

"He is perfectly all right, I assure you, Miss Cameron.Only it was better that he should have his sleep out.He was most anxious to meet you, but as his medical adviser I urged him to remain quiet and offered to come in his place.His wife is with him.A day's rest, believe me, will make him quite fit." The doctor's manner was briskly professional and helped to quiet the girl's alarm.

"Can I see him?" she asked.

"Most certainly, in a few hours when he wakes and when you are rested.Here, Billy, take Miss Cameron's checks.Look sharp.""Say, Doc," said Billy in an undertone, "about that tea and toast--""What the deuce--?" said the doctor impatiently."Oh, yes--all right! Only look lively.""Keep her a-viewin' the scenery, Doc, a bit," continued Billy under his breath.

"Oh, get a move on, Billy! What are you monkeying about?" said the doctor quite crossly.He was anxious to escape from a position that had become intolerable to him.For months he had been looking forward to this meeting and now he had bungled it.In the first place he had begun by not knowing the girl who for three years and more had been in his dreams day and night, then he had carried himself like a schoolboy in her presence, and lastly had frightened her almost to death by his clumsy announcement of her brother's accident.The young lady at his side, with the quick intuition of her Celtic nature, felt his mood, and, not knowing the cause, became politely distant.

On their walk to the hotel Dr.Martin pointed out the wonderful pearly gray light stealing across the plain and beginning to brighten on the tops of the rampart hills that surrounded the town.

"You will see the Rockies in an hour, Miss Cameron, in the far west there," he said.But there was no enthusiasm in his voice.

"Ah, yes, how beautiful!" said the young lady.But her tone, too, was lifeless.

Desperately the doctor strove to make conversation during their short walk and with infinite relief did he welcome the appearance of Mandy at her bedroom door waiting their approach.

"Your brother's wife, Miss Cameron," said he.

For a single moment they stood searching each other's souls.Then by some secret intuition known only to the female mind they reached a conclusion, an entirely satisfactory conclusion, too, for at once they were in each other's arms.

"You are Moira?" cried Mandy.

"Yes," said the girl in an eager, tremulous voice."And my brother? Is he well?""Well? Of course he is--perfectly fine.He is sleeping now.We will not wake him.He has had none too good a night.""No, no," cried Moira, "don't wake him.Oh, I am so glad.You see, I was afraid.""Afraid? Why were you afraid?" inquired Mandy, looking indignantly at the doctor, who stood back, a picture of self condemnation.

"Yes, yes, Mrs.Cameron, blame me.I deserve it all.I bungled the whole thing this morning and frightened Miss Cameron nearly into a fit, for no other reason than that I am all ass.Now Ishall retire.Pray deal gently with me.Good-by!" he added abruptly, lifted his hat and was gone.

"What's the matter with him?" said Mandy, looking at her sister-in-law.

"I do not know, I am sure," replied Moira indifferently."Is there anything the matter?""He is not like himself a bit.But come, my dear, take off your things.As the doctor says, a sleep for a couple of hours will do you good.After that you will see Allan.You are looking very weary, dear, and no wonder, no wonder," said Mandy, "with all that journey and--and all you have gone through." She gathered the girl into her strong arms."My, I could just pick you up like a babe!"She held her close and kissed her.

The caressing touch was too much for the girl.With a rush the tears came.

"Och, oh," she cried, lapsing into her Highland speech, "it iss ashamed of myself I am, but no one has done that to me for many a day since--since--my father--""There, there, you poor darling," said Mandy, comforting her as if she were a child, "you will not want for love here in this country.

Cry away, it will do you good." There was a sound of feet on the stairs."Hush, hush, Billy is coming." She swept the girl into her bedroom as Billy appeared.

"Oh, I am just silly," said Moira impatiently, as she wiped her eyes."But you are so good, and I will never be forgetting your kindness to me this day.""Hot water," said Billy, tapping at the door.

"Hot water! What for?" cried Mandy.

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