

"That is the man, constable," he shouted, pointing at the battered lieutenant."He is a suspicious character.He did the murder.""There's been no murder done, sir," said the policeman, with his automatic civility."The poor man's only hurt.I shall only be able to take the names and addresses of the men in the scuffle and have a good eye kept on them.""Have a good eye kept on that one," said Rupert, pale to the lips, and pointing to the ragged Keith.

"All right, sir," said the policeman unemotionally, and went the round of the people present, collecting the addresses.When he had completed his task the dusk had fallen and most of the people not immediately connected with the examination had gone away.He still found, however, one eager-faced stranger lingering on the outskirts of the affair.It was Rupert Grant.

"Constable," he said, "I have a very particular reason for asking you a question.Would you mind telling me whether that military fellow who dropped his sword-stick in the row gave you an address or not?""Yes, sir," said the policeman, after a reflective pause; "yes, he gave me his address.""My name is Rupert Grant," said that individual, with some pomp.

"I have assisted the police on more than one occasion.I wonder whether you would tell me, as a special favour, what address?"The constable looked at him.

"Yes," he said slowly, "if you like.His address is: The Elms, Buxton Common, near Purley, Surrey.""Thank you," said Rupert, and ran home through the gathering night as fast as his legs could carry him, repeating the address to himself.

Rupert Grant generally came down late in a rather lordly way to breakfast; he contrived, I don't know how, to achieve always the attitude of the indulged younger brother.Next morning, however, when Basil and I came down we found him ready and restless.

"Well," he said sharply to his brother almost before we sat down to the meal."What do you think of your Drummond Keith now?""What do I think of him?" inquired Basil slowly."I don't think anything of him.""I'm glad to hear it," said Rupert, buttering his toast with an energy that was somewhat exultant."I thought you'd come round to my view, but I own I was startled at your not seeing it from the beginning.The man is a translucent liar and knave.""I think," said Basil, in the same heavy monotone as before, "that I did not make myself clear.When I said that I thought nothing of him I meant grammatically what I said.I meant that I did not think about him; that he did not occupy my mind.You, however, seem to me to think a lot of him, since you think him a knave.I should say he was glaringly good myself.""I sometimes think you talk paradox for its own sake," said Rupert, breaking an egg with unnecessary sharpness."What the deuce is the sense of it? Here's a man whose original position was, by our common agreement, dubious.He's a wanderer, a teller of tall tales, a man who doesn't conceal his acquaintance with all the blackest and bloodiest scenes on earth.We take the trouble to follow him to one of his appointments, and if ever two human beings were plotting together and lying to every one else, he and that impossible house-agent were doing it.We followed him home, and the very same night he is in the thick of a fatal, or nearly fatal, brawl, in which he is the only man armed.Really, if this is being glaringly good, I must confess that the glare does not dazzle me."Basil was quite unmoved."I admit his moral goodness is of a certain kind, a quaint, perhaps a casual kind.He is very fond of change and experiment.But all the points you so ingeniously make against him are mere coincidence or special pleading.It's true he didn't want to talk about his house business in front of us.No man would.It's true that he carries a sword-stick.Any man might.

It's true he drew it in the shock of a street fight.Any man would.But there's nothing really dubious in all this.There's nothing to confirm--"As he spoke a knock came at the door.

"If you please, sir," said the landlady, with an alarmed air, "there's a policeman wants to see you.""Show him in," said Basil, amid the blank silence.

The heavy, handsome constable who appeared at the door spoke almost as soon as he appeared there.

"I think one of you gentlemen," he said, curtly but respectfully, "was present at the affair in Copper Street last night, and drew my attention very strongly to a particular man."Rupert half rose from his chair, with eyes like diamonds, but the constable went on calmly, referring to a paper.

"A young man with grey hair.Had light grey clothes, very good, but torn in the struggle.Gave his name as Drummond Keith.""This is amusing," said Basil, laughing."I was in the very act of clearing that poor officer's character of rather fanciful aspersions.What about him?""Well, sir," said the constable, "I took all the men's addresses and had them all watched.It wasn't serious enough to do more than that.All the other addresses are all right.But this man Keith gave a false address.The place doesn't exist."The breakfast table was nearly flung over as Rupert sprang up, slapping both his thighs.

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