
第128章 EXPIATION (6)

Her father was a stiff Presbyterian when I knew him. But it is a very soft and pretty name.' 'How young she is!--younger by fourteen months than I am. Just, the age that Edith was when she was engaged to Captain Lennox. Papa, we will go and see them in Spain.' He shook his head. But he said, 'If you wish it, Margaret. Only let us come back here. It would seem unfair--unkind to your mother, who always, I'm afraid, disliked Milton so much, if we left it now she is lying here, and cannot go with us. No, dear; you shall go and see them, and bring me back a report of my Spanish daughter.' 'No, papa, I won't go without you. Who is to take care of you when I am gone?' 'I should like to know which of us is taking care of the other. But if you went, I should persuade Mr. Thornton to let me give him double lessons.

We would work up the classics famously. That would be a perpetual interest.

You might go on, and see Edith at Corfu, if you liked.' Margaret did not speak all at once. Then she said rather gravely: 'Thank you, papa. But I don't want to go. We will hope that Mr. Lennox will manage so well, that Frederick may bring Dolores to see us when they are married.

And as for Edith, the regiment won't remain much longer in Corfu. Perhaps we shall see both of them here before another year is out.' Mr. Hale's cheerful subjects had come to an end. Some painful recollection had stolen across his mind, and driven him into silence. By-and-by Margaret said: 'Papa--did you see Nicholas Higgins at the funeral? He was there, and Mary too. Poor fellow! it was his way of showing sympathy. He has a good warm heart under his bluff abrupt ways.' 'I am sure of it,' replied Mr. Hale. 'I saw it all along, even while you tried to persuade me that he was all sorts of bad things. We will go and see them to-morrow, if you are strong enough to walk so far.' 'Oh yes. I want to see them. We did not pay Mary--or rather she refused to take it, Dixon says. We will go so as to catch him just after his dinner, and before he goes to his work.' Towards evening Mr. Hale said: 'I half expected Mr. Thornton would have called. He spoke of a book yesterday which he had, and which I wanted to see. He said he would try and bring it to-day.' Margaret sighed. She knew he would not come. He would be too delicate to run the chance of meeting her, while her shame must be so fresh in his memory. The very mention of his name renewed her trouble, and produced a relapse into the feeling of depressed, pre-occupied exhaustion. She gave way to listless languor. Suddenly it struck her that this was a strange manner to show her patience, or to reward her father for his watchful care of her all through the day. She sate up and offered to read aloud. His eyes were failing, and he gladly accepted her proposal. She read well:

she gave the due emphasis; but had any one asked her, when she had ended, the meaning of what she had been reading, she could not have told. She was smitten with a feeling of ingratitude to Mr. Thornton, inasmuch as, in the morning, she had refused to accept the kindness he had shown her in making further inquiry from the medical men, so as to obviate any inquest being held. Oh! she was grateful! She had been cowardly and false, and had shown her cowardliness and falsehood in action that could not be recalled;but she was not ungrateful. It sent a glow to her heart, to know how she could feel towards one who had reason to despise her. His cause for contempt was so just, that she should have respected him less if she had thought he did not feel contempt. It was a pleasure to feel how thoroughly she respected him. He could not prevent her doing that; it was the one comfort in all this misery. Late in the evening, the expected book arrived, 'with Mr. Thornton's kind regards, and wishes to know how Mr. Hale is.' 'Say that I am much better, Dixon, but that Miss Hale--' 'No, papa,' said Margaret, eagerly--'don't say anything about me. He does not ask.' 'My dear child, how you are shivering!' said her father, a few minutes afterwards. 'You must go to bed directly. You have turned quite pale!' Margaret did not refuse to go, though she was loth to leave her father alone. She needed the relief of solitude after a day of busy thinking, and busier repenting. But she seemed much as usual the next day; the lingering gravity and sadness, and the occasional absence of mind, were not unnatural symptoms in the early days of grief And almost in proportion to her re-establishment in health, was her father's relapse into his abstracted musing upon the wife he had lost, and the past era in his life that was closed to him for ever.

  • 匋雅


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  • 绝世魂主


  • 他只想哄着景太太


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  • 三点钟


  • 失语者


    我的导师老吴打来电话时,我正在帮郭炜收拾去上海的行李,而这通电话让我顿时陷入了欣喜与忐忑交织的境地。“怎么样?老吴怎么说?” 郭炜探过头来问道。我摇了摇头:“好歹召见我了,不过还生死未卜。”我们谈论的是我的毕业论文。现实状况是,如果我的导师吴恋清拒绝给论文签字,我便无法参加接下来的答辩,硕士学位自然也就无从谈起。
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  • 所有的秘密都是深爱


  • 青春记事禄

