

"Sounds a most original entertainment!"he exclaimed,and laughed in his pleasant way."I wish Evie would go to that sort of thing.But she hasn't the time.She's taken to breed Aberdeen terriers--jolly little dogs.

"I expect we'd better be doing the same,really.""We pretend we're improving ourselves,you see,"said Helen a little sharply,for the Wilcox glamour is not of the kind that returns,and she had bitter memories of the days when a speech such as he had just made would have impressed her favourably."We suppose it is a good thing to waste an evening once a fortnight over a debate,but,as my sister says,it may be better to breed dogs.""Not at all.I don't agree with your sister.

There's nothing like a debate to teach one quickness.I often wish I had gone in for them when I was a youngster.It would have helped me no end.""Quickness--?"

"Yes.Quickness in argument.Time after time I've missed scoring a point because the other man has had the gift of the gab and I haven't.Oh,I believe in these discussions."The patronizing tone thought Margaret,came well enough from a man who was old enough to be their father.She had always maintained that Mr.Wilcox had a charm.In times of sorrow or emotion his inadequacy had pained her,but it was pleasant to listen to him now,and to watch his thick brown moustache and high forehead confronting the stars.But Helen was nettled.The aim of their debates she implied was Truth.

"Oh yes,it doesn't much matter what subject you take,"said he.

Margaret laughed and said,"But this is going to be far better than the debate itself."Helen recovered herself and laughed too."No,I won't go on,"she declared."I'll just put our special case to Mr.Wilcox.""About Mr.Bast?Yes,do.He'll be more lenient to a special case.

"But,Mr.Wilcox,do first light another cigarette.

It's this.We've just come across a young fellow,who's evidently very poor,and who seems interest--""What's his profession?"


"What in?"

"Do you remember,Margaret?"

"Porphyrion Fire Insurance Company."

"Oh yes;the nice people who gave Aunt Juley a new hearth-rug.He seems interesting,in some ways very,and one wishes one could help him.He is married to a wife whom he doesn't seem to care for much.He likes books,and what one may roughly call adventure,and if he had a chance--But he is so poor.He lives a life where all the money is apt to go on nonsense and clothes.One is so afraid that circumstances will be too strong for him and that he will sink.

Well,he got mixed up in our debate.He wasn't the subject of it,but it seemed to bear on his point.Suppose a millionaire died,and desired to leave money to help such a man.How should he be helped?

Should he be given three hundred pounds a year direct,which was Margaret's plan?Most of them thought this would pauperize him.Should he and those like him be given free libraries?I said 'No!'He doesn't want more books to read,but to read books rightly.My suggestion was he should be given something every year towards a summer holiday,but then there is his wife,and they said she would have to go too.Nothing seemed quite right!Now what do you think?Imagine that you were a millionaire,and wanted to help the poor.What would you do?"Mr.Wilcox,whose fortune was not so very far below the standard indicated,laughed exuberantly."My dear Miss Schlegel,I will not rush in where your sex has been unable to tread.I will not add another plan to the numerous excellent ones that have been already suggested.My only contribution is this:let your young friend clear out of the Porphyrion Fire Insurance Company with all possible speed.""Why?"said Margaret.

He lowered his voice."This is between friends.

It'll be in the Receiver's hands before Christmas.It'll smash,"he added,thinking that she had not understood.

"Dear me,Helen,listen to that.And he'll have to get another place!""Will have?Let him leave the ship before it sinks.Let him get one now.""Rather than wait,to make sure?"


"Why's that?"

Again the Olympian laugh,and the lowered voice.

"Naturally the man who's in a situation when he applies stands a better chance,is in a stronger position,than the man who isn't.It looks as if he's worth something.I know by myself--(this is letting you into the State secrets)--it affects an employer greatly.Human nature,I'm afraid.""I hadn't thought of that,"murmured Margaret,while Helen said,"Our human nature appears to be the other way round.

We employ people because they're unemployed.The boot man,for instance.""And how does he clean the boots?"

"Not well,"confessed Margaret.

"There you are!"

"Then do you really advise us to tell this youth--""I advise nothing,"he interrupted,glancing up and down the Embankment,in case his indiscretion had been overheard.

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    简介:新婚之夜,凤烛摇曳;新房之内,却独独她这个新嫁娘,静静的坐在床沿。新婚夫君,子时进房,却只是冷冷的丢下一句,“是你自找的,就别怨我这般待你。”而后,摔门离去。自掀盖头,何妨?独守空房,何妨?有夫妻之名,而无夫妻之实,又何妨?他有他深爱呵护的表妹,而她亦有她怡然自得的生存方式;这般,两厢过着互不干涉的日子,岂不乐哉?可又为何,总是无故找她茬呢?难道,她就这般的碍他眼?难道,他就非得逼她离开蔺府不成?···································································································他,乃“玉颜”首富,京都蔺家大少爷。绝情亦痴情。心系表妹,却不得不遵从爷爷之命,迎娶杨家大小姐。好 ̄就非得嫁他,是吧?哼 ̄那就别怪他,竭尽所能,--羞辱她。只是,为何?看着她的淡然,看着她的微笑;--他的心会悸动?看着她的柔弱,看着她日渐憔悴的面容;--他的心会抽痛?看着她倔强的小脸,对所有人都可以展颜欢笑,唯独除了他;--他会不免烦躁暴怒?他这是怎么了?莫非,他的心在逐渐趋向她?不!不行!他的心,只属于温情似水的表妹。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。他,乃“玉颜王朝”之君王“玉颜新君”。风流亦痴情。放着后宫三千佳丽不疼,却独独情忠于义弟之妻。痴她的貌也好,情她的才也罢;总之,“若是你当真对她无意,我誓言必会将她带走。”他坚定的说。不是作为君王的命令,而是作为一个男人的战帖。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。他,乃草原之枭雄。憨厚亦痴情。他对“玉颜”的忠心,天可明鉴。然,却在一次护送贡品进宫时,也顺带带走了“新君”的爱妃,只为,“带我走。”那样无助的神情,那样祈求的眼神,那样的惹人怜爱;那样,让人忍不住想要呵护。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。忽忽 ̄ ̄ ̄。。总之呢,本文文有虐有喜了哈。。。所谓,小虐小喜,大虐大喜撒。简介完毕。。下面推荐逍遥八仙家族力作:东儿小老大:《狼性女皇要雄起》《《另有完结好文文,不容错过的说。傲人小三妹:《天才宝贝霸情爹(连载中)顽皮小四:《极品绝色女王》(连载中)另新文:《偷心女佣》
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