

What! thought I; have we been sailing with the Southern Cross in the sky of nights and never known it? Dolts that we are! Gudgeons and moles! I couldn't believe it.I went over the problem again, and verified it.Charmian had the wheel from eight till ten that evening.I told her to keep her eyes open and look due south for the Southern Cross.And when the stars came out, there shone the Southern Cross low on the horizon.Proud? No medicine man nor high priest was ever prouder.Furthermore, with the prayer-wheel I shot Alpha Crucis and from its altitude worked out our latitude.And still furthermore, I shot the North Star, too, and it agreed with what had been told me by the Southern Cross.Proud? Why, the language of the stars was mine, and I listened and heard them telling me my way over the deep.

Proud? I was a worker of miracles.I forgot how easily I had taught myself from the printed page.I forgot that all the work (and a tremendous work, too) had been done by the masterminds before me, the astronomers and mathematicians, who had discovered and elaborated the whole science of navigation and made the tables in the "Epitome." I remembered only the everlasting miracle of it--that I had listened to the voices of the stars and been told my place upon the highway of the sea.Charmian did not know, Martin did not know, Tochigi, the cabin-boy, did not know.But I told them.I was God's messenger.I stood between them and infinity.Itranslated the high celestial speech into terms of their ordinary understanding.We were heaven-directed, and it was I who could read the sign-post of the sky!--I! I!

And now, in a cooler moment, I hasten to blab the whole simplicity of it, to blab on Roscoe and the other navigators and the rest of the priesthood, all for fear that I may become even as they, secretive, immodest, and inflated with self-esteem.And I want to say this now: any young fellow with ordinary gray matter, ordinary education, and with the slightest trace of the student-mind, can get the books, and charts, and instruments and teach himself navigation.

Now I must not be misunderstood.Seamanship is an entirely different matter.It is not learned in a day, nor in many days; it requires years.Also, navigating by dead reckoning requires long study and practice.But navigating by observations of the sun, moon, and stars, thanks to the astronomers and mathematicians, is child's play.Any average young fellow can teach himself in a week.

And yet again I must not be misunderstood.I do not mean to say that at the end of a week a young fellow could take charge of a fifteen-thousand-ton steamer, driving twenty knots an hour through the brine, racing from land to land, fair weather and foul, clear sky or cloudy, steering by degrees on the compass card and making landfalls with most amazing precision.But what I do mean is just this: the average young fellow I have described can get into a staunch sail-boat and put out across the ocean, without knowing anything about navigation, and at the end of the week he will know enough to know where he is on the chart.He will be able to take a meridian observation with fair accuracy, and from that observation, with ten minutes of figuring, work out his latitude and longitude.

And, carrying neither freight nor passengers, being under no press to reach his destination, he can jog comfortably along, and if at any time he doubts his own navigation and fears an imminent landfall, he can heave to all night and proceed in the morning.

Joshua Slocum sailed around the world a few years ago in a thirty-seven-foot boat all by himself.I shall never forget, in his narrative of the voyage, where he heartily indorsed the idea of young men, in similar small boats, making similar voyage.Ipromptly indorsed his idea, and so heartily that I took my wife along.While it certainly makes a Cook's tour look like thirty cents, on top of that, amid on top of the fun and pleasure, it is a splendid education for a young man--oh, not a mere education in the things of the world outside, of lands, and peoples, and climates, but an education in the world inside, an education in one's self, a chance to learn one's own self, to get on speaking terms with one's soul.Then there is the training and the disciplining of it.

First, naturally, the young fellow will learn his limitations; and next, inevitably, he will proceed to press back those limitations.

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    【仙侠+师徒+宠文】艾浅,人如其名,嗜钱如命。不,该说嗜钱胜命!身为全国首富的女儿,最大的乐趣却是敛财。三岁,艾浅把家里被人视若废品的东西全收集起来,拿去卖了上万大洋。五岁,艾浅说:“yinhang卡,信用卡对本小姐来说都是浮云,只有现金才能给本小姐安全感。”七岁,艾浅说:“命可以丢,钱却不能不要。”从此这句话成了艾浅的人生格言。十六岁时,艾浅果真为了一张面值一百元的钞票送掉了自己的花季生命…然后——穿越到了一个仙侠世界。重生后的艾浅会改掉自己爱钱的性子吗?答案是NO!穿越过来就莫名其妙的被一群乞丐打,想她艾大小姐何曾受过这种苦,不过幸好因此得了个便宜师父。被称为魔星又怎么样?有师父大人无条件的宠着,管你什么牛鬼蛇神都爬远点。她艾浅呢,就继续她的敛财生涯。某妖孽王爷诱惑的说:“浅浅,让本王抱一抱,本王就把王府一半的财产给你,如何?”浅浅偏着头,认真的问道:“我给你抱两抱,你把王府所有的财产给我,行不?”…某邪魅魔君邪邪一笑道:“浅浅,陪本君一晚,这魔宫的财宝全是你的了。”浅浅眨巴着大眼,很无辜的说:“可是,师父说了,如果我不陪你,就把全天下的财宝都给我。”…某师父,长得那是俊逸若仙,只是骨子里呢,有那么点黑。好不容易收了个徒弟,就想让徒弟顺便把师母这职业也给jianzhi了。只要不跟臭男人有关,这师傅可是把徒弟宠到了骨子里。徒弟贪财,把紫月门的镇门之宝拿去卖了。师傅只说:卖吧,一堆破铜烂铁。门中众人巨惊。镇门之宝是破铜烂铁?神马伦常,神马禁忌,那都是浮云。就偏生要做一对让人艳羡的神仙眷侣!【全能皇妃】“老爷,老爷,小姐让你给她再请一个师傅。”“不是已经请了十七个了吗?”某老爷的额头开始冒汗。“可是,小姐说,那些人会的…她都已经全部学会了。”某小厮的额头开始冒汗,小姐根本就不是人,是神。某老爷的心理写照,‘家里出了一个天才是一件令人庆幸的事,可是要是出了一个妖孽…’【娘子,夜深了】本文=女强+NP+宠文+仙侠(つ ̄3 ̄)つ~】“娘子,夜深了~”月光光,光晕暧昧,醉生梦死床上,西凉孤雨一袭红妆,坐拥妖夫揽美人~夫君个个是美人,今夜安寝,该去找哪位美夫君捏~【废后女王】【冷面总裁的小娇妻】【难耐美人恩】【重生之名门千金】【狼性总裁,你放手】【推荐好文】【娘子不好惹】
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