

The profoundest deference was paid to Nicholas that night, and the people who had been most anxious to have his nose pulled in the morning, embraced occasions of taking him aside, and telling him with great feeling, how very friendly they took it that he should have treated that Lenville so properly, who was a most unbearable fellow, and on whom they had all, by a remarkable coincidence, at one time or other contemplated the infliction of condign punishment, which they had only been restrained from administering by considerations of mercy; indeed, to judge from the invariable termination of all these stories, there never was such a charitable and kind-hearted set of people as the male members of Mr Crummles's company.

Nicholas bore his triumph, as he had his success in the little world of the theatre, with the utmost moderation and good humour. The crestfallen Mr Lenville made an expiring effort to obtain revenge by sending a boy into the gallery to hiss, but he fell a sacrifice to popular indignation, and was promptly turned out without having his money back.

`Well, Smike,' said Nicholas when the first piece was over, and he had almost finished dressing to go home, `is there any letter yet?'

`Yes,' replied Smike, `I got this one from the post-office.'

`From Newman Noggs,' said Nicholas, casting his eye upon the cramped direction; `it's no easy matter to make his writing out. Let me see--let me see.'

By dint of poring over the letter for half an hour, he contrived to make himself master of the contents, which were certainly not of a nature to set his mind at ease. Newman took upon himself to send back the ten pounds, observing that he had ascertained that neither Mrs Nickleby nor Kate was in actual want of money at the moment, and that a time might shortly come when Nicholas might want it more. He entreated him not to be alarmed at what he was about to say;--there was no bad news--they were in good health--but he thought circumstances might occur, or were occurring, which would render it absolutely necessary that Kate should have her brother's protection, and if so, Newman said, he would write to him to that effect, either by the next post or the next but one.

Nicholas read this passage very often, and the more he thought of it the more he began to fear some treachery upon the part of Ralph. Once or twice he felt tempted to repair to London at all hazards without an hour's delay, but a little reflection assured him that if such a step were necessary, Newman would have spoken out and told him so at once.

`At all events I should prepare them here for the possibility of my going away suddenly,' said Nicholas; `I should lose no time in doing that.'

As the thought occurred to him, he took up his hat and hurried to the green-room.

`Well, Mr Johnson,' said Mrs Crummles, who was seated there in full regal costume, with the phenomenon as the Maiden in her maternal arms, `next week for Ryde, then for Winchester, then for--'

`I have some reason to fear,' interrupted Nicholas, `that before you leave here my career with you will have closed.'

`Closed!' cried Mrs Crummles, raising her hands in astonishment.

`Closed!' cried Miss Snevellicci, trembling so much in her tights that she actually laid her hand upon the shoulder of the manageress for support.

`Why he don't mean to say he's going!' exclaimed Mrs Grudden, making her way towards Mrs Crummles. `Hoity toity! nonsense.'

The phenomenon, being of an affectionate nature and moreover excitable, raised a loud cry, and Miss Belvawney and Miss Bravassa actually shed tears.

Even the male performers stopped in their conversation, and echoed the word `Going!' although some among them (and they had been the loudest in their congratulations that day) winked at each other as though they would not be sorry to lose such a favoured rival; an opinion, indeed, which the honest Mr Folair, who was ready dressed for the savage, openly stated in so many words to a demon with whom he was sharing a pot of porter.

Nicholas briefly said that he feared it would be so, although he could not yet speak with any degree of certainty; and getting away as soon as he could, went home to con Newman's letter once more, and speculate upon it afresh.

How trifling all that had been occupying his time and thoughts for many weeks seemed to him during that sleepless night, and how constantly and incessantly present to his imagination was the one idea that Kate in the midst of some great trouble and distress might even then be looking--and vainly too--for him!

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    高中军训,除了折腾就是蛋疼,还好我们高一四班的哥几个都是善于“苦中作乐。乐此不疲,疲了就睡”的家伙,不然注定杯具的我们,这日子还真没发过了。在这几天里,我和操场上大太阳下所有的兄弟姐妹的关系都不再是同学,而是“站友”,我们一起“罚站”,“放水”,左转右转,走来跑去,可谓结下了深厚的“革命情谊”。有心动,有行动,更有杯具了的寻常举动,和随之而来的郁闷,无奈和愤怒,等等。 —————————————————————————— 就小说而言,它不太像,而更像是一本长篇小品或是相声,幽默至上,且多是以人物间对话来表现人物的性格,幽默,及情节的发展。此本小说没什么内涵,也不深刻,只是幽默和军训那几天的生活。好吧,就说这么多吧,祝阅读愉快了。