

As I said before, there's been enough of all hands goin' their own ways in this family and look what came of it.""But what do you expect me to do? I will not give up every plan I've made and my chance in the world just because he is too stubborn and cranky to understand them.I will NOT do it.""I don't want you to.But I don't want you to upset the whole kettle just because the steam has scalded your fingers.I don't want you to go off and leave your grandma to break her heart a second time and your grandpa to give up all his plans and hopes that he's been makin' about you.""Plans about me? He making plans about me? What sort of plans?""All sorts.Oh, he don't say much about 'em, of course; that ain't his way.But from things he's let drop I know he has hoped to take you in with him as a partner one of these days, and to leave you the business after he's gone.""Nonsense, Rachel!"

"No, it ain't nonsense.It's the one big dream of Cap'n Lote's life.That Z.Snow and Co.business is his pet child, as you might say.He built it up, he and Labe together, and when he figgered to take you aboard with him 'twas SOME chance for you, 'cordin' to his lookout.Now you can't hardly blame him for bein' disappointed when you chuck that chance away and take to writin' poetry pieces, can you?""But--but--why, confound it, Rachel, you don't understand!""Yes, I do, but your grandpa don't.And you don't understand him....Oh, Albert, DON'T be as stubborn as he is, as your mother was--the Lord and she forgive me for sayin' it.She was partly right about marryin' your pa and Cap'n Lote was partly right, too.If they had met half way and put the two 'partlys' together the whole thing might have been right in the end.As 'twas, 'twas all wrong.Don't, don't, DON'T, Albert, be as stubborn as that.For their sakes, Al,--yes, and for my sake, for I'm one of your family, too, or seems as if I was--don't."She hastily wiped her eyes with her apron.He, too was greatly moved.

"Don't cry, Rachel," he muttered, hurriedly."Please don't....

I didn't know you felt this way.I didn't know anybody did.Idon't want to make trouble in the family--any more trouble.

Grandmother has been awfully good to me; so, too, has Grandfather, I suppose, in his way.But--oh, what am I going to do? I can't stay in that office all my life.I'm not good at business.Idon't like it.I can't give up--"

"No, no, course you mustn't.I don't want you to give up.""Then what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to go to your grandpa and talk to him once more.Not givin' up your plans altogether but not forcin' him to give up his either, not right away.Tell him you realize he wants you to go on with Z.Snow and Company and that you will--for a while--""But--"

"For a while, I said; three or four years, say.You won't be so dreadful old then, not exactly what you'd call a Methusalem.Tell him you'll do that and on his side he must let you write as much as you please, provided you don't let the writin' interfere with the Z.Snow and Co.work.Then, at the end of the three or four years, if you still feel the same as you do now, you can tackle your poetry for keeps and he and you'll still be friends.Tell him that, Albert, and see what he says....Will you?"Albert took some moments to consider.At length he said: "If Idid I doubt if he would listen."

"Oh, yes he would.He'd more than listen, I'm pretty sartin.Ithink he'd agree."

"You do?"

"Yes, I do.You see," with a smile, "while I've been talkin' to you there's been somebody else talkin' to him....There, there!

don't you ask any questions.I promised not to tell anybody and if I ain't exactly broke that promise, I've sprained its ankle, I'm afraid.Good night, Albert, and thank you ever and ever so much for listenin' so long without once tellin' me to mind my own business.""Good night, Rachel....And thank you for taking so much interest in my affairs.You're an awfully good friend, I can see that.""Don't--don't talk that way.And you WILL have that talk with your grandpa?""Yes, I will."

"Oh, I'm SO glad! There! Good night.I come pretty nigh kissin'

you then and for a woman that's been engaged to be married for upwards of eighteen years that's a nice way to act, ain't it! Good night, good night."She hurried out of the room.Albert sat down again in his chair by the window.He had promised to go to his grandfather and talk to him.As he sat there, thinking of the coming interview, he realized more and more that the keeping of that promise was likely to be no easy matter.He must begin the talk, he must break the ice--and how should he break it? Timid and roundabout approaches would be of little use; unless his grandfather's state of mind had changed remarkably since their parting in the Z.Snow and Co.

office they and their motive would be misunderstood.No, the only way to break the ice was to break it, to plunge immediately into the deepest part of the subject.It promised to be a chilly plunge.He shivered at the prospect.

A half hour later he heard the door of the hall open and shut and knew that Captain Zelotes had returned.Rising, he descended the stairs.He descended slowly.Just as he reached the foot of the narrow flight Captain Zelotes entered the hall from the dining-room and turned toward him.Both were surprised at the meeting.Albert spoke first.

"Good evening, Grandfather," he stammered."I--I was just coming down to see you.Were you going to bed?"Captain Lote shook his head."No-o," he said, slowly, "not exactly.""Do you mind waiting a minute? I have a few things--I have something to say to you and--and I guess I shall sleep better if Isay it to-night.I--I won't keep you long."The captain regarded him intently for an instant, then he turned and led the way to the dining-room.

"Go ahead," he ordered, laconically.Albert squared his shoulders, preparatory to the plunge.

  • 指頭畫說


  • 消除一切闪电障难随求如意陀罗尼经


  • 弘道书


  • The Hated Son

    The Hated Son

  • Chance


  • 愤怒之乡


  • 甜宠一百分:恶魔专属小甜心


  • 青少年幸福行动力(你在为谁读书系列)


  • 天霜河白


  • 浮石禅师语录


  • 彼岸花开微剧本


  • 新竹县制度考


  • 论学霸的漫长暗恋史


  • 余生时光守护你


  • 汉末称王

