

'And down the sunny beach she paces slowly,With many doubtful pauses by the way;Grief hath an influence so hush'd and holy.'HOOD. 'Is not Margaret the heiress?' whispered Edith to her husband, as they were in their room alone at night after the sad journey to Oxford. She had pulled his tall head down, and stood upon tiptoe, and implored him not to be shocked, before she had ventured to ask this question. Captain Lennox was, however, quite in the dark; if he had ever heard, he had forgotten;it could not be much that a Fellow of a small college had to leave; but he had never wanted her to pay for her board; and two hundred and fifty pounds a year was something ridiculous, considering that she did not take wine. Edith came down upon her feet a little bit sadder; with a romance blown to pieces. A week afterwards, she came prancing towards her husband, and made him a low curtsey: 'I am right, and you are wrong, most noble Captain. Margaret has had a lawyer's letter, and she is residuary legatee--the legacies being about two thousand pounds, and the remainder about forty thousand, at the present value of property in Milton.' 'Indeed! and how does she take her good fortune?' 'Oh, it seems she knew she was to have it all along; only she had no idea it was so much. She looks very white and pale, and says she's afraid of it; but that's nonsense, you know, and will soon go off. I left mamma pouring congratulations down her throat, and stole away to tell you.' It seemed to be supposed, by general consent, that the most natural thing was to consider Mr. Lennox henceforward as Margaret's legal adviser. She was so entirely ignorant of all forms of business that in nearly everything she had to refer to him. He chose out her attorney; he came to her with papers to be signed. He was never so happy as when teaching her of what all these mysteries of the law were the signs and types. 'Henry,' said Edith, one day, archly; 'do you know what I hope and expect all these long conversations with Margaret will end in?' 'No, I don't,' said he, reddening. 'And I desire you not to tell me.' 'Oh, very well; then I need not tell Sholto not to ask Mr. Montagu so often to the house.' 'Just as you choose,' said he with forced coolness. 'What you are thinking of, may or may not happen; but this time, before I commit myself, I will see my ground clear. Ask whom you choose. It may not be very civil, Edith, but if you meddle in it you will mar it. She has been very farouche with me for a long time; and is only just beginning to thaw a little from her Zenobia ways. She has the making of a Cleopatra in her, if only she were a little more pagan.' 'For my part,' said Edith, a little maliciously, 'I am very glad she is a Christian. I know so very few!' There was no Spain for Margaret that autumn; although to the last she hoped that some fortunate occasion would call Frederick to Paris, whither she could easily have met with a convoy. Instead of Cadiz, she had to content herself with Cromer. To that place her aunt Shaw and the Lennoxes were bound. They had all along wished her to accompany them, and, consequently, with their characters, they made but lazy efforts to forward her own separate wish. Perhaps Cromer was, in one sense of the expression, the best for her. She needed bodily strengthening and bracing as well as rest. Among other hopes that had vanished, was the hope, the trust she had had, that Mr. Bell would have given Mr. Thornton the simple facts of the family circumstances which had preceded the unfortunate accident that led to Leonards'

death. Whatever opinion--however changed it might be from what Mr. Thornton had once entertained, she had wished it to be based upon a true understanding of what she had done; and why she had done it. It would have been a pleasure to her; would have given her rest on a point on which she should now all her life be restless, unless she could resolve not to think upon it. It was now so long after the time of these occurrences, that there was no possible way of explaining them save the one which she had lost by Mr.

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  • 做一个懂教育有方法的好家长


  • 红楼补梦 馒头庵

    红楼补梦 馒头庵

  • 高力士外传


  • 曹操十讲


    三国时代,群雄并起,既有世家大族,也有草莽豪杰。但是,最后独霸天下的却是曹操。在逐鹿天下的过程中,军阀们有如流星划破长空一闪而过;有的偏居一隅苟且偷生,为什么只有这位乱世枭雄能够越战越强?他是怎样九死一生,又是怎样屡败屡战、反败为胜的呢? 拼杀一生的他,既没有像昔日贵族一样喊出“彼可取而代之”的豪言壮语,也没有像无赖一样做出“大丈夫当如此也”的垂涎欲滴相,而是默默地走完了他一个汉室“臣子”的人生旅程;他生命的结束,同样意味着一个新王朝开始。但为什么在他手上却不能让那个没落帝国“寿终正寝”,而硬要让儿子演出“禅让”的荒唐剧?
  • 我的第一本人生开运书


  • 第二十七封来信

