it's his mother's house.

He loves it in rather an untaking way.Henry I could answer for--not Charles.""I know he won't like it,"said Helen."But I am going to pass out of their lives.What difference will it make in the long run if they say,'And she even spent the night at Howards End'?""How do you know you'll pass out of their lives?

We have thought that twice before."

"Because my plans--"

"--which you change in a moment."

"Then because my life is great and theirs are little,"said Helen,taking fire."I know of things they can't know of,and so do you.We know that there's poetry.We know that there's death.They can only take them on hearsay.We know this is our house,because it feels ours.Oh,they may take the title-deeds and the doorkeys,but for this one night we are at home.""It would be lovely to have you once more alone,"said Margaret."It may be a chance in a thousand.""Yes,and we could talk."She dropped her voice.

"It won't be a very glorious story.But under that wych-elm--honestly,I see little happiness ahead.Cannot I have this one night with you?""I needn't say how much it would mean to me.""Then let us."

"It is no good hesitating.Shall I drive down to Hilton now and get leave?""Oh,we don't want leave."

But Margaret was a loyal wife.In spite of imagination and poetry--perhaps on account of them--she could sympathize with the technical attitude that Henry would adopt.If possible,she would be technical,too.A night's lodging--and they demanded no more--need not involve the discussion of general principles.

"Charles may say no,"grumbled Helen.

"We shan't consult him."

"Go if you like;I should have stopped without leave."It was the touch of selfishness,which was not enough to mar Helen's character,and even added to its beauty.She would have stopped without leave,and escaped to Germany the next morning.

Margaret kissed her.

"Expect me back before dark.I am looking forward to it so much.It is like you to have thought of such a beautiful thing.""Not a thing,only an ending,"said Helen rather sadly;and the sense of tragedy closed in on Margaret again as soon as she left the house.

She was afraid of Miss Avery.It is disquieting to fulfil a prophecy,however superficially.She was glad to see no watching figure as she drove past the farm,but only little Tom,turning somersaults in the straw.

  • Cambridge Neighbors

    Cambridge Neighbors



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    新书《三国麴义传》发布,感谢支持!!! 不忘兄弟情,难消美人恩。热血闯江湖,莫枉两世人!现代人王宇,莫名穿越到小说中的水浒世界,成为豹子头林冲,为了不使自己心爱的女人香消玉损,为了不让梁山兄弟悲剧重演,毅然决定逆天改命。结兄弟,交豪杰,杀恶人,锄奸臣,三败高俅,五败方腊,杀田虎,斩王庆,横扫辽,金,兄弟齐心,开创一片前所未有的辉煌!天罡尽已归天界,地煞还应入地中。千古为神皆庙食,万年青史播英雄。
  • 机会来自何处


    比尔·盖茨说:“一个优秀的员工,应该是一个积极主动去做事,积极主动去提高自身技能的人。这样的员工,不必依靠管理手段去触发他的主观能动性。” 在现代职场,过去那种听命行事的工作作风已不再受到重视,懂得积极主动工作的员工将备受青睐。在工作中,只要认定那是你要做的事,哪怕看上去是“不可能完成”的任务,都要敢于接受挑战,立刻采取行动,而不必等上司做出交待,只有这样,才能在竞争中不被淘汰。 现在对于许多领域的市场来说,激烈的竞争环境、越来越多的变数、紧张的商业节奏,都要求员工不能事事等上司交待。那些只依靠把上司交待的事情做好的员工,就好像站在危险的流沙上,迟早会被淘汰。
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