

The Hall of the Goblin Palace A sound of many soft feet followed, but soon ceased.Then Curdie flew at the hole like a tiger, and tore and pulled.The sides gave way, and it was soon large enough for him to crawl through.He would not betray himself by rekindling his lamp, but the torches of the retreating company, which he found departing in a straight line up a long avenue from the door of their cave, threw back light enough to afford him a glance round the deserted home of the goblins.To his surprise, he could discover nothing to distinguish it from an ordinary natural cave in the rock, upon many of which he had come with the rest of the miners in the progress of their excavations.The goblins had talked of coming back for the rest of their household gear: he saw nothing that would have made him suspect a family had taken shelter there for a single night.The floor was rough and stony; the walls full of projecting corners;the roof in one place twenty feet high, in another endangering his forehead; while on one side a stream, no thicker than a needle, it is true, but still sufficient to spread a wide dampness over the wall, flowed down the face of the rock.But the troop in front of him was toiling under heavy burdens.He could distinguish Helfer now and then, in the flickering light and shade, with his heavy chest on his bending shoulders; while the second brother was almost buried in what looked like a great feather bed.'Where do they get the feathers?' thought Curdie; but in a moment the troop disappeared at a turn of the way, and it was now both safe and necessary for Curdie to follow them, lest they should be round the next turning before he saw them again, for so he might lose them altogether.He darted after them like a greyhound.When he reached the corner and looked cautiously round, he saw them again at some distance down another long passage.None of the galleries he saw that night bore signs of the work of man - or of goblin either.Stalactites, far older than the mines, hung from their roofs; and their floors were rough with boulders and large round stones, showing that there water must have once run.He waited again at this corner till they had disappeared round the next, and so followed them a long way through one passage after another.The passages grew more and more lofty, and were more and more covered in the roof with shining stalactites.

It was a strange enough procession which he followed.But the strangest part of it was the household animals which crowded amongst the feet of the goblins.It was true they had no wild animals down there - at least they did not know of any; but they had a wonderful number of tame ones.I must, however, reserve any contributions towards the natural history of these for a later position in my story.

At length, turning a corner too abruptly, he had almost rushed into the middle of the goblin family; for there they had already set down all their burdens on the floor of a cave considerably larger than that which they had left.They were as yet too breathless to speak, else he would have had warning of their arrest.He started back, however, before anyone saw him, and retreating a good way, stood watching till the father should come out to go to the palace.

Before very long, both he and his son Helfer appeared and kept on in the same direction as before, while Curdie followed them again with renewed precaution.For a long time he heard no sound except something like the rush of a river inside the rock; but at length what seemed the far-off noise of a great shouting reached his ears, which, however, presently ceased.After advancing a good way farther, he thought he heard a single voice.It sounded clearer and clearer as he went on, until at last he could almost distinguish the words.In a moment or two, keeping after the goblins round another corner, he once more started back - this time in amazement.

He was at the entrance of a magnificent cavern, of an oval shape, once probably a huge natural reservoir of water, now the great palace hall of the goblins.It rose to a tremendous height, but the roof was composed of such shining materials, and the multitude of torches carried by the goblins who crowded the floor lighted up the place so brilliantly, that Curdie could see to the top quite well.But he had no idea how immense the place was until his eyes had got accustomed to it, which was not for a good many minutes.

The rough projections on the walls, and the shadows thrown upwards from them by the torches, made the sides of the chamber look as if they were crowded with statues upon brackets and pedestals, reaching in irregular tiers from floor to roof.The walls themselves were, in many parts, of gloriously shining substances, some of them gorgeously coloured besides, which powerfully contrasted with the shadows.Curdie could not help wondering whether his rhymes would be of any use against such a multitude of goblins as filled the floor of the hall, and indeed felt considerably tempted to begin his shout of 'One, two, three!', but as there was no reason for routing them and much for endeavouring to discover their designs, he kept himself perfectly quiet, and peering round the edge of the doorway, listened with both his sharp ears.

  • 丁鹤年集


  • 田家五行


  • 梅道士水亭


  • 大广方总持宝光明经卷第一


  • 故宫漫载


  • 传奇汇考标目


  • 老公,不可以


  • 性格气质的故事(中华典故故事全集)


  • 鸟语林(中国好小说)


  • 农家媳的秀色田园


  • 海外恸哭记


  • 钱塘遗事


  • 冰湖上的盗鱼贼


  • 二十世纪图书馆与文化名人


  • 重识朱重八

