"But surely the atmosphere of Covent Garden is even more oppressive.""Do you go there much?"
"When my work permits,I attend the gallery for,the Royal Opera."Helen would have exclaimed,"So do I.I love the gallery,"and thus have endeared herself to the young man.Helen could do these things.But Margaret had an almost morbid horror of "drawing people out,"of "making things go."She had been to the gallery at Covent Garden,but she did not "attend"it,preferring the more expensive seats;still less did she love it.So she made no reply.
"This year I have been three times--to Faust ,Tosca ,and--"Was it "Tannhouser"or "Tannhoyser"?Better not risk the word.
Margaret disliked Tosca and Faust .
And so,for one reason and another,they walked on in silence,chaperoned by the voice of Mrs.Munt,who was getting into difficulties with her nephew.
"I do in a way remember the passage,Tibby,but when every instrument is so beautiful,it is difficult to pick out one thing rather than another.I am sure that you and Helen take me to the very nicest concerts.Not a dull note from beginning to end.I only wish that our German friends would have stayed till it finished.""But surely you haven't forgotten the drum steadily beating on the low C,Aunt Juley?"came Tibby's voice."No one could.
It's unmistakable."
"A specially loud part?"hazarded Mrs.Munt.
"Of course I do not go in for being musical,"she added,the shot failing.
"I only care for music--a very different thing.But still I will say this for myself--I do know when I like a thing and when I don't.
Some people are the same about pictures.They can go into a picture gallery--Miss Conder can--and say straight off what they feel,all round the wall.I never could do that.But music is so different to pictures,to my mind.When it comes to music I am as safe as houses,and I assure you,Tibby,I am by no means pleased by everything.
There was a thing--something about a faun in French--which Helen went into ecstasies over,but I thought it most tinkling and superficial,and said so,and I held to my opinion too.""Do you agree?"asked Margaret."Do you think music is so different to pictures?""I--I should have thought so,kind of,"he said.
"So should I.Now,my sister declares they're just the same.We have great arguments over it.She says I'm dense;I say she's sloppy."Getting under way,she cried:"Now,doesn't it seem absurd to you?What is the good of the Arts if they are interchangeable?
What is the good of the ear if it tells you the same as the eye?
Helen's one aim is to translate tunes into the language of painting,and pictures into the language of music.It's very ingenious,and she says several pretty things in the process,but what's gained,I'd like to know?Oh,it's all rubbish,radically false.If Monet's really Debussy,and Debussy's really Monet,neither gentleman is worth his salt--that's my opinion.
Evidently these sisters quarrelled.
"Now,this very symphony that we've just been having--she won't let it alone.She labels it with meanings from start to finish;turns it into literature.I wonder if the day will ever return when music will be treated as music.Yet I don't know.There's my brother--behind us.He treats music as music,and oh,my goodness!
He makes me angrier than anyone,simply furious.With him I daren't even argue."An unhappy family,if talented.
"But,of course,the real villain is Wagner.
He has done more than any man in the nineteenth century towards the muddling of arts.I do feel that music is in a very serious state just now,though extraordinarily interesting.Every now and then in history there do come these terrible geniuses,like Wagner,who stir up all the wells of thought at once.For a moment it's splendid.Such a splash as never was.But afterwards--such a lot of mud;and the wells--as it were,they communicate with each other too easily now,and not one of them will run quite clear.That's what Wagner's done."Her speeches fluttered away from the young man like birds.If only he could talk like this,he would have caught the world.Oh to acquire culture!Oh,to pronounce foreign names correctly!Oh,to be well informed,discoursing at ease on every subject that a lady started!But it would take one years.With an hour at lunch and a few shattered hours in the evening,how was it possible to catch up with leisured women,who had been reading steadily from childhood?
His brain might be full of names,he might have even heard of Monet and Debussy;the trouble was that he could not string them together into a sentence,he could not make them "tell,"he could not quite forget about his stolen umbrella.Yes,the umbrella was the real trouble.
Behind Monet and Debussy the umbrella persisted,with the steady beat of a drum."I suppose my umbrella will be all right,"he was thinking.
"I don't really mind about it.I will think about music instead.
I suppose my umbrella will be all right."Earlier in the afternoon he had worried about seats.Ought he to have paid as much as two shillings?
Earlier still he had wondered,"Shall I try to do without a programme?"There had always been something to worry him ever since he could remember,always something that distracted him in the pursuit of beauty.For he did pursue beauty,and therefore,Margaret's speeches did flutter away from him like birds.
Margaret talked ahead,occasionally saying,"Don't you think so?don't you feel the same?"And once she stopped,and said "Oh,do interrupt me!"which terrified him.She did not attract him,though she filled him with awe.Her figure was meagre,her face seemed all teeth and eyes,her references to her sister and brother were uncharitable.For all her cleverness and culture,she was probably one of those soulless,atheistical women who have been so shown up by Miss Corelli.It was surprising (and alarming)that she should suddenly say,"I do hope that you'll come in and have some tea.""I do hope that you'll come in and have some tea.