

"Why should I not marry him?" she asked of her own heart; and, with the utmost skill, she applied herself to the execution of her design;for the idea of being a duchess, with an income of two hundred thousand francs, was a most fascinating one.But how was she to meet Norbert? And how bring over the money-raking Duke to her side? Before, however, she could decide on any plan, she felt that she must see Norbert.He was pointed out to her one day at Mass, and she was struck by his beauty and by an ease of manner which even his shabby dress could not conceal.By the quick perception which many women possess, she dived into Norbert's inmost soul; she felt that he had suffered, and her sympathy for him brought with it the dawn of love, and by the time she had left the chapel she had registered a solemn vow that she would one day be Norbert's wife.But she did not acquaint her parents with this determination on her part, preferring to carry out her plans without any aid or advice.Mademoiselle Diana was shrewd and practical, and not likely to err from want of judgment.The frank and open expression of her features concealed a mind of superior calibre, and one which well knew how to weigh the advantages of social rank and position.She affected a sudden sympathy with the poor, and visited them constantly, and might be frequently met in the lanes carrying soup and other comforts to them.Her father declared, with a laugh, that she ought to have been a Sister of Charity, and did not notice the fact that all Diana's pensioners resided in the vicinity of Champdoce.But it was in vain that she wandered about, continually changing the hour of her visits.The "Savage of Champdoce" was not to be seen, nor was he even a regular attendant at Mass.At last a mere trifle changed the whole current of the young man's existence; for, a week after the conversation in which the Duke had laid bare his scheme to his son, he again referred to it, after their dinner, which they had partaken of at the same table with forty laborers, who had been hired to get in the harvest.

"You need not, my son," began the old gentleman, "go back with the laborers to-day.""But, sir--"

"Allow me to continue, if you please.My confidential conversation with you the other night was merely a preliminary to my telling you that for the future I did not expect you to toil as hard as you had hitherto done, for I wish you to perform a duty less laborious, but more responsible; you will for the future act as farm-bailiff."Norbert looked up suddenly into his father's face.

"For I wish you to become accustomed to independent action, so that at my death your sudden liberty may not intoxicate you."The Duke then rose from his seat, and took a highly finished gun from a cupboard.

"I have been very much pleased with you for some time past," said he, "and this is a sign of my satisfaction.The gamekeeper has brought in a thoroughly trained dog, which will also be yours.Shoot as much as you like, and, as you cannot go about without money in your pocket, take this, but be careful of it; for remember that extravagance on your part will procrastinate the day upon which our descendants will resume their proper station in the world."The Duke spoke for some time longer, but his son paid no heed to his words, and was too much astonished to accept the six five-franc pieces which his father tendered to him.

"I suppose," said the Duke at last in angry accents, "that you will have the grace to thank me.""You will find that I am not ungrateful," stammered Norbert, aroused by this reproach.

The Duke turned away impatiently.

"What has the boy got into his head now?" muttered he.

It was owing to the advice of the priest of Bevron that the Duke had acted as he had done; but this indulgence came too late, for Norbert's detestation of his tyrant was too deeply buried in his heart to be easily eradicated.

A gun was not such a wonderful present after all--a matter of a few francs, perhaps.Had the Duke offered him the means of a better education, it would be a different matter; but as it was, he would still remain the "Young Savage of Champdoce."However, Norbert took advantage of the permission accorded to him, and rambled daily over the estate with his gun and his dog Bruno, to which he had become very much attached.His thoughts often wandered to Daumon; but he had made inquiries, and had heard that the Counsellor was a most dangerous man, who would stick at nothing; but for all that, he had made up his mind to go back to him again for further advice, though his better nature warned him of the precipice on the brink of which he was standing.

  • 青箱杂记


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    The Damnation of Theron Ware

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    她,是二十一世纪的神秘杀手,她,是圣皇大陆的远近驰名的废物,易是圣宇国的欧阳丞相府的三小姐,从小被比自己地位还要底的大人欺凌,被世人所看不起;当她变成她,看她如何打破这世间世人的眼睛,且看她如何收服这世人眼中那不可遥望的、不可亵渎的神秘大国师!!!(宝宝是一个简介废,也不知道自己要写什么o( ̄ヘ ̄o))(写得超烂,别看了,怕吓到你们(?ω?))
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