

Mrs Nickleby becomes acquainted with Messrs Pyke and Pluck, whose affection and interest are beyond all bounds M RS N ICKLEBY had not felt so proud and important for many a day, as when, on reaching home, she gave herself wholly up to the pleasant visions which had accompanied her on her way thither. Lady Mulberry Hawk--that was the prevalent idea. Lady Mulberry Hawk!--On Tuesday last, at St George's, Hanover Square, by the Right Reverend the Bishop of Llandaff, Sir Mulberry Hawk, of Mulberry Castle, North Wales, to Catherine, only daughter of the late Nicholas Nickleby, Esquire, of Devonshire. `Upon my word!' cried Mrs Nicholas Nickleby, `it sounds very well.'

Having dispatched the ceremony, with its attendant festivities, to the perfect satisfaction of her own mind, the sanguine mother pictured to her imagination a long train of honours and distinctions which could not fail to accompany Kate in her new and brilliant sphere. She would be presented at court, of course. On the anniversary of her birthday, which was upon the nineteenth of July (`at ten minutes past three o'clock in the morning,'

thought Mrs Nickleby in a parenthesis, `for I recollect asking what o'clock it was'), Sir Mulberry would give a great feast to all his tenants, and would return them three and a half per cent. on the amount of their last half-year's rent, as would be fully described and recorded in the fashionable intelligence, to the immeasurable delight and admiration of all the readers thereof. Kate's picture, too, would be in at least half-a-dozen of the annuals, and on the opposite page would appear, in delicate type, `Lines on contemplating the Portrait of Lady Mulberry Hawk. By Sir Dingleby Dabber.'

Perhaps some one annual, of more comprehensive design than its fellows, might even contain a portrait of the mother of Lady Mulberry Hawk, with lines by the father of Sir Dingleby Dabber. More unlikely things had come to pass. Less interesting portraits had appeared. As this thought occurred to the good lady, her countenance unconsciously assumed that compound expression of simpering and sleepiness which, being common to all such portraits, is perhaps one reason why they are always so charming and agreeable.

With such triumphs of aerial architecture did Mrs Nickleby occupy the whole evening after her accidental introduction to Ralph's titled friends;and dreams, no less prophetic and equally promising, haunted her sleep that night. She was preparing for her frugal dinner next day, still occupied with the same ideas--a little softened down perhaps by sleep and daylight--when the girl who attended her, partly for company, and partly to assist in the household affairs, rushed into the room in unwonted agitation, and announced that two gentlemen were waiting in the passage for permission to walk upstairs.

`Bless my heart!' cried Mrs Nickleby, hastily arranging her cap and front, `if it should be--dear me, standing in the passage all this time--why don't you go and ask them to walk up, you stupid thing?'

While the girl was gone on this errand, Mrs Nickleby hastily swept into a cupboard all vestiges of eating and drinking; which she had scarcely done, and seated herself with looks as collected as she could assume, when two gentlemen, both perfect strangers, presented themselves.

`How do you do ?' said one gentleman, laying great stress on the last word of the inquiry.

` How do you do?' said the other gentleman, altering the emphasis, as if to give variety to the salutation.

Mrs Nickleby curtseyed and smiled, and curtseyed again, and remarked, rubbing her hands as she did so, that she hadn't the--really--the honour to--`To know us,' said the first gentleman. `The loss has been ours, Mrs Nickleby. Has the loss been ours, Pyke?'

`It has, Pluck,' answered the other gentleman.

`We have regretted it very often, I believe, Pyke?' said the first gentleman.

`Very often, Pluck,' answered the second.

`But now,' said the first gentleman, `now we have the happiness we have pined and languished for. Have we pined and languished for this happiness, Pyke, or have we not?'

`You know we have, Pluck,' said Pyke, reproachfully.

`You hear him, ma'am?' said Mr Pluck, looking round; `you hear the unimpeachable testimony of my friend Pyke--that reminds me,--formalities, formalities, must not be neglected in civilised society. Pyke--Mrs Nickleby.'

Mr Pyke laid his hand upon his heart, and bowed low.

`Whether I shall introduce myself with the same formality,' said Mr Pluck--`whether I shall say myself that my name is Pluck, or whether Ishall ask my friend Pyke (who being now regularly introduced, is competent to the office) to state for me, Mrs Nickleby, that my name is Pluck; whether I shall claim your acquaintance on the plain ground of the strong interest I take in your welfare, or whether I shall make myself known to you as the friend of Sir Mulberry Hawk--these, Mrs Nickleby, are considerations which I leave to you to determine.'

`Any friend of Sir Mulberry Hawk's requires no better introduction to me,' observed Mrs Nickleby, graciously.

`It is delightful to hear you say so,' said Mr Pluck, drawing a chair close to Mrs Nickleby, and sitting himself down. `It is refreshing to know that you hold my excellent friend, Sir Mulberry, in such high esteem. Aword in your ear, Mrs Nickleby. When Sir Mulberry knows it, he will be a happy man--I say, Mrs Nickleby, a happy man. Pyke, be seated.'

` My good opinion,' said Mrs Nickleby, and the poor lady exulted in the idea that she was marvellously sly,--`my good opinion can be of very little consequence to a gentleman like Sir Mulberry.'

`Of little consequence!' exclaimed Mr Pluck. `Pyke, of what consequence to our friend, Sir Mulberry, is the good opinion of Mrs Nickleby?'

`Of what consequence?' echoed Pyke.

`Ay,' repeated Pluck; `is it of the greatest consequence?'

`Of the very greatest consequence,' replied Pyke.

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