

Through the long hours he sat and smoked while he formulated the plan of attack which he proposed to develop when his reinforcements should arrive.

"We will work up behind him from away down the valley, a couple of us will cover him from the front and the others go right in."He continued with great care to make and revise his plans, and while in the midst of his final revision a movement in the bushes behind him startled him to his feet.The bushes parted and the face of Moira appeared with that of her brother over her shoulder.

"Is he still there?" she whispered eagerly.

"Asleep, snug as a bug.Never moved," said the doctor exultantly, and proceeded to explain his plan of attack."How many have you?"he asked Cameron.

"Crisp and a constable."

"Just two?" said the doctor.

"Two," replied Cameron briefly."That's plenty.Here they are."He stepped back through the bushes and brought forward Crisp and the constable."Now, then, here's our plan," he said."You, Crisp, will go down the canyon, cross the stream and work up on the other side right to that rock.When you arrive at the rock the constable and I will go in.The doctor will cover him from this side.""Fine!" said the doctor."Fine, except that I propose to go in myself with you.He's a devil to fight.I could see that last night."Cameron hesitated.

"There's really no use, you know, Doctor.The constable and I can handle him."Moira stood looking eagerly from one to the other.

"All right," said the doctor, "'nuff said.Only I'm going in.If you want to come along, suit yourself.""Oh, do be careful," said Moira, clasping her hands."Oh, I'm afraid.""Afraid?" said the doctor, looking at her quickly."You? Not much fear in you, I guess.""Come on, then," said Cameron."Moira, you stay here and keep your eye on him.You are safe enough here."She pressed her lips tight together till they made a thin red line in her white face.

"Can you let me have a gun?" she asked.

"A gun?" exclaimed the doctor.

"Oh, she can shoot--rabbits, at least," said her brother with a smile."I shall bring you one, Moira, but remember, handle it carefully."With a gun across her knees Moira sat and watched the development of the attack.For many minutes there was no sign or sound, till she began to wonder if a change had been made in the plan.At length some distance down the canyon and on the other side Sergeant Crisp was seen working his way with painful care step by step toward the rock of rendezvous.There was no sign of her brother or Dr.Martin.It was for them she watched with an intensity of anxiety which she could not explain to herself.At length Sergeant Crisp reached the crag against whose base the penthouse leaned in which the sleeping Indian lay.Immediately she saw her brother, quickly followed by Dr.Martin, leap the little stream, run lightly up the sloping rock and join Crisp at the crag.Still there was no sign from the Indian.She saw her brother motion the Sergeant round to the farther corner of the penthouse where it ran into the spruce tree, while he himself, with a revolver in each hand, dropped on one knee and peered under the leaning poles.With a loud exclamation he sprang to his feet.

"He's gone!" he shouted."Stand where you are!" Like a hound on a scent he ran to the back of the spruce tree and on his knees examined the earth there.In a few moments his search was rewarded.He struck the trail and followed it round the rock and through the woods till he came to the hard beaten track.Then he came back, pale with rage and disappointment."He's gone!" he said.

"I swear he never came out of that hole!" said Dr.Martin."I kept my eye on it every minute of the last three hours.""There's another hole," said Crisp, "under the tree here."Cameron said not a word.His disappointment was too keen.

Together they retraced their steps across the little stream.On the farther bank they found Moira, who had raced down to meet them.

"He's gone?" she cried.

"Gone!" echoed her brother."Gone for this time--but--some day--some day," he added below his breath.

But many things were to happen before that day came.

  • 道德真经四子古道集解


  • 龙的协奏曲


  • 渡亡经


  • 漕运通志


  • 提婆罗卡


  • 阴阳道士


  • 道久齐天


  • 白昼的星光


  • 暗害


  • 美女私房菜

