

It made her very nervous to hear him and not to see him; for, certainly, she told herself, she was not going out to look for him. When the supper bell rang and the boys came trooping in to get seats at the first table, she forgot all about her annoyance and ran to greet the tall-est of the crowd, in his conspicuous attire. She didn't mind showing her embarrassment at all.

She blushed and laughed excitedly as she gave Emil her hand, and looked delightedly at the black velvet coat that brought out his fair skin and fine blond head. Marie was incapable of being lukewarm about anything that pleased her. She simply did not know how to give a half-hearted response. When she was de-lighted, she was as likely as not to stand on her tip-toes and clap her hands. If people laughed at her, she laughed with them.

"Do the men wear clothes like that every day, in the street?" She caught Emil by his sleeve and turned him about. "Oh, I wish Ilived where people wore things like that! Are the buttons real silver? Put on the hat, please.

What a heavy thing! How do you ever wear it? Why don't you tell us about the bull-fights?"

She wanted to wring all his experiences from him at once, without waiting a moment. Emil smiled tolerantly and stood looking down at her with his old, brooding gaze, while the French girls fluttered about him in their white dresses and ribbons, and Alexandra watched the scene with pride. Several of the French girls, Marie knew, were hoping that Emil would take them to supper, and she was relieved when he took only his sister. Marie caught Frank's arm and dragged him to the same table, managing to get seats opposite the Bergsons, so that she could hear what they were talking about. Alexandra made Emil tell Mrs. Xavier Chevalier, the mother of the twenty, about how he had seen a famous matador killed in the bull-ring. Marie listened to every word, only taking her eyes from Emil to watch Frank's plate and keep it filled. When Emil finished his account,--bloody enough to satisfy Mrs. Xavier and to make her feel thankful that she was not a matador,--Marie broke out with a volley of questions. How did the women dress when they went to bull-fights? Did they wear man-tillas? Did they never wear hats?

After supper the young people played char-ades for the amusement of their elders, who sat gossiping between their guesses. All the shops in Sainte-Agnes were closed at eight o'clock that night, so that the merchants and their clerks could attend the fair. The auction was the liveliest part of the entertainment, for the French boys always lost their heads when they began to bid, satisfied that their extravagance was in a good cause. After all the pincushions and sofa pillows and embroidered slippers were sold, Emil precipitated a panic by taking out one of his turquoise shirt studs, which every one had been admiring, and handing it to the auc-tioneer. All the French girls clamored for it, and their sweethearts bid against each other recklessly. Marie wanted it, too, and she kept making signals to Frank, which he took a sour pleasure in disregarding. He didn't see the use of making a fuss over a fellow just because he was dressed like a clown. When the turquoise went to Malvina Sauvage, the French banker's daughter, Marie shrugged her shoulders and betook herself to her little tent of shawls, where she began to shuffle her cards by the light of a tallow candle, calling out, "Fortunes, for-tunes!"

The young priest, Father Duchesne, went first to have his fortune read. Marie took his long white hand, looked at it, and then began to run off her cards. "I see a long journey across water for you, Father. You will go to a town all cut up by water; built on islands, it seems to be, with rivers and green fields all about. And you will visit an old lady with a white cap and gold hoops in her ears, and you will be very happy there.""Mais, oui," said the priest, with a melan-choly smile. "C'est L'Isle-Adam, chez ma mere. Vous etes tres savante, ma fille." He patted her yellow turban, calling, "Venez donc, mes garcons! Il y a ici une veritable clairvoyante!"Marie was clever at fortune-telling, indulg-ing in a light irony that amused the crowd. She told old Brunot, the miser, that he would lose all his money, marry a girl of sixteen, and live happily on a crust. Sholte, the fat Russian boy, who lived for his stomach, was to be disap-pointed in love, grow thin, and shoot himself from despondency. Amedee was to have twenty children, and nineteen of them were to be girls. Amedee slapped Frank on the back and asked him why he didn't see what the fortune-teller would promise him. But Frank shook off his friendly hand and grunted, "She tell my fortune long ago; bad enough!" Then he withdrew to a corner and sat glowering at his wife.

  • 御制周颠仙人传


  • 太上洞真安灶经


  • 征南录


  • 太上老君戒经


  • Hunter Quatermain's Story

    Hunter Quatermain's Story

  • 原来我的身后一直有你在


  • 奇幻动物医生


  • 文昌杂录


  • 人类的创举(科学知识大课堂)


  • 逆流辉煌岁月


  • 重生过去有空间


    夏至没想到自己死后竟然重生在了这个缺医少药,勒紧裤腰带也吃不饱的年代,幸好有随身空间......夏至嫁给了一直喜欢她的大哥哥,婚 后,大哥哥把夏至宠上了天,本以为自此过上了幸福美满的日子;却没想到婆家却出了事…… ……………………………… 推荐小九的新书 《重生回到八十年代做学霸》
  • 萌妃倾城:王爷,请笑纳


  • 大唐咸鱼


  • 读者精品(人生点滴)


  • 莎士比亚书店


    《莎士比亚书店》是创办者毕奇小姐的回忆录,书中不仅讲述了书店经营中的欢乐、悲伤、成就、遗憾和与很多知名作家、艺术家交往的细节,也记录了20世纪二三十年代文化和社会变迁。 毕奇小姐以率直风趣的文笔,将繁华热闹的巴黎左岸风景徐徐展开:乔伊斯禁书《尤利西斯》的出版盛况;安塞尔《机械芭蕾》的疯狂演出;海明威解放剧院街的神勇英姿;顺着书店招牌爬上自己公寓的乔治`安太尔,醉酒差点跳下楼的菲兹杰拉德,拿乌龟捉弄人的纪德……守着这座书本砌成的城堡,一位单纯的爱书人西尔维亚毕奇,看遍作家百态,尝尽人世冷暖,见证一段以书结缘的文坛传奇。