

There were a great number of speeches made; some by Nicholas, and some by Crummles, and some by the collector; two by the Master Crummleses in returning thanks for themselves, and one by the phenomenon on behalf of the bridesmaids, at which Mrs Crummles shed tears. There was some singing, too, from Miss Ledrook and Miss Bravassa, and very likely there might have been more, if the fly-driver, who stopped to drive the happy pair to the spot where they proposed to take steamboat to Ryde, had not sent in a peremptory message intimating, that if they didn't come directly he should infallibly demand eighteen-pence over and above his agreement.

This desperate threat effectually broke up the party. After a most pathetic leave-taking, Mr Lillyvick and his bride departed for Ryde, where they were to spend the next two days in profound retirement, and whither they were accompanied by the infant, who had been appointed travelling bridesmaid on Mr Lillyvick's express stipulation: as the steamboat people, deceived by her size, would (he had previously ascertained) transport her at half-price.

As there was no performance that night, Mr Crummles declared his intention of keeping it up till everything to drink was disposed of; but Nicholas having to play Romeo for the first time on the ensuing evening, contrived to slip away in the midst of a temporary confusion, occasioned by the unexpected development of strong symptoms of inebriety in the conduct of Mrs Grudden.

To this act of desertion he was led, not only by his own inclinations, but by his anxiety on account of Smike, who, having to sustain the character of the Apothecary, had been as yet wholly unable to get any more of the part into his head than the general idea that he was very hungry, which -- perhaps from old recollections -- he had acquired with great aptitude.

`I don't know what's to be done, Smike,' said Nicholas, laying down the book. `I am afraid you can't learn it, my poor fellow.'

`I am afraid not,' said Smike, shaking his head. `I think if you --but that would give you so much trouble.'

`What?' inquired Nicholas. `Never mind me.'

`I think,' said Smike, `if you were to keep saying it to me in little bits, over and over again, I should be able to recollect it from hearing you.'

`Do you think so?' exclaimed Nicholas. `Well said. Let us see who tires first. Not I, Smike, trust me. Now then. Who calls so loud?"`"Who calls so loud?"' said Smike.

`"Who calls so loud?"' repeated Nicholas.

`"Who calls so loud?"' cried Smike.

Thus they continued to ask each other who called so loud, over and over again; and when Smike had that by heart Nicholas went to another sentence, and then to two at a time, and then to three, and so on, until at midnight poor Smike found to his unspeakable joy that he really began to remember something about the text.

Early in the morning they went to it again, and Smike, rendered more confident by the progress he had already made, got on faster and with better heart. As soon as he began to acquire the words pretty freely, Nicholas showed him how he must come in with both hands spread out upon his stomach, and how he must occasionally rub it, in compliance with the established form by which people on the stage always denote that they want something to eat. After the morning's rehearsal they went to work again, nor did they stop, except for a hasty dinner, until it was time to repair to the theatre at night.

Never had master a more anxious, humble, docile pupil. Never had pupil a more patient, unwearying, considerate, kindhearted master.

As soon as they were dressed, and at every interval when he was not upon the stage, Nicholas renewed his instructions. They prospered well.

The Romeo was received with hearty plaudits and unbounded favour, and Smike was pronounced unanimously, alike by audience and actors, the very prince and prodigy of Apothecaries.

  • 消摇墟经


  • Glossary


  • 禅源诸诠集


  • 燕北录


  • 名山诗话


  • 狱中上母书


  • 极品妈咪之老公太腹黑


  • 重生的战将


  • 御天杀尊


  • 皇家守卫战


  • 丹阳真人直录


  • 小三当道


  • 过往红尘:八个女人的人生解读


  • 世界历史未解之谜大全集


  • 一世情缘:总裁老公,我爱你

