

"Oh, Mr. Fortescue," exclaimed Mrs. Hilbery, as he finished, "I had just written to say how I envied her! I was thinking of the big gardens and the dear old ladies in mittens, who read nothing but the "Spectator," and snuff the candles. Have they ALL disappeared? I told her she would find the nice things of London without the horrid streets that depress one so.""There is the University," said the thin gentleman, who had previously insisted upon the existence of people knowing Persian.

"I know there are moors there, because I read about them in a book the other day," said Katharine.

"I am grieved and amazed at the ignorance of my family," Mr. Hilbery remarked. He was an elderly man, with a pair of oval, hazel eyes which were rather bright for his time of life, and relieved the heaviness of his face. He played constantly with a little green stone attached to his watch-chain, thus displaying long and very sensitive fingers, and had a habit of moving his head hither and thither very quickly without altering the position of his large and rather corpulent body, so that he seemed to be providing himself incessantly with food for amusement and reflection with the least possible expenditure of energy. One might suppose that he had passed the time of life when his ambitions were personal, or that he had gratified them as far as he was likely to do, and now employed his considerable acuteness rather to observe and reflect than to attain any result.

Katharine, so Denham decided, while Mr. Fortescue built up another rounded structure of words, had a likeness to each of her parents, but these elements were rather oddly blended. She had the quick, impulsive movements of her mother, the lips parting often to speak, and closing again; and the dark oval eyes of her father brimming with light upon a basis of sadness, or, since she was too young to have acquired a sorrowful point of view, one might say that the basis was not sadness so much as a spirit given to contemplation and self-control. Judging by her hair, her coloring, and the shape of her features, she was striking, if not actually beautiful. Decision and composure stamped her, a combination of qualities that produced a very marked character, and one that was not calculated to put a young man, who scarcely knew her, at his ease. For the rest, she was tall; her dress was of some quiet color, with old yellow-tinted lace for ornament, to which the spark of an ancient jewel gave its one red gleam. Denham noticed that, although silent, she kept sufficient control of the situation to answer immediately her mother appealed to her for help, and yet it was obvious to him that she attended only with the surface skin of her mind. It struck him that her position at the tea-table, among all these elderly people, was not without its difficulties, and he checked his inclination to find her, or her attitude, generally antipathetic to him. The talk had passed over Manchester, after dealing with it very generously.

"Would it be the Battle of Trafalgar or the Spanish Armada, Katharine?" her mother demanded.

"Trafalgar, mother."

"Trafalgar, of course! How stupid of me! Another cup of tea, with a thin slice of lemon in it, and then, dear Mr. Fortescue, please explain my absurd little puzzle. One can't help believing gentlemen with Roman noses, even if one meets them in omnibuses."Mr. Hilbery here interposed so far as Denham was concerned, and talked a great deal of sense about the solicitors' profession, and the changes which he had seen in his lifetime. Indeed, Denham properly fell to his lot, owing to the fact that an article by Denham upon some legal matter, published by Mr. Hilbery in his Review, had brought them acquainted. But when a moment later Mrs. Sutton Bailey was announced, he turned to her, and Mr. Denham found himself sitting silent, rejecting possible things to say, beside Katharine, who was silent too. Being much about the same age and both under thirty, they were prohibited from the use of a great many convenient phrases which launch conversation into smooth waters. They were further silenced by Katharine's rather malicious determination not to help this young man, in whose upright and resolute bearing she detected something hostile to her surroundings, by any of the usual feminine amenities. They therefore sat silent, Denham controlling his desire to say something abrupt and explosive, which should shock her into life. But Mrs.

Hilbery was immediately sensitive to any silence in the drawing-room, as of a dumb note in a sonorous scale, and leaning across the table she observed, in the curiously tentative detached manner which always gave her phrases the likeness of butterflies flaunting from one sunny spot to another, "D'you know, Mr. Denham, you remind me so much of dear Mr. Ruskin. . . . Is it his tie, Katharine, or his hair, or the way he sits in his chair? Do tell me, Mr. Denham, are you an admirer of Ruskin? Some one, the other day, said to me, 'Oh, no, we don't read Ruskin, Mrs. Hilbery.' What DO you read, I wonder?--for you can't spend all your time going up in aeroplanes and burrowing into the bowels of the earth."She looked benevolently at Denham, who said nothing articulate, and then at Katharine, who smiled but said nothing either, upon which Mrs.

Hilbery seemed possessed by a brilliant idea, and exclaimed:

"I'm sure Mr. Denham would like to see our things, Katharine. I'm sure he's not like that dreadful young man, Mr. Ponting, who told me that he considered it our duty to live exclusively in the present. After all, what IS the present? Half of it's the past, and the better half, too, I should say," she added, turning to Mr. Fortescue.

Denham rose, half meaning to go, and thinking that he had seen all that there was to see, but Katharine rose at the same moment, and saying, "Perhaps you would like to see the pictures," led the way across the drawing-room to a smaller room opening out of it.

  • 明伦汇编人事典贫富部


  • The Phoenix and the Carpet

    The Phoenix and the Carpet

  • A Question of Latitude

    A Question of Latitude

  • 颈项门


  • Charmides


  • 亲情与家庭(和谐中华知识文库)


  • 南怀瑾的人生禅学课(智者人生系列)


  • 女主的炮灰日常


  • 星茫一璨不可染


  • 不择手段(卢克·斯通系列惊险小说第一部)


    “今年我看过的最好看的惊险小说,情节巧妙,从一开始就扣人心弦。作者匠心独运地塑造出了一系列形象丰满令人喜爱的角色。我都等不及要知道结果会怎么样了。”来源于《书籍和影视评论》,Roberto Mattos(针对《不择手段》这本书)纽约市的一家防卫松散的医院里的核废料在一天夜里被一群伊斯兰对战分子盗走了,在和时间的疯狂赛跑过程中警察打通了FBI的电话。FBI里的一支秘密精英特工队伍的队长卢克·斯通是他们唯一可以求助的人。卢克立刻意识到那些恐怖分子的目的是造脏弹,意识到他们会寻找高价值的目标在48小时内发动袭击。一场猫追老鼠的游戏随之上演,这个世界上最机智的政府特工和最顶尖的恐怖分子之间的对决随之展开。当斯通特工把案情一层层剥开,他很快意识到他面对的是一块巨大的阴谋,意识到这场阴谋的目标的价值超乎他的想象——一路直指美国总统。自己遭到诬陷,队伍受到威胁,家人身陷危险,情势无比危急。但是作为前部队特种突击队员,卢克曾多次身陷绝境,在不惜一切代价阻止他们之前他绝不会放弃。他遇上了一个又一个困难和阴谋,案情甚至超出了他的掌控能力,剧情随之发生了一个又一个转折,在这些转折中故事被推向了高潮。以国际为背景设定,悬念不断、惊心动魄的政治惊险小说《不择手段》是一系列将让你挑灯夜读、欲罢不能的震撼惊险小说的第一部。卢克·斯通系列小说第2部现在也已上市!
  • 凰医帝临七神


  • 妖女要翻墙


  • 罗密欧与朱丽叶


  • 红唇与领带


  • 消逝的狼群

