

For one reason," he added, with a smile, "he is too poor a business man to think of marriage as a business, bill-payin' contract, and for another,--for another--why, good Lord, Fosdick!" he exclaimed, leaning forward, "don't you know what this thing means to those two young folks? It means just moonshine and mush and lookin' into each other's eyes, that's about all.THEY haven't thought any practical thoughts about it.Why, think what their ages are!

Think of yourself at that age! Can't you remember....Humph!

Well, I'm talkin' fifty revolutions to the second.I beg your pardon.""That's all right, Snow.And I believe you have the situation sized up as it is.Still--""Excuse me, Mr.Fosdick, but don't you think it's about time you had a look at the boy himself? I'm goin' to ask him to come in here and meet you."Fosdick looked troubled."Think it is good policy?" he asked doubtfully."I want to see him and speak with him, but I do hate a scene.""There won't be any scene.You just meet him face to face and talk enough with him to get a little idea of what your first impression is.Don't contradict or commit yourself or anything.And I'll send him out at the end of two or three minutes."Without waiting for a reply, he rose, opened the door to the outer office and called, "Al, come in here!" When Albert had obeyed the order he closed the door behind him and turning to the gentleman in the visitor's chair, said: "Mr.Fosdick, this is my grandson, Albert Speranza.Al, shake hands with Mr.Fosdick from New York."While awaiting the summons to meet the father of his adored, Albert had been rehearsing and re-rehearsing the speeches he intended making when that meeting took place.Sitting at his desk, pen in hand and pretending to be busy with the bookkeeping of Z.Snow and Company, he had seen, not the ruled page of the day book, but the parental countenance of the Honorable Fletcher Fosdick.And, to his mind's eye, that countenance was as rugged and stern as the rock-bound coast upon which the Pilgrims landed, and about as unyielding and impregnable as the door of the office safe.So, when his grandfather called him, he descended from the tall desk stool and crossed the threshold of the inner room, a trifle pale, a little shaky at the knees, but with the set chin and erect head of one who, facing almost hopeless odds, intends fighting to the last gasp.

To his astonishment the Fosdick countenance was not as his imagination had pictured it.The blue eyes met his, not with a glare or a glower, but with a look of interest and inquiry.The Fosdick hand shook his with politeness, and the Fosdick manner was, if not genial, at least quiet and matter of fact.He was taken aback.What did it mean? Was it possible that Madeline's father was inclined to regard her engagement to him with favor? A great throb of joy accompanied the thought.Then he remembered the letter he had just read, the letter from Madeline's mother, and the hope subsided.

"Albert," said Captain Zelotes, "Mr.Fosdick has come on here to talk with us; that is, with me and you, about your affairs.He and I have talked up to the point where it seemed to me you ought to come in for a spell.I've told him that the news that you and his daughter were--er--favorably disposed toward each other was as sudden and as big a surprise to me as 'twas to him.Even your grandma don't know it yet.Now I presume likely he'd like to ask you a few questions.Heave ahead, Mr.Fosdick."He relit his cigar stump and leaned back in his chair.Mr.Fosdick leaned forward in his.Albert stood very straight, his shoulders braced for the encounter.The quizzical twinkle shone in Captain Lote's eye as he regarded his grandson.Fosdick also smiled momentarily as he caught the expression of the youth's face.

"Well, Speranza," he began, in so cheerful a tone that Albert's astonishment grew even greater, "your grandfather has been kind enough to get us through the preliminaries, so we'll come at once to the essentials.You and my daughter consider yourselves engaged to marry?""Yes, sir.We ARE engaged."

"I see.How long have you--um--been that way, so to speak?""Since last August."

"Why haven't you said anything about it to us--to Mrs.Fosdick or me or your people here? You must excuse these personal questions.

As I have just said to Captain Snow, Madeline is our only child, and her happiness and welfare mean about all there is in life to her mother and me.So, naturally, the man she is going to marry is an important consideration.You and I have never met before, so the quickest way of reaching an understanding between us is by the question route.You get my meaning?""Yes, sir, I guess I do."

"Good! Then we'll go ahead.Why have you two kept it a secret so long?""Because--well, because we knew we couldn't marry yet a while, so we thought we had better not announce it for the present.""Oh!...And the idea that perhaps Mrs.Fosdick and I might be slightly interested didn't occur to you?""Why, yes, sir, it did.But,--but we thought it best not to tell you until later.""Perhaps the suspicion that we might not be overjoyed by the news had a little weight with you, eh? Possibly that helped to delay the--er--announcement?""No, sir, I--I don't think it did."

"Oh, don't you! Perhaps you thought we WOULD be overjoyed?""No, sir.We didn't think so very much about it.Well, that's not quite true.Madeline felt that her mother--and you, too, sir, Isuppose, although she didn't speak as often of you in that way--she felt that her mother would disapprove at first, and so we had better wait.""Until when?"

"Until--until by and by.Until I had gone ahead further, you know.""I'm not sure that I do know.Gone ahead how? Until you had a better position, more salary?""No, not exactly.Until my writings were better known.Until Iwas a little more successful."

  • Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar

  • Over the Sliprails

    Over the Sliprails

  • 十二因缘论


  • The Adventures of Louis de Rougemont

    The Adventures of Louis de Rougemont

  • 律抄


  • A Ward of the Golden Gate

    A Ward of the Golden Gate

  • 东周列国故事


  • 修真学霸系统


  • 重生之勋爷追妻套路深


  • 野马之舞(野生灵三部曲舞)


  • 君子孟泽


  • 林宇的快意人生


  • 莎菲女士的日记


  • 重生之凤主天下


  • 毒女狂妃,这个王爷太妻奴

