

``Circumstances have let you farther into my confidence than any one else is.I hope you will not abuse it.''

``You can rely upon me,'' said Jane.``I want your friendship and your respect as I never wanted anything in my life before.

I'm not afraid to say these things to you, for I know I'll not be misunderstood.''

Victor's smile thrilled her again.``You were born one of us,''

he said.``I felt it the first time we talked together.''

``Yes.I do want to be somebody,'' replied the girl.``I can't content myself in a life of silly routine...can't do things that have no purpose, no result.And if it wasn't for my father I'd come out openly for the things I believe in.But I've got to think of him.It may be a weakness, but I couldn't overcome it.

As long as my father lives I'll do nothing that would grieve him.

Do you despise me for that?''

``I don't despise anybody for anything,'' said Victor.``In your place I should put my father first.'' He laughed.``In your place I'd probably be a Davy Hull or worse.I try never to forget that I owe everything to the circumstances in which I was born and brought up.I've simply got the ideas of my class, and it's an accident that I am of the class to which the future belongs--the working class that will possess the earth as soon as it has intelligence enough to enter into its kingdom.''

``But,'' pursued Jane, returning to herself, ``I don't intend to be altogether useless.I can do something and he--my father, Imean--needn't know.Do you think that is dreadful?''

``I don't like it,'' said Victor.But he said it in such a way that she did not feel rebuked or even judged.

``Nor do I,'' said she.``I'd rather lead the life I wish to lead--say the things I believe--do the things I believe in--all openly.But I can't.And all I can do is to spend the income of my money my mother left me-- spend it as I please.'' With a quick embarrassed gesture she took an envelope from a small bag in which she was carrying it.``There's some of it,'' she said.

``I want to give that to your campaign fund.You are free to use it in any way you please--any way, for everything you are and do is your cause.''

Victor was lying motionless, his eyes closed.

``Don't refuse,'' she begged.``You've no right to refuse.''

A long silence, she watching him uneasily.At last he said, ``No--I've no right to refuse.If I did, it would be from a personal motive.You understand that when you give the League this money you are doing what your father would regard as an act of personal treachery to him?''

``You don't think so, do you?'' cried she.

``Yes, I do,'' said he deliberately.

Her face became deathly pale, then crimson.She thrust the envelope into the bag, closed it hastily.``Then I can't give it,'' she murmured.``Oh--but you are hard!''

``If you broke with your father and came with us-- and it killed him, as it probably would,'' Victor Dorn went on, ``I should respect you--should regard you as a wonderful, terrible woman.Ishould envy you having a heart strong enough to do a thing so supremely right and so supremely relentless.And I should be glad you were not of my blood--should think you hardly human.

Yet that is what you ought to do.''

``I am not up to it,'' said Jane.

``Then you mustn't do the other,'' said Victor.``We need the money.I am false to the cause in urging you not to give it.

But--I'm human.''

He was looking away, an expression in his eyes and about his mouth that made him handsomer than she would have believed a man could be.She was looking at him longingly, her beautiful eyes swimming.Her lips were saying inaudibly, ``I love you--I love you.''

``What did you say?'' he asked, his thoughts returning from their far journey.

``My time is up,'' she exclaimed, rising.

``There are better ways of helping than money,'' said he, taking her hand.``And already you've helped in those ways.''

``May I come again?''

``Whenever you like.But--what would your father say?''

``Then you don't want me to come again?''

``It's best not,'' said he.``I wish fate had thrown us on the same side.But it has put us in opposite camps-- and we owe it to ourselves to submit.''

Their hands were still clasped.``You are content to have it so?'' she said sadly.

``No, I'm not,'' cried he, dropping her hand.``But we are helpless.''

``We can always hope,'' said she softly.

On impulse she laid her hand in light caress upon his brow, then swiftly departed.As she stood in Mrs.Colman's flowery little front yard and looked dazedly about, it seemed to her that she had been away from the world--away from herself--and was reluctantly but inevitably returning.

  • Songs of Travel

    Songs of Travel

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    新书《大秦之盖世剑圣》已发,求求各位多多支持! …………………… 这个世界,妖是可悲的。他们想反抗,他们想改变自己的命运,可是在满天神佛眼中,他们所做的一切,是那般的无力……他只是一个花果山普普通通的猴头。他想改变命运,他想逆天而行,却抵不过这天道。什么是天道,什么是命运?而我,愿做盖世猴王,撕开天地间,所有虚伪。天要压我我劈开这天!地要挡我我踏碎这地!