

Kate raised her eyes, which were filled with tears; and with an effort to master her emotion strove to speak, but in vain. So drooping her head again, she remained silent. Her face was hidden from his view, but Ralph could see that she was weeping.

`I can guess the cause of this!' thought Ralph, after looking at her for some time in silence. `I can -- I can guess the cause. Well! Well!'

-- thought Ralph -- for the moment quite disconcerted, as he watched the anguish of his beautiful niece. `Where is the harm? only a few tears; and it's an excellent lesson for her -- an excellent lesson.'

`What is the matter?' asked Ralph, drawing a chair opposite, and sitting down.

He was rather taken aback by the sudden firmness with which Kate looked up and answered him.

`The matter which brings me to you, sir,' she said, `is one which should call the blood up into your cheeks, and make you burn to hear, as it does me to tell. I have been wronged; my feelings have been outraged, insulted, wounded past all healing, and by your friends.'

`Friends!' cried Ralph, sternly. ` I have no friends, girl.'

`By the men I saw here, then,' returned Kate, quickly. `If they were no friends of yours, and you knew what they were, -- oh, the more shame on you, uncle, for bringing me among them. To have subjected me to what I was exposed to here, through any misplaced confidence or imperfect knowledge of your guests, would have required some strong excuse; but if you did it -- as I now believe you did -- knowing them well, it was most dastardly and cruel.'

Ralph drew back in utter amazement at this plain speaking, and regarded Kate with the sternest look. But she met his gaze proudly and firmly, and although her face was very pale, it looked more noble and handsome, lighted up as it was, than it had ever appeared before.

`There is some of that boy's blood in you, I see,' said Ralph, speaking in his harshest tones, as something in the flashing eye reminded him of Nicholas at their last meeting.

`I hope there is!' replied Kate. `I should be proud to know it. I am young, uncle, and all the difficulties and miseries of my situation have kept it down, but I have been roused today beyond all endurance, and come what may, I will not , as I am your brother's child, bear these insults longer.'

`What insults, girl?' demanded Ralph, sharply.

`Remember what took place here, and ask yourself,' replied Kate, colouring deeply. `Uncle, you must -- I am sure you will -- release me from such vile and degrading companionship as I am exposed to now. I do not mean,'

said Kate, hurrying to the old man, and laying her arm upon his shoulder;`I do not mean to be angry and violent -- I beg your pardon if I have seemed so, dear uncle, -- but you do not know what I have suffered, you do not indeed. You cannot tell what the heart of a young girl is -- I have no right to expect you should; but when I tell you that I am wretched, and that my heart is breaking, I am sure you will help me. I am sure, I am sure you will!'

Ralph looked at her for an instant; then turned away his head, and beat his foot nervously upon the ground.

`I have gone on day after day,' said Kate, bending over him, and timidly placing her little hand in his, `in the hope that this persecution would cease; I have gone on day after day, compelled to assume the appearance of cheerfulness, when I was most unhappy. I have had no counsellor, no adviser, no one to protect me. Mamma supposes that these are honourable men, rich and distinguished, and how can I -- how can I undeceive her -- when she is so happy in these little delusions, which are the only happiness she has? The lady with whom you placed me, is not the person to whom I could confide matters of so much delicacy, and I have come at last to you, the only friend I have at hand -- almost the only friend Ihave at all -- to entreat and implore you to assist me.'

`How can I assist you, child?' said Ralph, rising from his chair, and pacing up and down the room in his old attitude.

`You have influence with one of these men, I know ,' rejoined Kate, emphatically. `Would not a word from you induce them to desist from this unmanly course?'

`No,' said Ralph, suddenly turning; `at least -- that -- I can't say it, if it would.'

`Can't say it!'

`No,' said Ralph, coming to a dead stop, and clasping his hands more tightly behind him. `I can't say it.'

Kate fell back a step or two, and looked at him, as if in doubt whether she had heard aright.

`We are connected in business,' said Ralph, poising himself alternately on his toes and heels, and looking coolly in his niece's face, `in business, and I can't afford to offend them. What is it after all? We have all our trials, and this is one of yours. Some girls would be proud to have such gallants at their feet.'

`Proud!' cried Kate.

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