

Yet--at heart and in all sincerity Kelly was an ardent Republican and House was a ferocious Democrat.If you had asked either what Republican and Democrat meant he would have been as vague and unsatisfactory in his reply as would have been any of his followers bearing torch and oilcloth cape in political processions, with no hope of gain--beyond the exquisite pleasure of making a shouting ass of himself in the most public manner.

But for all that, Kelly was a Republican and House a Democrat.

It is not a strange, though it is a profoundly mysterious, phenomenon, that of the priest who arranges the trick mechanism of the god, yet being a devout believer, ready to die for his ``faith.''

Difficult though the task was of showing the average Remsen City man that Republican and Democrat, Kelly and House, were one and the same thing, and that thing a blood-sucking, blood-heavy leech upon his veins--difficult though this task was, Victor Dorn knew that he had about accomplished it, when David Hull appeared.Anew personality; a plausible personality, deceptive because self-deceiving--yet not so thoroughly self-deceived that it was in danger of hindering its own ambition.David Hull--just the kind of respectable, popular figurehead and cloak the desperate Kelly- House conspiracy needed.

How far had the ``army of education'' prepared the people for seeing through this clever new fraud upon them? Victor Dorn could not judge.He hoped for the best; he was prepared for the worst.

The better to think out the various problems of the new situation, complicated by his apparent debt of gratitude to Davy, Victor went forth into the woods very early the next morning.He wandered far, but ten o'clock found him walking in the path in the strip of woods near the high road along the upper side of the park.And when Jane Hastings appeared, he was standing looking in the direction from which she would have to come.It was significant of her state of mind that she had given small attention to her dress that morning.Nor was she looking her best in expression or in color.Her eyes and her skin suggested an almost sleepless night.

He did not advance.She came rapidly as if eager to get over that embarrassing space in which each could see the other, yet neither could speak without raising the voice.When she was near she said:

``You think you owe something to Davy Hull for what he did?''

``The people think so,'' said he.``And that's the important thing.''

``Well--you owe him nothing,'' pursued she.

``Nothing that would interfere with the cause,'' replied he.

``And that would be true, no matter what he had done.''

``I mean he did nothing for you,'' she explained.``I forgot to tell you yesterday.The whole thing was simply a move to further his ambition.I happened to be there when he talked with father and enlisted him.''

Victor laughed.``It was your father who put it through.Imight have known!''

``At first I tried to interpose.Then--I stopped.'' She stood before him with eyes down.``It came to me that for my own sake it would be better that you should lose this fall.It seemed to me that if you won you would be farther out of my reach.'' She paused, went steadily on: ``It was a bad feeling I had that you must not get anything except with my help.Do you understand?''

``Perfectly,'' said he cheerfully.``You are your father's own daughter.''

``I love power,'' said she.``And so do you.Only, being a woman, I'd stoop to things to get it, that a man--at least your sort of man--would scorn.Do you despise me for that? You oughtn't to.And you will teach me better.You can make of me what you please, as I told you yesterday.I only half meant it then.Now--it's true, through and through.''

Victor glanced round, saw near at hand the bench he was seeking.

``Let's sit down here,'' said he.``I'm rather tired.I slept little and I've been walking all morning.And you look tired, also.''

``After yesterday afternoon I couldn't sleep,'' said she.

When they were seated he looked at her with an expression that seemed to say: ``I have thrown open the windows of my soul.

Throw open yours; and let us look at each other as we are, and speak of things as they are.'' She suddenly flung herself against his breast and as he clasped her she said:

``No--no! Let's not reason coldly about things, Victor.Let's feel--let's LIVE!''

It was several minutes--and not until they had kissed many times--before he regained enough self- control to say: ``This simply will not do, Jane.How can we discuss things calmly? You sit there''--he pushed her gently to one end of the bench--``and I'll sit at this end.Now!''

``I love you, Victor! With your arms round me I am happy--and SOstrong!''

``With my arms round you I'm happy, I'll admit,'' said he.

``But--oh, so weak! I have the sense that I am doing wrong--that we are both doing wrong.''

``Why? Aren't you free?''

``No, I am not free.As I've told you, I belong to a cause--to a career.''

``But I won't hinder you there.I'll help you.''

``Why go over that again? You know better--I know better.''

Abruptly, ``Your father--what time does he get home for dinner?''

``He didn't go down town to-day,'' replied Jane.``He's not well--not at all well.''

Victor looked baffled.``I was about to propose that we go straight to him.''

If he had been looking at Jane, he might have seen the fleeting flash of an expression that betrayed that she had suspected the object of his inquiry.

``You will not go with me to your father?''

``Not when he is ill,'' said she.``If we told him, it might kill him.He has ambitions--what he regards as ambitions--for me.He admires you, but--he doesn't admire your ideas.''

``Then,'' said Victor, following his own train of thought, ``we must fight this out between ourselves.I was hoping I'd have your father to help me.I'm sure, as soon as you faced him with me, you'd realize that your feeling about me is largely a delusion.''

``And you?'' said Jane softly.``Your feeling about me--the feeling that made you kiss me--was that delusion?''

  • 科举论


  • 震川先生集


  • The Lady of the Lake

    The Lady of the Lake

  • The Children

    The Children

  • 慈禧及光绪宾天厄


  • 大神皇


  • 《案例。》系列(第5辑)


  • 三劫三千佛缘起


  • 受益终生的精粹:受益终生的美术精粹


  • 天绝剑仙


  • 家谱学


  • 独家专宠


    陈凯歌担纲总监制电视剧《青春创世纪》原著小说。男友力MAX的全能型总裁和超级守财奴的感情碰撞!一段前面纠结到心疼后面甜到牙疼爱情!从小到大,钱希西的人生信条除了赚钱、赚钱、还是赚钱。段燃,钱希西心中傲娇、毒舌的代言人,以拆自己的台为乐。她万万没想到,有一天会为了段燃甘愿倾己所有。当我们还未曾意识到爱时,内心已经急于把自认为最重要的悉数为所爱拿出。换言之,在爱情面前,除了爱的那个人,其他东西都变得微不足道。回首再看,曾经那些斗嘴争执,不过是遮掩在霸道下的宠溺相伴。险些错过,所幸没有; 又或许不会错过,真爱岂容错过?
  • 雪球专刊第008期:多么痛的领悟


  • 静下来,才能看见自己


  • 重生空间之田园医女

