

Overhead the clouds cloaked the sky; a ragged cloak it was, and, here and there, a star shone through a hole, to be obscured almost instantly as more cloud tatters were hurled across the rent.The pines threshed on the hill tops.The bare branches of the wild-cherry and silverleaf trees scraped and rattled and tossed.And the wind, the raw, chilling December wind, driven in, wet and salty, from the sea, tore over the dunes and brown uplands and across the frozen salt-meadows, screamed through the telegraph wires, and made the platform of the dismal South Harniss railway station the lonesomest, coldest, darkest and most miserable spot on the face of the earth.

At least that was the opinion of the seventeen-year-old boy whom the down train--on time for once and a wonder--had just deposited upon that platform.He would not have discounted the statement one iota.The South Harniss station platform WAS the most miserable spot on earth and he was the most miserable human being upon it.

And this last was probably true, for there were but three other humans upon that platform and, judging by externals, they seemed happy enough.One was the station agent, who was just entering the building preparatory to locking up for the night, and the others were Jim Young, driver of the "depot wagon," and Doctor Holliday, the South Harniss "homeopath," who had been up to a Boston hospital with a patient and was returning home.Jim was whistling "Silver Bells," a tune much in vogue the previous summer, and Doctor Holliday was puffing at a cigar and knocking his feet together to keep them warm while waiting to get into the depot wagon.These were the only people in sight and they were paying no attention whatever to the lonely figure at the other end of the platform.

The boy looked about him.The station, with its sickly yellow gleam of kerosene lamp behind its dingy windowpane, was apparently the only inhabited spot in a barren wilderness.At the edge of the platform civilization seemed to end and beyond was nothing but a black earth and a black sky, tossing trees and howling wind, and cold--raw, damp, penetrating cold.Compared with this even the stuffy plush seats and smelly warmth of the car he had just left appeared temptingly homelike and luxurious.All the way down from the city he had sneered inwardly at a one-horse railroad which ran no Pullmans on its Cape branch in winter time.Now he forgot his longing for mahogany veneer and individual chairs and would gladly have boarded a freight car, provided there were in it a lamp and a stove.

The light in the station was extinguished and the agent came out with a jingling bunch of keys and locked the door."Good-night, Jim," he shouted, and walked off into the blackness.Jim responded with a "good-night" of his own and climbed aboard the wagon, into the dark interior of which the doctor had preceded him.The boy at the other end of the platform began to be really alarmed.It looked as if all living things were abandoning him and he was to be left marooned, to starve or freeze, provided he was not blown away first.

He picked up the suitcase--an expensive suitcase it was, elaborately strapped and buckled, with a telescope back and gold fittings--and hastened toward the wagon.Mr.Young had just picked up the reins.

"Oh,--oh, I say!" faltered the boy.We have called him "the boy"all this time, but he did not consider himself a boy, he esteemed himself a man, if not full-grown physically, certainly so mentally.

A man, with all a man's wisdom, and more besides--the great, the all-embracing wisdom of his age, or youth.

"Here, I say! Just a minute!" he repeated.Jim Young put his head around the edge of the wagon curtain."Eh?" he queried."Eh?

Who's talkin'? Oh, was it you, young feller? Did you want me?"The young fellow replied that he did."This is South Harniss, isn't it?" he asked.

Mr.Young chuckled."Darn sure thing," he drawled."I give in that it looks consider'ble like Boston, or Providence, R.I., or some of them capitols, but it ain't, it's South Harniss, Cape Cod."Doctor Holliday, on the back seat of the depot wagon, chuckled.

Jim did not; he never laughed at his own jokes.And his questioner did not chuckle, either.

"Does a--does a Mr.Snow live here?" he asked.

The answer was prompt, if rather indefinite."Um-hm," said the driver."No less'n fourteen of him lives here.Which one do you want?""A Mr.Z.Snow."

"Mr.Z.Snow, eh? Humph! I don't seem to recollect any Mr.Z.

Snow around nowadays.There used to be a Ziba Snow, but he's dead.

'Twan't him you wanted, was it?"

"No.The one I want is--is a Captain Snow.Captain--" he paused before uttering the name which to his critical metropolitan ear had seemed so dreadfully countrified and humiliating; "Captain Zelotes Snow," he blurted, desperately.

Jim Young laughed aloud."Good land, Doc!" he cried, turning toward his passenger; "I swan I clean forgot that Cap'n Lote's name begun with a Z.Cap'n Lote Snow? Why, darn sure! I...Eh?"He stopped short, evidently struck by a new idea."Sho!" he drawled, slowly."Why, I declare I believe you're...Yes, of course! I heard they was expectin' you.Doc, you know who 'tis, don't you? Cap'n Lote's grandson; Janie's boy."He took the lighted lantern from under the wagon seat and held it up so that its glow shone upon the face of the youth standing by the wheel.

"Hum," he mused."Don't seem to favor Janie much, does he, Doc.

Kind of got her mouth and chin, though.Remember that sort of good-lookin' set to her mouth she had? And SHE got it from old Cap'n Lo himself.This boy's face must be more like his pa's, Ical'late.Don't you cal'late so, Doc?"

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