

Now that she was in the throes of an indecision, whose ending, one way or the other, must be so tremendous, now that she was in the very swirl, she let no sign at all escape her; the Colonel and even his wife were deceived into thinking that after all no great harm had been done.It was grateful to them to think so, because of that stewardship at Monte Carlo, of which they could not render too good account.The warm sleepy days, with a little croquet and a little paddling on the river, and much sitting out of doors, when the Colonel would read aloud from Tennyson, were very pleasant.To him--if not to Mrs.Ercott--it was especially jolly to be out of Town 'this confounded crowded time of year.' And so the days of early June went by, each finer than the last.

And then Cramier came down, without warning on a Friday evening.

It was hot in London...the session dull....The Jubilee turning everything upside down....They were lucky to be out of Town!

A silent dinner--that!

Mrs.Ercott noticed that he drank wine like water, and for minutes at a time fixed his eyes, that looked heavy as if he had not been sleeping, not on his wife's face but on her neck.If Olive really disliked and feared him--as John would have it--she disguised her feelings very well! For so pale a woman she was looking brilliant that night.The sun had caught her cheeks, perhaps.That black low-cut frock suited her, with old Milanese-point lace matching her skin so well, and one carnation, of darkest red, at her breast.

Her eyes were really sometimes like black velvet.It suited pale women to have those eyes, that looked so black at night! She was talking, too, and laughing more than usual.One would have said: Awife delighted to welcome her husband! And yet there was something--something in the air, in the feel of things--the lowering fixity of that man's eyes, or--thunder coming, after all this heat! Surely the night was unnaturally still and dark, hardly a breath of air, and so many moths out there, passing the beam of light, like little pale spirits crossing a river! Mrs.Ercott smiled, pleased at that image.Moths! Men were like moths; there were women from whom they could not keep away.Yes, there was something about Olive that drew men to her.Not meretricious--to do her justice, not that at all; but something soft, and-fatal;like one of these candle-flames to the poor moths.John's eyes were never quite as she knew them when he was looking at Olive; and Robert Cramier's--what a queer, drugged look they had! As for that other poor young fellow--she had never forgotten his face when they came on him in the Park!

And when after dinner they sat on the veranda, they were all more silent still, just watching, it seemed, the smoke of their cigarettes, rising quite straight, as though wind had been withdrawn from the world.The Colonel twice endeavoured to speak about the moon: It ought to be up by now! It was going to be full.

And then Cramier said: "Put on that scarf thing, Olive, and come round the garden with me."Mrs.Ercott admitted to herself now that what John said was true.

Just one gleam of eyes, turned quickly this way and that, as a bird looks for escape; and then Olive had got up and quietly gone with him down the path, till their silent figures were lost to sight.

Disturbed to the heart, Mrs.Ercott rose and went over to her husband's chair.He was frowning, and staring at his evening shoe balanced on a single toe.He looked up at her and put out his hand.Mrs.Ercott gave it a squeeze; she wanted comfort.

The Colonel spoke:

"It's heavy to-night, Dolly.I don't like the feel of it."

  • 续佛祖统纪


  • The Hidden Masterpiece

    The Hidden Masterpiece

  • 钱塘遗事


  • Songs of Travel

    Songs of Travel

  • 吴郡志


  • 顾家娇女


  • 超越百年的人生智慧:周有光自述


    本书是当代著名学者、语言学家、“汉语拼音之父”周有光先生的自述文集。包括“百岁口述传记”、 “记忆的碎片”、“ 回顾语言学界往事”、“ 我和语文现代化”等几部分,自述性质的序言、后记、谈话等也都一一辑录,酌情编入。本书系周有光先生自述文章在海内外的第一次系统结集。
  • 贵女凶猛


  • 第十六届新概念获奖者作文精选(A卷)


  • 如果爱美好的朦胧


  • 开局就是幕后大BOSS


  • 佛说大迦叶本经


  • 真假神女


    没错,她就是史上最悲惨之穿越女。在郊外醒来,略略一想,才发现自己竟然是个贱民,这个身份让她寸步难行,好在她还有两下子。 “我看公子天庭饱满地阁方圆,将来一定是人中龙凤……” 某女摇着那大扇子,上面写着:神算子! “哦?不知姑娘师从何人,正好本公子也略懂占卜之术。” 某女把扇子翻了个面,上面还是写着三个字:姬天师! 某天师:“本座竟不知何时收了你这么一个蠢笨如猪的弟子。” “你敢骂我是猪!慢着,你刚才说你是谁?” 完了,招摇撞骗遇上本尊了!
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