

One evening, a week after Signa's wedding, Emil was kneeling before a box in the sitting-room, packing his books. From time to time he rose and wandered about the house, picking up stray volumes and bringing them listlessly back to his box. He was packing without enthusi-asm. He was not very sanguine about his fu-ture. Alexandra sat sewing by the table. She had helped him pack his trunk in the afternoon.

As Emil came and went by her chair with his books, he thought to himself that it had not been so hard to leave his sister since he first went away to school. He was going directly to Omaha, to read law in the office of a Swedish lawyer until October, when he would enter the law school at Ann Arbor. They had planned that Alexandra was to come to Michigan--a long journey for her--at Christmas time, and spend several weeks with him. Nevertheless, he felt that this leavetaking would be more final than his earlier ones had been; that it meant a definite break with his old home and the begin-ning of something new--he did not know what. His ideas about the future would not crystallize; the more he tried to think about it, the vaguer his conception of it became. But one thing was clear, he told himself; it was high time that he made good to Alexandra, and that ought to be incentive enough to begin with.

As he went about gathering up his books he felt as if he were uprooting things. At last he threw himself down on the old slat lounge where he had slept when he was little, and lay looking up at the familiar cracks in the ceiling.

"Tired, Emil?" his sister asked.

"Lazy," he murmured, turning on his side and looking at her. He studied Alexandra's face for a long time in the lamplight. It had never occurred to him that his sister was a handsome woman until Marie Shabata had told him so. Indeed, he had never thought of her as being a woman at all, only a sister. As he studied her bent head, he looked up at the picture of John Bergson above the lamp.

"No," he thought to himself, "she didn't get it there. I suppose I am more like that.""Alexandra," he said suddenly, "that old walnut secretary you use for a desk was father's, wasn't it?"Alexandra went on stitching. "Yes. It was one of the first things he bought for the old log house. It was a great extravagance in those days. But he wrote a great many letters back to the old country. He had many friends there, and they wrote to him up to the time he died.

No one ever blamed him for grandfather's dis-grace. I can see him now, sitting there on Sun-days, in his white shirt, writing pages and pages, so carefully. He wrote a fine, regular hand, almost like engraving. Yours is some-thing like his, when you take pains."

"Grandfather was really crooked, was he?""He married an unscrupulous woman, and then--then I'm afraid he was really crooked.

When we first came here father used to have dreams about making a great fortune and going back to Sweden to pay back to the poor sailors the money grandfather had lost."Emil stirred on the lounge. "I say, that would have been worth while, wouldn't it?

Father wasn't a bit like Lou or Oscar, was he?

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  • 不必去做


  • 请君入劫


  • 天昏黎明


  • 染云缘


    她是50世纪的天娇,一朝穿越,魂附名满京城的痴傻公主身上。 当清冷的眸子绽放出耀人的光芒,天下棋局,风云已动。 他是权势滔天的王,冷酷无情。可当她的匕首抵住了他的颈脉,薄唇轻勾。引发了怎样的惊世情缘? 血月当空,他一袭白衣,风华绝代,映入她异色双眸,成为不死不灭的印,刻在她心中涟漪之上,挥之不去。 他勾唇缓缓一笑,没有那些海枯石烂的誓言保证,暗紫色的眸子倒映出眼前的人,再,容不下其他。 片段: 山洞之内,男子抱着一个血人,眼角微红: “怎么救她?” “需要一个人和她签订生死契约,承担伤势,若稍有不慎……筋脉尽毁,灵力全废。” 此话一出,他身旁那两个下属几乎下意识的上前一步,想要挺身而出。 “退下。” 男子的目光半刻不离怀中的人,声音带着几分嘶哑: “我来。” 无论如何,我只要你安好,不管付出什么代价,你也绝不能有半点意外。 有我在,就算你死,也要看我同不同意,如若不能同生,那我便陪你一起,共赴九幽黄泉。简介无能,请看正文。 本文不虐无误会,男女主双强双洁双宠,身心干净1v1,小可爱们点个收藏吖~~
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  • 金匮方歌括


  • 陪孩子轻松走过高三


  • 我的性别是假的


    你想象过,如果你可以改变性别,会怎样生活?会成为什么样的人吗?你想象过,如果你可以穿越,会怎样生存?会拥有什么样的生活吗? ?????????????????? 我在生产事故中意外穿越,与丈夫天各一方,却奇迹般的在神海相遇,然而两方世界竟有着让人无法接受的时间差,为了活下去,为了可以更长久的陪伴家人,我必须去往残酷的修仙世界冒险,去寻找悠久的寿命,长生
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