

His progress was noiseless and he came at last, undetected, to the windows of the upper level.These, like several of the others he had passed at lower levels, were heavily barred, so that there was no possibility of his gaining ingress to the apartment where Tara was confined.Darkness hid the interior behind the first window that he approached.The second opened upon a lighted chamber where he could see a guard sleeping at his post outside a door.Here also was the top of the runway leading to the next level below.Passing still farther around the tower Gahan approached another window, but now he clung to that side of the tower which ended in a courtyard a hundred feet below and in a short time the light of Thuria would reach him.He realized that he must hasten and he prayed that behind the window he now approached he would find Tara of Helium.

Coming to the opening he looked in upon a small chamber dimly lighted.In the center was a sleeping dais upon which a human form lay beneath silks and furs.A bare arm, protruding from the coverings, lay exposed against a black and yellow striped orluk skin--an arm of wondrous beauty about which was clasped an armlet that Gahan knew.No other creature was visible within the chamber, all of which was exposed to Gahan's view.Pressing his face to the bars the Gatholian whispered her dear name.The girl stirred, but did not awaken.Again he called, but this time louder.Tara sat up and looked about and at the same instant a huge eunuch leaped to his feet from where he had been lying on the floor close by that side of the dais farthest from Gahan.

Simultaneously the brilliant light of Thuria flashed full upon the window where Gahan clung silhouetting him plainly to the two within.

Both sprang to their feet.The eunuch drew his sword and leaped for the window where the helpless Gahan would have fallen an easy victim to a single thrust of the murderous weapon the fellow bore, had not Tara of Helium leaped upon her guard dragging him back.At the same time she drew the slim dagger from its hiding place in her harness and even as the eunuch sought to hurl her aside its keen point found his heart.Without a sound he died and lunged forward to the floor.Then Tara ran to the window.

"Turan, my chief!" she cried."What awful risk is this you take to seek me here, where even your brave heart is powerless to aid me.""Be not so sure of that, heart of my heart," he replied."While Ibring but words to my love, they be the forerunner of deeds, Ihope, that will give her back to me forever.I feared that you might destroy yourself, Tara of Helium, to escape the dishonor that O-Tar would do you, and so I came to give you new hope and to beg that you live for me through whatever may transpire, in the knowledge that there is yet a way and that if all goes well we shall be freed at last.Look for me in the throne room of O-Tar the night that he would wed you.And now, how may we dispose of this fellow?" He pointed to the dead eunuch upon the floor.

"We need not concern ourselves about that," she replied."None dares harm me for fear of the wrath of O-Tar--otherwise I should have been dead so soon as ever I entered this portion of the palace, for the women hate me.O-Tar alone may punish me, and what cares O-Tar for the life of a eunuch? No, fear not upon this score."Their hands were clasped between the bars and now Gahan drew her nearer to him.

"One kiss," he said, "before I go, my princess," and the proud daughter of Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium, and The Warlord of Barsoom whispered: "My chieftain!" and pressed her lips to the lips of Turan, the common panthan.

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