

The words mercy and kindness connote it less ambiguously than the word love.But Wagner sought always for some point of contact between his ideas and the physical senses, so that people might not only think or imagine them in the eighteenth century fashion, but see them on the stage, hear them from the orchestra, and feel them through the infection of passionate emotion.Dr.Johnson kicking the stone to confute Berkeley is not more bent on common-sense concreteness than Wagner: on all occasions he insists on the need for sensuous apprehension to give reality to abstract comprehension, maintaining, in fact, that reality has no other meaning.Now he could apply this process to poetic love only by following it back to its alleged origin in sexual passion, the emotional phenomena of which he has expressed in music with a frankness and forcible naturalism which would possibly have scandalized Shelley.The love duet in the first act of The Valkyries is brought to a point at which the conventions of our society demand the precipitate fall of the curtain; whilst the prelude to Tristan and Isolde is such an astonishingly intense and faithful translation into music of the emotions which accompany the union of a pair of lovers, that it is questionable whether the great popularity of this piece at our orchestral concerts really means that our audiences are entirely catholic in their respect for life in all itits beneficently creative functions, or whether they simply enjoy the music without understanding it.

But however offensive and inhuman may be the superstition which brands such exaltations of natural passion as shameful and indecorous, there is at least as much common sense in disparaging love as in setting it up as a panacea.Even the mercy and lovingkindness of Shelley do not hold good as a universal law of conduct: Shelley himself makes extremely short work of Jupiter, just as Siegfried does of Fafnir, Mime, and Wotan; and the fact that Prometheus is saved from doing the destructive part of his work by the intervention of that very nebulous personification of Eternity called Demogorgon, does not in the least save the situation, because, flatly, there is no such person as Demogorgon, and if Prometheus does not pull down Jupiter himself, no one else will.It would be exasperating, if it were not so funny, to see these poets leading their heroes through blood and destruction to the conclusion that, as Browning's David puts it (David of all people!), "All's Love; yet all's Law."Certainly it is clear enough that such love as that implied by Siegfried's first taste of fear as he cuts through the mailed coat of the sleeping figure on the mountain, and discovers that it is a woman; by her fierce revolt against being touched by him when his terror gives way to ardor; by his manly transports of victory; and by the womanly mixture of rapture and horror with which she abandons herself to the passion which has seized on them both, is an experience which it is much better, like the vast majority of us, never to have passed through, than to allow it to play more than a recreative holiday part in our lives.It did not play a very large part in Wagner's own laborious life, and does not occupy more than two scenes of The Ring.Tristan and Isolde, wholly devoted to it, is a poem of destruction and death.

The Mastersingers, a work full of health, fun and happiness, contains not a single bar of love music that can be described as passionate: the hero of it is a widower who cobbles shoes, writes verses, and contents himself with looking on at the sweetheartings of his customers.Parsifal makes an end of it altogether.The truth is that the love panacea in Night Falls On The Gods and in the last act of Siegfried is a survival of the first crude operatic conception of the story, modified by an anticipation of Wagner's later, though not latest, conception of love as the fulfiller of our Will to Live and consequently our reconciler to night and death.

  • 琥珀的眼泪(女生爱情标本之一)


  • 异界逞强师


  • 你被写在我的爱情里


  • 最后的拳皇


    唐家的宝藏这看似已经淹没在历史时间中的事情,却因为一个少年脚底残缺的唐字而被人重新想起。火焰岛上那令人窒息刺激的死侍对垒不仅可以用来赌钱寻求刺激更能用来解决陆地上军阀之间的矛盾。牟将军身后的老爷子到底是谁?火焰岛到底是一个怎么样的地方? 那研制反复失败的药剂竟然在一个少年身上阴差阳错的成功了。沈家的大小姐,从少林寺钻狗洞偷跑出来的小和尚,装疯扮傻的术士戏子…… 这所有的故事都要从那个破旧的渔港开始······
  • 又是一年落芬华


  • 战天龙帝


  • 达塔时袋


  • 黄沙百战


  • 宣和书谱


  • 答王郎中

