

"Then pray let us turn back; they will certainly meet with an accident if we go on. Do let us turn back, Mr. Thorpe;stop and speak to my brother, and tell him how very unsafe it is.""Unsafe! Oh, lord! What is there in that? They will only get a roll if it does break down; and there is plenty of dirt; it will be excellent falling. Oh, curse it! The carriage is safe enough, if a man knows how to drive it;a thing of that sort in good hands will last above twenty years after it is fairly worn out. Lord bless you! Iwould undertake for five pounds to drive it to York and back again, without losing a nail."Catherine listened with astonishment; she knew not how to reconcile two such very different accounts of the same thing; for she had not been brought up to understand the propensities of a rattle, nor to know to how many idle assertions and impudent falsehoods the excess of vanity will lead. Her own family were plain, matter-of-fact people who seldom aimed at wit of any kind;her father, at the utmost, being contented with a pun, and her mother with a proverb; they were not in the habit therefore of telling lies to increase their importance, or of asserting at one moment what they would contradict the next. She reflected on the affair for some time in much perplexity, and was more than once on the point of requesting from Mr. Thorpe a clearer insight into his real opinion on the subject; but she checked herself, because it appeared to her that he did not excel in giving those clearer insights, in making those things plain which he had before made ambiguous; and, joining to this, the consideration that he would not really suffer his sister and his friend to be exposed to a danger from which he might easily preserve them, she concluded at last that he must know the carriage to be in fact perfectly safe, and therefore would alarm herself no longer.

By him the whole matter seemed entirely forgotten;and all the rest of his conversation, or rather talk, began and ended with himself and his own concerns.

He told her of horses which he had bought for a trifle and sold for incredible sums; of racing matches, in which his judgment had infallibly foretold the winner;of shooting parties, in which he had killed more birds (though without having one good shot) than all his companions together; and described to her some famous day's sport, with the fox-hounds, in which his foresight and skill in directing the dogs had repaired the mistakes of the most experienced huntsman, and in which the boldness of his riding, though it had never endangered his own life for a moment, had been constantly leading others into difficulties, which he calmly concluded had broken the necks of many.

Little as Catherine was in the habit of judging for herself, and unfixed as were her general notions of what men ought to be, she could not entirely repress a doubt, while she bore with the effusions of his endless conceit, of his being altogether completely agreeable. It was a bold surmise, for he was Isabella's brother; and she had been assured by James that his manners would recommend him to all her sex; but in spite of this, the extreme weariness of his company, which crept over her before they had been out an hour, and which continued unceasingly to increase till they stopped in Pulteney Street again, induced her, in some small degree, to resist such high authority, and to distrust his powers of giving universal pleasure.

  • 未央留白


  • 惶然录


    《惶然录》的作者是费尔南多·佩索阿,编译为韩少功。《惶然录》收集了他晚期的随笔作品,都是一些“仿日记”的片断体……作者被当代评论家们誉为“欧洲现代主义的核心人物”,以及“杰出的经典作家”、 “最为动人的”、“最能深化人们心是”的写作者等等。
  • 佛说四泥犁经


  • 两个人不等于我们


  • 净土全书


  • 中国古代清官传(中国古代名人传奇丛书)


  • 中小学班会、队会的主题设计与组织


  • 扭曲


  • 瑜伽集要施食仪轨


  • 皮卡丘的进化冒险

