


It was on a Saturday that the children made their first glorious journey on the wishing carpet.Unless you are too young to read at all, you will know that the next day must have been Sunday.

Sunday at 18, Camden Terrace, Camden Town, was always a very pretty day.Father always brought home flowers on Saturday, so that the breakfast-table was extra beautiful.In November, of course, the flowers were chrysanthemums, yellow and coppery coloured.Then there were always sausages on toast for breakfast, and these are rapture, after six days of Kentish Town Road eggs at fourteen a shilling.

On this particular Sunday there were fowls for dinner, a kind of food that is generally kept for birthdays and grand occasions, and there was an angel pudding, when rice and milk and oranges and white icing do their best to make you happy.

After dinner father was very sleepy indeed, because he had been working hard all the week; but he did not yield to the voice that said, 'Go and have an hour's rest.' He nursed the Lamb, who had a horrid cough that cook said was whooping-cough as sure as eggs, and he said--'Come along, kiddies; I've got a ripping book from the library, called The Golden Age, and I'll read it to you.'

Mother settled herself on the drawing-room sofa, and said she could listen quite nicely with her eyes shut.The Lamb snugged into the 'armchair corner' of daddy's arm, and the others got into a happy heap on the hearth-rug.At first, of course, there were too many feet and knees and shoulders and elbows, but real comfort was actually settling down on them, and the Phoenix and the carpet were put away on the back top shelf of their minds (beautiful things that could be taken out and played with later), when a surly solid knock came at the drawing-room door.It opened an angry inch, and the cook's voice said, 'Please, m', may I speak to you a moment?'

Mother looked at father with a desperate expression.Then she put her pretty sparkly Sunday shoes down from the sofa, and stood up in them and sighed.

'As good fish in the sea,' said father, cheerfully, and it was not till much later that the children understood what he meant.

Mother went out into the passage, which is called 'the hall', where the umbrella-stand is, and the picture of the 'Monarch of the Glen'

in a yellow shining frame, with brown spots on the Monarch from the damp in the house before last, and there was cook, very red and damp in the face, and with a clean apron tied on all crooked over the dirty one that she had dished up those dear delightful chickens in.She stood there and she seemed to get redder and damper, and she twisted the corner of her apron round her fingers, and she said very shortly and fiercely--'If you please ma'am, I should wish to leave at my day month.'

Mother leaned against the hatstand.The children could see her looking pale through the crack of the door, because she had been very kind to the cook, and had given her a holiday only the day before, and it seemed so very unkind of the cook to want to go like this, and on a Sunday too.

'Why, what's the matter?' mother said.

'It's them children,' the cook replied, and somehow the children all felt that they had known it from the first.They did not remember having done anything extra wrong, but it is so frightfully easy to displease a cook.'It's them children: there's that there new carpet in their room, covered thick with mud, both sides, beastly yellow mud, and sakes alive knows where they got it.And all that muck to clean up on a Sunday! It's not my place, and it's not my intentions, so I don't deceive you, ma'am, and but for them limbs, which they is if ever there was, it's not a bad place, though I says it, and I wouldn't wish to leave, but--'

'I'm very sorry,' said mother, gently.'I will speak to the children.And you had better think it over, and if you REALLY wish to go, tell me to-morrow.'

Next day mother had a quiet talk with cook, and cook said she didn't mind if she stayed on a bit, just to see.

But meantime the question of the muddy carpet had been gone into thoroughly by father and mother.Jane's candid explanation that the mud had come from the bottom of a foreign tower where there was buried treasure was received with such chilling disbelief that the others limited their defence to an expression of sorrow, and of a determination 'not to do it again'.But father said (and mother agreed with him, because mothers have to agree with fathers, and not because it was her own idea) that children who coated a carpet on both sides with thick mud, and when they were asked for an explanation could only talk silly nonsense--that meant Jane's truthful statement--were not fit to have a carpet at all, and, indeed, SHOULDN'T have one for a week!

So the carpet was brushed (with tea-leaves, too) which was the only comfort Anthea could think of) and folded up and put away in the cupboard at the top of the stairs, and daddy put the key in his trousers pocket.'Till Saturday,' said he.

'Never mind,' said Anthea, 'we've got the Phoenix.'

But, as it happened, they hadn't.The Phoenix was nowhere to be found, and everything had suddenly settled down from the rosy wild beauty of magic happenings to the common damp brownness of ordinary November life in Camden Town--and there was the nursery floor all bare boards in the middle and brown oilcloth round the outside, and the bareness and yellowness of the middle floor showed up the blackbeetles with terrible distinctness, when the poor things came out in the evening, as usual, to try to make friends with the children.But the children never would.

The Sunday ended in gloom, which even junket for supper in the blue Dresden bowl could hardly lighten at all.Next day the Lamb's cough was worse.It certainly seemed very whoopy, and the doctor came in his brougham carriage.

Every one tried to bear up under the weight of the sorrow which it was to know that the wishing carpet was locked up and the Phoenix mislaid.A good deal of time was spent in looking for the Phoenix.

  • The Sequel of Appomattox

    The Sequel of Appomattox

  • 中庸直指补注


  • 耳门


  • 林公案


  • 辟邪集


  • 冥冥之中是你


  • 墙上的斑点


  • 宿主脑阔疼


  • 奔跑者


  • 泥工王明礼


  • 重生蛇蝎嫡女


  • 蓝帽会·写给我的挽歌


  • 仙儿动天下:绝色女法师


  • 古文字学讲义


  • 凡人的征程


    凡人!平凡人!平凡人努力奋斗的漫漫征途!混迹在京城的秦楠,被妻子抛弃、儿子惨死、老母死不瞑目。秦楠手刃凶手后,返回家乡。在家乡亲人面前,丧失活下去的勇气,自杀身亡,却又被人暗中操作重生,获取一场场偌大的机缘~ 人生苦短,大多平淡,但都有过“荣耀时刻”。 不要把辉煌总是镌刻在他人的光环上,把艳羡都聚焦在他人的幸福树上。 人,生来不易,却都喜欢严苛他人,放松自己。 殊不知,无论泰斗、菜鸟,都在不断挣脱掣肘,突破那块板子! 无论任何作品,都承载着一个大梦,点燃心中的那盏希望神灯! 人生,犹如一条无法预知的抛物线,时上时下! 触底时,伺机逆流而上;风口上,积淀厚积薄发,跳到下一条曲线! 《平凡的征程》,是晨戈的东方都市玄幻小说,希望各位追随主角秦楠,踏上平凡的征程。