

I left my garden for a week, just at the close of the dry spell.Aseason of rain immediately set in, and when I returned the transformation was wonderful.In one week every vegetable had fairly jumped forward.The tomatoes which I left slender plants, eaten of bugs and debating whether they would go backward or forward, had become stout and lusty, with thick stems and dark leaves, and some of them had blossomed.The corn waved like that which grows so rank out of the French-English mixture at Waterloo.The squashes--I will not speak of the squashes.The most remarkable growth was the asparagus.

There was not a spear above ground when I went away; and now it had sprung up, and gone to seed, and there were stalks higher than my head.I am entirely aware of the value of words, and of moral obligations.When I say that the asparagus had grown six feet in seven days, I expect and wish to be believed.I am a little particular about the statement; for, if there is any prize offered for asparagus at the next agricultural fair, I wish to compete,--speed to govern.What I claim is the fastest asparagus.As for eating purposes, I have seen better.A neighbor of mine, who looked in at the growth of the bed, said, " Well, he'd be--": but I told him there was no use of affirming now; he might keep his oath till Iwanted it on the asparagus affidavit.In order to have this sort of asparagus, you want to manure heavily in the early spring, fork it in, and top-dress (that sounds technical) with a thick layer of chloride of sodium: if you cannot get that, common salt will do, and the neighbors will never notice whether it is the orthodox Na.Cl.

58-5, or not.

I scarcely dare trust myself to speak of the weeds.They grow as if the devil was in them.I know a lady, a member of the church, and a very good sort of woman, considering the subject condition of that class, who says that the weeds work on her to that extent, that, in going through her garden, she has the greatest difficulty in keeping the ten commandments in anything like an unfractured condition.Iasked her which one, but she said, all of them: one felt like breaking the whole lot.The sort of weed which I most hate (if I can be said to hate anything which grows in my own garden) is the "pusley," a fat, ground-clinging, spreading, greasy thing, and the most propagatious (it is not my fault if the word is not in the dictionary) plant I know.I saw a Chinaman, who came over with a returned missionary, and pretended to be converted, boil a lot of it in a pot, stir in eggs, and mix and eat it with relish, -"Me likee he." It will be a good thing to keep the Chinamen on when they come to do our gardening.I only fear they will cultivate it at the expense of the strawberries and melons.Who can say that other weeds, which we despise, may not be the favorite food of some remote people or tribe? We ought to abate our conceit.It is possible that we destroy in our gardens that which is really of most value in some other place.Perhaps, in like manner, our faults and vices are virtues in some remote planet.I cannot see, however, that this thought is of the slightest value to us here, any more than weeds are.

There is another subject which is forced upon my notice.I like neighbors, and I like chickens; but I do not think they ought to be united near a garden.Neighbors' hens in your garden are an annoyance.Even if they did not scratch up the corn, and peck the strawberries, and eat the tomatoes, it is not pleasant to see them straddling about in their jerky, high-stepping, speculative manner, picking inquisitively here and there.It is of no use to tell the neighbor that his hens eat your tomatoes: it makes no impression on him, for the tomatoes are not his.The best way is to casually remark to him that he has a fine lot of chickens, pretty well grown, and that you like spring chickens broiled.He will take them away at once.

The neighbors' small children are also out of place in your garden, in strawberry and currant time.I hope I appreciate the value of children.We should soon come to nothing without them, though the Shakers have the best gardens in the world.Without them the common school would languish.But the problem is, what to do with them in a garden.For they are not good to eat, and there is a law against making away with them.The law is not very well enforced, it is true; for people do thin them out with constant dosing, paregoric, and soothing-syrups, and scanty clothing.But I, for one, feel that it would not be right, aside from the law, to take the life, even of the smallest child, for the sake of a little fruit, more or less, in the garden.I may be wrong; but these are my sentiments, and I am not ashamed of them.When we come, as Bryant says in his "Iliad," to leave the circus of this life, and join that innumerable caravan which moves, it will be some satisfaction to us, that we have never, in the way of gardening, disposed of even the humblest child unnecessarily.My plan would be to put them into Sunday-schools more thoroughly, and to give the Sunday-schools an agricultural turn;teaching the children the sacredness of neighbors' vegetables.Ithink that our Sunday-schools do not sufficiently impress upon children the danger, from snakes and otherwise, of going into the neighbors' gardens.

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    中国千古第一奇相大传,全票获得第六届茅盾文学奖、首届姚雪垠长篇历史小说奖、中宣部五个一工程奖,被誉为中国新时期长篇小说的里程碑!已被改编成电视剧《万历首辅张居正》,由唐国强、梅婷、冯远征、智一桐、巫刚等一众老戏骨主演。张居正是一位个性不凡的改革家,是彪炳史册的传奇人物。他登上首辅之位后,理政十年:整顿吏治,刷新颓风;整治教育,延揽济世之才;革新税赋,梳理财政。拯朱明王朝将倾之厦,使万历时期成为大明王朝*为富庶的时代。 在风云际会之中,张居正思想深邃,刚毅深沉,多谋善断,声势显赫,无与伦比。然而,他一朝大权在握,却又独断专行,偏信阿谀奉承,引得附势者趋之若骛。权势欲促使他步入人生高峰,也引发身后祸起萧墙。隆葬归天之际,即是遭人非议之时,结果家产尽抄,爵封皆夺,祸连八旬老母,罪及子孙。作为一名政治家,张居正是中国历史上卓有成效的人;可是作为一个人,他却是一个失败者。“生前显耀,死后悲凉”是对他一生*好的概括。他生前死后毁誉之悬殊,除个人原因之外,也可见政治险恶、世态炎凉。而且,张居正的命运也客观揭示了悲剧产生的历史背景与人物的性格缺陷,为今天的读者反思提供了形象的文学读本。
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