

"Don't you think," I said a trifle timidly, "that we had better tell your brother?""Oh, if you like," said Rupert, in a lordly way."He is quite near, as I promised to meet him at Gloucester Road Station.Shall we take a cab? Perhaps, as you say, it might amuse him."Gloucester Road Station had, as if by accident, a somewhat deserted look.After a little looking about we discovered Basil Grant with his great head and his great white hat blocking the ticket-office window.I thought at first that he was taking a ticket for somewhere and being an astonishingly long time about it.As a matter of fact, he was discussing religion with the booking-office clerk, and had almost got his head through the hole in his excitement.When we dragged him away it was some time before he would talk of anything but the growth of an Oriental fatalism in modern thought, which had been well typified by some of the official's ingenious but perverse fallacies.At last we managed to get him to understand that we had made an astounding discovery.When he did listen, he listened attentively, walking between us up and down the lamp-lit street, while we told him in a rather feverish duet of the great house in South Kensington, of the equivocal milkman, of the lady imprisoned in the basement, and the man staring from the porch.At length he said:

"If you're thinking of going back to look the thing up, you must be careful what you do.It's no good you two going there.To go twice on the same pretext would look dubious.To go on a different pretext would look worse.You may be quite certain that the inquisitive gentleman who looked at you looked thoroughly, and will wear, so to speak, your portraits next to his heart.If you want to find out if there is anything in this without a police raid I fancy you had better wait outside.I'll go in and see them."His slow and reflective walk brought us at length within sight of the house.It stood up ponderous and purple against the last pallor of twilight.It looked like an ogre's castle.And so apparently it was.

"Do you think it's safe, Basil," said his brother, pausing, a little pale, under the lamp, "to go into that place alone? Of course we shall be near enough to hear if you yell, but these devils might do something--something sudden--or odd.I can't feel it's safe.""I know of nothing that is safe," said Basil composedly, "except, possibly--death," and he went up the steps and rang at the bell.

When the massive respectable door opened for an instant, cutting a square of gaslight in the gathering dark, and then closed with a bang, burying our friend inside, we could not repress a shudder.

It had been like the heavy gaping and closing of the dim lips of some evil leviathan.A freshening night breeze began to blow up the street, and we turned up the collars of our coats.At the end of twenty minutes, in which we had scarcely moved or spoken, we were as cold as icebergs, but more, I think, from apprehension than the atmosphere.Suddenly Rupert made an abrupt movement towards the house.

"I can't stand this," he began, but almost as he spoke sprang back into the shadow, for the panel of gold was again cut out of the black house front, and the burly figure of Basil was silhouetted against it coming out.He was roaring with laughter and talking so loudly that you could have heard every syllable across the street.

Another voice, or, possibly, two voices, were laughing and talking back at him from within.

"No, no, no," Basil was calling out, with a sort of hilarious hostility."That's quite wrong.That's the most ghastly heresy of all.It's the soul, my dear chap, the soul that's the arbiter of cosmic forces.When you see a cosmic force you don't like, trick it, my boy.But I must really be off.""Come and pitch into us again," came the laughing voice from out of the house."We still have some bones unbroken.""Thanks very much, I will--good night," shouted Grant, who had by this time reached the street.

"Good night," came the friendly call in reply, before the door closed.

"Basil," said Rupert Grant, in a hoarse whisper, "what are we to do?"The elder brother looked thoughtfully from one of us to the other.

"What is to be done, Basil?" I repeated in uncontrollable excitement.

"I'm not sure," said Basil doubtfully."What do you say to getting some dinner somewhere and going to the Court Theatre tonight? Itried to get those fellows to come, but they couldn't."We stared blankly.

"Go to the Court Theatre?" repeated Rupert."What would be the good of that?""Good? What do you mean?" answered Basil, staring also."Have you turned Puritan or Passive Resister, or something? For fun, of course.""But, great God in Heaven! What are we going to do, I mean!" cried Rupert."What about the poor woman locked up in that house? Shall Igo for the police?"

Basil's face cleared with immediate comprehension, and he laughed.

"Oh, that," he said."I'd forgotten that.That's all right.Some mistake, possibly.Or some quite trifling private affair.But I'm sorry those fellows couldn't come with us.Shall we take one of these green omnibuses? There is a restaurant in Sloane Square.""I sometimes think you play the fool to frighten us," I said irritably."How can we leave that woman locked up? How can it be a mere private affair? How can crime and kidnapping and murder, for all I know, be private affairs? If you found a corpse in a man's drawing-room, would you think it bad taste to talk about it just as if it was a confounded dado or an infernal etching?"Basil laughed heartily.

"That's very forcible," he said."As a matter of fact, though, Iknow it's all right in this case.And there comes the green omnibus.""How do you know it's all right in this ease?" persisted his brother angrily.

"My dear chap, the thing's obvious," answered Basil, holding a return ticket between his teeth while he fumbled in his waistcoat pocket."Those two fellows never committed a crime in their lives.

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