

"And so you know Glebeshire, Mr.Cardinal! Fancy! I've never been there--never been there in my life.Fancy that! Although so many of my relations live there.I once nearly went down, one wet Christmas, and I was going to stay with my aunt, but something happened to prevent me.I think I caught a cold at the time.I can't quite remember.But fancy you knowing Glebeshire so well!"All this came out in a voice that might have issued from a gramophone, so little did it represent Grace's real feelings or emotions.Maggie knew so well that inside her head these exclamations were rising and falling: "What a horrible man! What a dreadful man! Maggie's uncle! We're lost if any one calls! Oh! I do hope no one calls!"It was obvious meanwhile that Mathew was urgently wishing for a moment alone with Maggie.He looked at her with pleading eyes, and once he winked towards Grace.He talked on, however, running some of his words into one another and paying very little attention to anything that Grace might say: "No, I haven't seen my little niece, Miss Trenchard, for a long time--didn't like to interfere, in a way.

Thought she'd ask for me when she wanted me.We've always been the greatest friends.I'm a bachelor, you see--never married.Not that I'd like you to fancy that I've no interest in the other sex, far from it, but I'm a wanderer by nature.A wife in every port, perhaps.Well, who knows? But one's lonely at times, one is indeed.

A pretty tidy little place you've got here.Yes, you have--with a garden too."Paul came in, and Maggie saw him start as Mathew's stout figure surprised him.She felt then a rush of hostility against Paul.It was as though, at every point, she must run in fiercely to defend her uncle.

Meanwhile Grace's worst fears were realised.The little maid announced Miss Purves and Mrs.Maxse.A terrible half-hour followed.

Miss Purves, as soon as she understood that this strange man was Mrs.Trenchard's uncle, was all eager excitement, and Uncle Mathew, bewildered by so many strangers, confused by a little unsteadiness in his legs that would have been nothing had he not been in a small room crowded with furniture, finally clasped Mrs.Maxse by the shoulder in his endeavour to save himself from tumbling over the little table that held the cakes and bread-and-butter.His hot, heavy hand pressed into Mrs.Maxse's flesh, and Mrs.Maxse, terrified indeed, screamed.

He began to apologise, and in his agitation jerked Miss Purves' cup of tea from the table on to the floor.

After that he realised that it would be better for him to go.He began elaborate apologies.Paul saw him to the door.He gripped Paul by the hand."I'm delighted to have met you," he said in full hearing of the trembling ladies."You've given me such a good time.

Give my little Maggie a good time too.She's not looking over well.

Send her up to London to stay with me for a bit."Maggie saw him to the gate.In the middle of the little drive he stopped, turning towards her, leaning his hands heavily upon her.

"Maggie dear," he said, "I'm in a bad way, a very bad way.You won't desert me?""Of course I won't," she answered."I may want your help in a week or two."He looked dismally about him, at the thick, dull laurel bushes and the heavy, grey sky."I don't like this place, Maggie," he said, "and all those women.It's religion again, and it's worse than that Chapel.You don't seem to be able to get away from religion.You're not happy, my dear.""Yes, I am," she answered firmly.

"No, you're not.And I'm not.But it will be all right in the end, I've no doubt.You'll never desert me, Maggie.""I'll never desert you," Maggie answered.

He bent down and kissed her, his breath whisky-laden.She kissed him eagerly, tenderly.For a moment she felt that she would go with him, just as she was, and leave them all.

"Uncle," she said, "you understand how it is, don't you? We'd have asked you to stay if we'd known.""Oh, that's all right." He looked at her mysteriously."That new sister-in-law of yours was shocked with me.They wouldn't have me in the house.I saw that.And I only had one glass at the station.I'm not much of a man in society now.That's the trouble...But next time I'll come down and just send you a line and you'll come to see me in my own little place--won't you? I'm in the devil of a mess, Maggie, that's the truth, and I don't know how to get out of it.

I've been a bit of a fool, I have."

She saw the look of terror in his eye again.

"Would some money--" she suggested.

"Oh, I'm afraid it's past five pounds now, my dear." He sighed heavily."Well, I must be getting along.You'll catch your death of cold standing out here.We ought to have been together all this time, you know.It would have been better for both of us."He kissed her again and left her.She slowly returned into the house.Curiously, he had made her happier by his visit.Her pluck returned.She needed it.Grace was now stirred by the most active of all her passions--fear.

Nevertheless Grace and Paul behaved very well.Maggie understood the shock that visit must have given them.She watched Grace imagining the excited stories that would flow from the lips of Miss Purves and Mrs.Maxse.She was determined, however, that Grace and Paul should not suffer in silence--and Uncle Mathew must be vindicated.

At supper that night she plunged:

"Uncle Mathew's been very ill," she began, "for a long time now.He wasn't himself this afternoon, I'm afraid.He was very upset at some news that he'd just had.And then meeting so many strangers at once--"

Maggie saw that Grace avoided her eyes.

"I don't think we'll discuss it, Maggie, if you don't mind.Mr.

Cardinal was strange in his behaviour, certainly.It was a pity that Miss Purves came.But it's better not to discuss it.""I don't agree," said Maggie."If you think that I'm ashamed of Uncle Mathew you're quite wrong.He's very unhappy and lonely--" She felt her voice tremble."He hasn't got any one to look after him--"Grace's hand was trembling as she nervously crumbled her bread.

Still without looking at Maggie she said:

  • King Solomon's Mines

    King Solomon's Mines

  • 佛说缘起圣道经


  • Guy Mannering

    Guy Mannering

  • 佛说阿难七梦经


  • 言毒篇


  • 久爱不离,帝少的深情陷阱


  • 绝色养成妻:蜜糖小王妃


  • 南明副榜举人


  • 彼得原理:方法、实务、案例


  • 漫天星辰下的爱恋


  • 我曾这样深切爱过你


  • 大明海图志


  • 混迹在电影世界


  • 王明传


  • 南北欧现代著名作家(世界文学百科丛书)

