

The Subterranean Waters The king's harper, who always formed a part of his escort, was chanting a ballad which he made as he went on playing on his instrument - about the princess and the goblins, and the prowess of Curdie, when all at once he ceased, with his eyes on one of the doors of the hall.Thereupon the eyes of the king and his guests turned thitherward also.The next moment, through the open doorway came the princess Irene.She went straight up to her father, with her right hand stretched out a little sideways, and her forefinger, as her father and Curdie understood, feeling its way along the invisible thread.The king took her on his knee, and she said in his ear:

'King-papa, do you hear that noise?'

'I hear nothing,' said the king.

'Listen,' she said, holding up her forefinger.

The king listened, and a great stillness fell upon the company.

Each man, seeing that the king listened, listened also, and the harper sat with his harp between his arms, and his finger silent upon the strings.

'I do hear a noise,' said the king at length - 'a noise as of distant thunder.It is coming nearer and nearer.What can it be?'

They all heard it now, and each seemed ready to start to his feet as he listened.Yet all sat perfectly still.The noise came rapidly nearer.

'What can it be?' said the king again.

'I think it must be another storm coming over the mountain,' said Sir Walter.

Then Curdie, who at the first word of the king had slipped from his seat, and laid his ear to the ground, rose up quickly, and approaching the king said, speaking very fast:

'Please, Your Majesty, I think I know what it is.I have no time to explain, for that might make it too late for some of us.Will Your Majesty give orders that everybody leave the house as quickly as possible and get up the mountain?'

The king, who was the wisest man in the kingdom, knew well there was a time when things must be done and questions left till afterwards.He had faith in Curdie, and rose instantly, with Irene in his arms.'Every man and woman follow me,' he said, and strode out into the darkness.

Before he had reached the gate, the noise had grown to a great thundering roar, and the ground trembled beneath their feet, and before the last of them had crossed the court, out after them from the great hall door came a huge rush of turbid water, and almost swept them away.But they got safe out of the gate and up the mountain, while the torrent went roaring down the road into the valley beneath.

Curdie had left the king and the princess to look after his mother, whom he and his father, one on each side, caught up when the stream overtook them and carried safe and dry.

When the king had got out of the way of the water, a little up the mountain, he stood with the princess in his arms, looking back with amazement on the issuing torrent, which glimmered fierce and foamy through the night.There Curdie rejoined them.

'Now, Curdie,' said the king, 'what does it mean? Is this what you expected?'

'It is, Your Majesty,' said Curdie; and proceeded to tell him about the second scheme of the goblins, who, fancying the miners of more importance to the upper world than they were, had resolved, if they should fail in carrying off the king's daughter, to flood the mine and drown the miners.Then he explained what the miners had done to prevent it.The goblins had, in pursuance of their design, let loose all the underground reservoirs and streams, expecting the water to run down into the mine, which was lower than their part of the mountain, for they had, as they supposed, not knowing of the solid wall close behind, broken a passage through into it.But the readiest outlet the water could find had turned out to be the tunnel they had made to the king's house, the possibility of which catastrophe had not occurred to the young miner until he had laid his ear to the floor of the hall.

What was then to be done? The house appeared in danger of falling, and every moment the torrent was increasing.

'We must set out at once,' said the king.'But how to get at the horses!'

'Shall I see if we can manage that?' said Curdie.

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  • 草原上的太阳


    《草原上的太阳》是一本介绍尼玛先生生平事迹 的力作之一。尼玛先生仙逝之后,较全面、系统的写先生的生平事迹 的著作主要有三 部:一是1991年,由阿坝州教委徐长富同志写的《尼 玛办学模式》;二是1997年,由先生的高足之一、藏族青年学者供秋仁 青根据先生《自 传》,按藏族传记体写法,用藏文写成的史料性专著 《尼玛传》;第三本是1993年阿来同志写的这本《草原上的太阳》,这 是一本以一个藏 族青年作家特有的眼光,运用纪实文学的表现手法, 全方位,多角度反映尼玛先生不平凡的生平和事迹的书。这三本书的 共同点是,完 全忠实于尼玛先生其人其事。
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